It was Haishi when Long Ying came out of the general's room. She looked at the bright crescent moon in the sky and couldn't help but sigh!

Long Yuanzhao, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, came out, and he asked with concern: "Yinger, is there something going on in Weiyang Town?"

Seeing Long Yuanzhao, Long Ying said in surprise, "To...Master Supreme, have you been waiting for me?"

Long Yuanzhao said with a smile: "Long Jing'an, an old fool, has arranged such a hard job for you, can I not come to help you? He also doesn't want to think that the one who is eligible to participate in the ranking competition is not a golden branch and jade leaf in the sect , if these people make a mistake, how will we explain it to Tianji Longji?"

Long Ying said: "Master Supreme, I will do my best to ensure their safety."

"Don't embarrass yourself too much. This matter has nothing to do with you. If there is no accident, we have already met in Hanging City." Long Yuanzhao thought for a while and said: "Yinger, you must remember Stay a little longer, you are the young master of our Tianji Longji, the only heir of me, Long Yuanzhao, and you are the most precious among these people, so you must not put yourself in danger just to save them."

"Master Supreme!" Long Ying's eyes turned red when she heard the words, as if she was about to cry.

Long Yuanzhao asked again: "Ying'er, is there something wrong in Weiyang Town?"

Long Ying wiped the corners of her eyes and said: "No, General Zhang said that everything is normal there, most of the monsters have been expelled, but I don't know what's going on in my heart, and I'm always anxious."

Long Yuanzhao pondered for a moment and said, "I found a spy from the Yaozu when I was on my way today."

"Spies from the Yaozu? Could it be that the Yaozu did this?"

"I don't know. He is too far away. I can only hear some useless conversations. However, this matter is probably related to the Yaozu. At that time, I was afraid of causing a commotion, so I didn't shout out on the spot."

Lin Xiao couldn't understand: "Didn't Long Yuanzhao not hear the conversation between Hu Yuqing and the Yaozu princess? Why did it appear in the screen?"

Quan Ning explained: "Maybe this is just an insignificant matter to Long Yuanzhao. He has forgotten the specific details, and then his brain automatically fills in this blank memory based on what happened later. Bar!"

"So that's it!" Lin Xiao supported his chin and understood! : "According to what you said, what happened later must be the monster clan's attack and Long Ying was ambushed."

In the picture, Long Ying is squatting on the cold stone steps thinking about what to do, while Long Yuanzhao is silently sitting beside her and accompanying her.

The current situation is more complicated than Long Ying imagined. To be on the safe side, Long Ying suggested to Long Yuanzhao: "Master Supreme... Let's explain the situation to them and go back!"

Long Yuanzhao sneered: "Do you think you can persuade this group of passionate idiots? Don't think that others will obey you in everything because they regard you as a goddess. Yinger, you have to be vigilant towards everyone." Heart, because I was stabbed by the person I trusted the most."

Long Ying knew what Long Yuanzhao was referring to, she obediently put her head on Long Yuanzhao's lap and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

"Let these cute idiots go. In fact, I discovered very early on that the younger generation is so well protected, just like flowers in a greenhouse. Although they look beautiful through the glass, once they are placed It won't be long before they die in the wild, let them go through a trial of blood and fire."

Long Ying worried: "But... what if something happens to these people, and their sect finds trouble with our Tianji Longji?"

"Hahaha..." Long Yuanzhao said to himself: "On this continent, no one dares to trouble Tianji Longji. Only I, the Supreme, trouble others."

Long Yuanzhao, who was far away in the Hanging City, had already learned about this matter through his avatar, and he pondered: "What are these monsters going to do? Are they going to wipe out all the young talents of our Shenlong Continent?"

"Hmph! Then let's see who gets into whose urn in this round!" Long Yuanzhao shouted outside: "Dragon Jue!"

"Your subordinate is here!" Long Jue opened the door and entered the main hall and said respectfully: "What is the matter for the Supreme One to call your subordinate?"

"I order you to lead an army to Weiyang Town immediately, and wipe out all the monsters nearby."

"Yes!" Long Jue got up and left the hall to dispatch troops.

As for the avatar, Long Yuanzhao and others traveled for another day and night after leaving Jiang'an Temple and finally arrived at Weiyang Town. Long Ying came to Weiyang Town and was not in a hurry to arrange tasks. After learning about the situation in detail, the defenders divided the crowd into two teams according to the current distribution of monsters. The first team went to the east to wipe out the monsters, and the second team went to the west to kill the monsters. Long Ying led the team in person, while Su Xueru was dragged to the second team by Cheng Xingdu, Long Yuanzhao hesitated for a long time and finally decided to be in the second team with Su Xueru, because Long Ying was too good, she could do well without Long Yuanzhao's protection Yes, but Su Xueru is different, Su Xueru is a simple girl now, she has no ability to protect herself when encountering difficulties, Long Yuanzhao really can't let go.

Su Xueru saw Long Yuanzhao coming by herself, she nervously grabbed Cheng Xingdu's arm: "Brother Cheng, that person is coming again, why doesn't he go east to be with Young Master Long, that would be safer ?"

Cheng Xingdu said: "Xueru, you don't have to worry, we are all acting together and he dare not mess around."

Seeing Su Xueru holding Cheng Xingdu's arm, Long Yuanzhao felt like a thorn in his heart. He couldn't understand why the more he stopped, the closer the two of them got. Long Yuanzhao said in his heart for the third time: " Su Xueru absolutely cannot be made to fall in love with Cheng Xingdu."

Just as his eyes were fixed on Su Xueru, he was patted on the shoulder by someone who didn't know how light or hard, and when he turned his head, he saw Ning Yun's face that was close at hand.

Ning Yun said to him with great interest: "So you like that woman, but it's a pity that she seems to have her own name, hahaha..."

Long Yuanzhao was in a mess, he pushed Ning Yun violently: "You know what a fart!"

Ning Yun was pushed to the ground without any defense, but she was not angry. Instead, she said to Long Yuanzhao proudly as if she had won a battle: "How pitiful! The person I like doesn't like me, she likes others , I’m like a clown! It’s so uncomfortable, my heart hurts so much!”

"The person you like doesn't like you, why cry in front of me? Let me tell you that I won't sympathize with you."

"The clown I'm talking about is you!" Ning Yun patted her buttocks and stood up. She put her hands on Long Yuanzhao's shoulders familiarly, and stared at Su Xueru with affection: "But I will I sympathize with you, hey! What a beautiful beauty, that soft body will be very comfortable if you hold her in your arms and rub her hard, but unfortunately I can't hold her anymore, and of course you can't hold her either, because... Because she obviously has fallen in love with that... the man next to her."

Ning Yun believed that Long Yuanzhao had a crush on Su Xueru, so in order to get revenge on Long Yuanzhao, she tried her best to taunt him in this direction: "How can she fall in love with such a silver-shaped pewter gun head, oh,'s really a flower stuck in a flower. On cow dung!"

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