He still looked at Yan Ren's palm-turned jade seal for a long time, then he raised his head and looked at Yan Ren. His eagle-like eyes were full of joy.

The joy is like waves of waves, one layer rushes to the next, and one layer is stronger than the other.

Yan Ren watched him raise his head, his eyes were full of joy, and a smile appeared on his face. Qianying Xu must have thought of a solution.

With a solution, Yan Ren was of course happy.

So he asked, "What? Is there a way?"

Qian Yingxu nodded, with a smile on her face.

"There's always a solution!" he said.

"It's always been there?" Yan Ren stared at him and said, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

He was a little angry.

Qian Yingxu didn't respond to Yan Ren's anger, but said, "Why should I say that?"

"You..." Yan Ren's eyes widened, staring at Qian Yingxu tightly.

Qian Yingxu didn't retreat, but raised his head slightly, he was not as tall as Yan Ren, and only by raising his head could he meet Yan Ren's eyes.

He raised his head slightly, and looked at Yan Ren, and his eagle-like eyes immediately exuded an aura, a very cold aura.

"Hmph!" Yan Ren couldn't help snorting, and then backed away.

He couldn't resist Qian Yingxu's aura at all, and the thing on his chest seemed to be out of order at this moment, it would occasionally out of order, which was actually nothing, for Yan Ren, it didn't matter whether he had this thing There is not much relationship, at most it is something more sinister.

But after all, she was the one who gave the things, and she also asked him to bring them when he came to Qianying Mansion, so he just took them.

The thing on his chest was out of order, and it didn't help Yan Ren withstand the aura exuded by Qian Yingxu, and with Yan Ren's own ability, he couldn't block Qian Yingxu's aura, and then he stepped back, just Qian Yingxu didn't think about hurting him, Qian Yingxu probably couldn't bear to hurt herself.

Qian Yingxu didn't think about hurting him, but just used that momentum to push Yan Ren back against the wall, and then the ground he crossed collapsed, and there were bursts of muffled noises.

It was the sound of the earth, and then the earth vibrated, and there was another sound, which was more violent than the sound just now, as if he had been seriously injured, and then he couldn't help it, and screamed in pain.

No, the apprentice was seriously injured, but he didn't bleed.

Yan Ren frowned. He was not injured, but was pushed against the wall.

He got off the wall, then squatted down, gently stroking the land under his feet, gently stroking the land that was injured because of him, frowning tightly.

"Sorry!" he said.

Then he stood up, looked at Qian Yingxu who was not far away, and walked towards Qian Yingxu with big strides.

Qian Yingxu didn't go to see him. To Qian Yingxu, Yan Ren is a weak person, but he is useful and still useful, otherwise he would have killed Yan Ren long ago.

But he didn't think he would really kill Qianying, because he didn't dare to do it. His beloved little baby——Qianyingluo liked Yan Ren very much, and he was afraid that he would kill Yan Ren. Qian Yingluo will be very sad.

well!well!well!Every time he thinks about this incident, Qian Yingxu will feel dizzy, and he is worried, what if Yan Ren can't achieve what he wants?If so, what should I do?Kill, can't kill!Then driving him out is actually not acceptable, because my beloved little baby is determined to marry Yan Ren.

So in fact, no matter what the result is this time, Qian Yingxu will not attack Yan Ren, even if he wants to kill him.And she will marry Qian Yingluo to Yan Ren, who told me that she is such a darling.

But now Qianying Xu doesn't need to be bothered, because Yan Ren has already met his own requirements, so he is very happy now, of course he is very happy in his heart, and now his face is still stern, and he can't let this kid see that he is very happy. Be happy, otherwise you will lose face.

So he didn't go to see Yan Ren, in fact, many times, he didn't go to see Yan Ren, not because he wanted to do anything, he just didn't want Yan Ren to see what he was thinking, so he lowered his head or turned around.

