The villain is whitewashed: the heroine regrets it

Chapter 102 About Huoxin and Long Yuanzhao's Past

When Long Yuanzhao found Si Ruo, he found that she was standing on the side of the road with several junior sisters, listening intently to a storyteller telling a story. He walked up to Si Ruo and asked, "So you are all here!"

Si Ruo, who was listening to the story, was taken aback by Long Yuanzhao. She covered her chest and said angrily, "Do you walk silently? I was almost scared to death by you. Didn't you go shopping with Junior Sister Xueru? Why... Seeing Xueru and Cheng Jiansheng's Enaiai couldn't bear it anymore, and I became jealous, so I ran to my senior sister to find comfort."

"I'm jealous of Cheng Xingdu?" Long Yuanzhao curled his lips and said disdainfully: "He deserves it too."

Seeing Long Yuanzhao coming, those junior sisters said excitedly: "Long Bing, Long Bing, this storyteller is exactly what you said! Why do you know more than Cheng Juggernaut?"

Long Yuanzhao was furious when he heard it: "What do you mean I know more than Cheng Juggernaut? Can't I know more than him?"

The junior sisters realized that they had said something wrong, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Long Bing, we just think that as a son of a noble family, Lue Li should not be as rich as a wandering swordsman like Cheng Jiansheng!"

"I accept your apology." Long Yuanzhao was very tolerant towards the group of junior sisters, but in a blink of an eye he changed into that laughing and cynical face, and he asked casually, "What did Mr. Storyteller say just now?"

All the juniors and sisters replied in a hurry: "He said that the Xingyue Ghost Flower was transformed from the heart and soul of the Misleading Banshee. It's the same as what you said!"

Long Yuanzhao simply said "oh", then stood beside Si Ruo and listened to them together. The storyteller told the past of Wangling City that happened hundreds of years ago in a clear voice.

"In other words, after the demon king's marriage proposal to the Confused Banshee was rejected, he became furious and personally led a million-strong army to kill Wangling City, and the Puzzling Banshee is also a woman with a strong personality. The demon clan fights against the Demon Emperor, and she even stood on the top of the city and shouted to the Demon Emperor, even if her soul is broken, she will never marry him as a concubine."

The junior sister couldn't help clapping her hands and applauding: "What a bewitching banshee, I didn't expect that there are such heroines in the demon clan."

Si Ruo rolled his eyes at his junior sister and said, "Don't think too much of the Yaozu just because it is an enemy. If the Yaozu doesn't have strong people, how can they fight us for thousands of years?"

The junior sister scratched her head in embarrassment and said coquettishly: "Senior sister, I understand."

Another junior sister asked the storyteller anxiously: "Sir, what happened later, did the Bewitching Banshee fall into the hands of the Demon Emperor?"

The storyteller said: "Of course not. Just when Wangling City was about to be breached, Lord Supreme led the army of Tianji Longji, Xingyue Jiancheng finally arrived at Wangling City, and the Banshee and Lord Supreme joined forces. Together, they defeated the mighty Demon Emperor, and later, in order to repay the life-saving grace of the Supreme One, the Confused Banshee led the entire Wangling City's demon clan to join the Tianji Dragon Spine."

"Then...then, what happened to the Supreme One and Huo Xin?"

"Later, the story entered a turning point. The Bewitching Banshee was shaken when she saw that the Supreme One was so heroic and had been silent for hundreds of years."

Long Yuanzhao coughed violently when he heard the words: "Ahem..."

The junior sister who was fascinated by the sound said strangely: "Long Bing, what's wrong with you, we heard it wonderfully, sir... sir, is the Supreme One and the Banshee together?"

Si Ruo patted Long Yuanzhao on the back and worried: "Junior Brother Long, are you okay!"

Long Yuanzhao hurriedly said: "It's okay! It's okay!"

The storyteller continued: "The bewitching banshee inquired about Lord Supreme, and she was ecstatic when she found out that Lord Supreme had just divorced his wife Quan Ning, so she wrote a long letter to Lord Supreme. The courtship letter, the beguiling banshee thinks that she is the most beautiful woman in the demon clan, and the Supreme One will definitely accept her, but who knows that after waiting for half a year, she still hasn't received a reply from the Supreme One."

"She couldn't hold back her impatience and wrote another letter to the Supreme One. This second letter still didn't get any response. She wrote the third letter, the fourth letter, and finally got it until she wrote the tenth letter. I received a few replies from the Supreme One, in which the Supreme One declined the Bewitching Banshee on the grounds that she had just divorced."

"Why is it like this?" All the junior sisters were disappointed when they heard that the story ended like this: "The Supreme One is too heartless. The girls put down their faces and pursued him. He either avoided or refused. What does it mean?"

Si Ruo said: "As the ruler of the Shenlong Continent, the Supreme One, how can you say that you get married when you get married."

The storyteller nodded appreciatively when he heard what Siruo said, "This girl is right, how could the cultivation world of the Shenlong Continent allow a monster race to be its mistress? Married, the child born is a lowly half-demon, and it is precisely because the Supreme One understands all kinds of difficulties that he did not agree to the courtship of the bewitching banshee."

Off-screen, Zhao Jinfan's body trembled faintly when she heard these words, she gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Is a half-demon low?"

Si Ruo sighed: "Love is separated by mountains and seas, and mountains and seas cannot be flattened. If the Supreme One and the Mischievous Banshee are just a pair of ordinary people, they may still be together, but their identities are so special that they are destined to have no relationship."

The juniors and sisters were like chickens, chirping and asking: "Sir, what happened later... What happened later? Why did the Supreme One want to execute the tempting banshee who loves him! Why did he do such a cruel thing?"

The storyteller said in a sad tone: "Later, the bewitching banshee turned from love to hatred..."


"Miss Su, the magnificent house in front is the City Lord's Hall, and the City Lord has been waiting for you for a long time."

Su Xueru saw that the deacons stopped one after another, she wondered, "Aren't you going in?"

"No...the city lord has an order to only allow you, Miss Su, to enter alone."

Su Xueru was a little skeptical when she heard the words, but she changed her mind and thought that she was the closed disciple of Immortal Master Xiuqi, and the relationship between Master and the Supreme One was so good, Song Xiuming should not harm herself, so she took the Bishuang sword and strode away go in.

She pushed open the heavy door and saw Song Xiuming sitting alone in the moonlight in a daze, his appearance actually made people feel a little heartbroken.

When Song Xiuming heard the voice, he turned his head and saw that it was Su Xueru who came. He stood up excitedly, and tremblingly said, "Li...Miss Su, you are finally here."

He looked shy and excited, like an innocent boy who saw his goddess.

Su Xueru sensed that there was something wrong with Song Xiuming's tone, but she didn't think too much about it: "I don't know what the city lord is looking for Xueru for?"

"Sit down first... let's talk slowly."

Su Xueru sat down and looked around the hall curiously. She saw that the surroundings were covered with pearl-woven curtains, and there was a huge crystal lamp in the middle. Even the floor was made of high-quality white jade. The red pillars were carved with delicate flower patterns. There are coquettish flowers in front, and white smoke rises from the incense burner on the stage.

Su Xueru felt that this hall was extremely extravagant and corrupt, and had an indescribable special lust, and always felt that it was not a place for men to live.

Song Xiuming noticed that Su Xueru was frowning slightly, and he explained with a smile: "This hall was originally the residence of the Suspicious Banshee, and the Suspicious Banshee is a charming and charming woman, so she designed the hall as a so."

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