And he has a very bad thing, that is, he can't hold his emotions for too long, that is to say, he is now pretending to kill people with arrogance, but in fact there is still a jumping monster hidden in his heart, Although this monster will occasionally jump up and kill.

But usually he is very talkative, treat people kindly.

It's just that today he wants to pretend, he has to pretend.

So he turned around and didn't look at Yan Ren, but Yan Ren was walking towards him step by step, very imposing.

Of course Qian Yingxu had a look of disdain.

And then he gets the mood he's supposed to be in right now, and he turns around with a smile on his face, it's a sneer, a cold smile.

He looked at Yan Ren, his eagle-like eyes were full of disdain, and his whole body exuded an aura, an aura of dominating the world.

He seemed to be looking down on Yan Ren from a height.

As Yan Ren walked forward, he only felt that the weight on his body was getting heavier, as if a thousand catties were weighing on him.

The ground under his feet collapsed, and he sank in, and the ground made muffled noises again.

That was the cry of the earth again.

Yan Ren's brows were still tightly frowned.

But he still bites? , the veins in his hands burst out, and he got up from the sinking ground.

The weight on him still hasn't abated.

But he had already climbed up from the sinking, and then he raised his head and glanced at Qian Yingxu who seemed to be high above, bloodshot eyes burst out.

He got up from the sinking, and then barely straightened his waist, then he clenched his fists tightly, and walked forward.

He didn't believe it, he didn't believe that he couldn't bear the pressure, he didn't believe that he couldn't walk in front of Qian Yingxu.

He wanted to go in front of Qian Yingxu right now and punch him hard.

So he clenched his fists tightly, and walked towards Qian Yingxu step by step.

And the pressure on his body became heavier and heavier, layer by layer.

The weight on his body now is several times that of the beginning, that is to say, it was one thousand just now, and now it is three thousand catties.

But now his feeling is not as uncomfortable as before. Maybe he is used to it, or maybe his heart is a little stronger, and he has the desire to move forward, so the pressure is not worth mentioning.

He just walked towards Qianying Xu step by step.

Wherever he walked, the land collapsed, and there was a muffled cry from the land.

Every time he took a step, the ground collapsed, and he sank into it, but in the next moment, he got up from the sinking ground, and then moved forward, and then walked towards Qian Yingxu.

There were many cracks on his body, and blood flowed out.

Because the weight on his body was getting heavier and heavier, his skin was crushed, and the blood flowed down like this, seeping into his clothes.

He is still walking forward, falling down, sinking in, getting up again, walking forward again, falling down, sinking in, getting up again, and walking forward again.

He was like this, he was walking towards Qian Yingxu like this.

Qian Yingxu also looked at him like this, her body was constantly exuding an aura, the aura of the king's presence in the world was exuding, at first it was just rushing towards Yan Ren, but now it filled the whole room, and the pressure was getting heavier and heavier. The stronger it is, it's just that the weight is only on Yan Ren, while other things in the room are not affected.

From this point of view, how accurate is Qian Yingxu's control of this momentum.

Also from the side, Qian Yingxu's strength is highlighted.

It should be said that Yan Ren has lived for more than ten years, and Qian Yingxu is the most powerful person he has met, and there is no one.

But he still went on, step by step.

Qian Yingxu still looked at it like this, the disdain in her eyes and the sneer on her face remained undiminished, but became stronger.

"You will die, if you walk down like this, you will die!" Qian Yingxu said coldly.

But on his forehead, cold sweat was dripping down.

He can start to worry, although he can control the momentum very accurately, but he doesn't know the extent of Yan Ren's endurance, he is afraid that if he lifts the pressure again like this, Yan Ren will die, so Will die in his aura.

Drops of cold sweat slid down his forehead and hit the ground.

And Yan Ren walked towards him step by step, blood was also dripping on his body, dripping down, also falling on the ground.

Wherever he went, there was blood.

The ground shook violently, not because it felt pain.

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