
meat rack.

There are also some kings who are eager to try.

There was a sly light in the wind wolf's eyes, and he didn't rush out. The slime monster stared at the figure dancing flames in front of the fire frame. Its body was also constantly changing under the cover of the forest leaves. After a while, it unexpectedly It became exactly the same as the guy holding the meat stick, but it was not in a hurry, its figure flashed, and it turned into an ordinary hunting cat again, sucking a poisonous weed beside it Into its own body, the hunting cat walked towards the grand barbecue venue in a leisurely manner.

"Send it to the kings!" Wang Dong handed the barbecue in his hand to the hunting cats who were waiters.

The production method of the assembly line, because of the lack of manpower, he also hired a few young monkeys as helpers. The adult monkeys have really bad tempers, and it is difficult for them to make this kind of barbecue that requires slow work and meticulous work.

Fortunately, the tempers of these little guys have not been too much influenced by their parents.

The hunter cats delivered the barbecue to the table one by one.

After Wang Dong ordered a few more words, he walked down from the barbecue grill and sat next to Miss Hunting Elvis. Wang Dong's eyes carefully looked at the monster kings around him.

"Do you think it will appear?" Miss Cat chatted with the kings about some gossip that happened in the woods recently while eating barbecue, while nervously asking Wang Dong questions.

Wang Dong stretched out his furry paws and scratched his cheek.

"Probably, but it is also possible to go to their territory..."

"Hey, can you stop being so unreliable? If something goes wrong, I have to apologize to them!"

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Wang Dong smiled and waved his hands quickly. He put his arms around the Explosive Monkey, which was about the same size as him, and shouted, "Drink, eat!"

Explosive Monkey raised the barbecue in his hand and waved it excitedly, but seeing that Wang hadn't touched it, he immediately pulled a barbecue leg from the back of a passing kitten.

"Come! Eat!" Exploding Monkey stuffed the barbecue in his hand to Wang Dong.

Sniffing, Wang Dong pushed the barbecue forward a few times: "I still have to watch the fire, you guys eat first, I won't be too late when the roast is almost done!"

"Don't! Just leave it to those boys! Don't worry! Even if I ordered them to eat another 1 bear bile, they wouldn't dare to steal it!" Exploding Monkey patted his chest and promised.

"Hey! Dead monkey! What are you talking about?" The angry bear beside him slapped the stone table in front of him fiercely.

"Ahem...uh haha! Brother Xiong, what I said is that even if you give them 1 gallbladders, you won't dare to steal them... You heard it wrong, you heard it wrong." The Explosive Monkey King grinned and called road.

As a king, this guy can control his temper better than the average Explosive Monkey.

"This doesn't work either! The children of our bear family only want to want it! There is nothing you dare to do! You guys, go! Help you Brothers of the Explosive Monkey to control the fire!" Dadi Nuxiong instructed several children around him.

Wang Dong looked at the bear.

To say that this is the only one who brought his family with him this time, and it looks like that bear is also a henpecked master.

"Little brother, why don't you eat it? Why don't you give me and Brother Explosive Monkey such a face?" Dadi Nuxiong watched with satisfaction as his child crawled to the side of several Explosive Monkeys and began to operate the barbecue table slowly. .

"Ah? Oh! Eat, eat, I'll eat!" Wang Dong hurriedly snatched the barbecue from Baohou's hand and ate it hungrily.

All these scenes were watched by the hunting cat sitting far away from the venue.

"Googoo..." The cat made such a voice, half a leaf that had not been completely crushed was still stuck to his hand, the cat had an unnatural smirk on its face, and in the sight of the hunter cat, sitting The figure in front of the stage suddenly stood up from his position, covered his belly with both hands, and ran towards the direction that the kings couldn't see.

"Cuckoo!" Hunter Cat immediately shouted excitedly.

Hastily chasing after the figure that disappeared in the woodland, as if performing a ground escape technique, the hunting cat quickly caught up with the figure.

At this time, that figure was squatting in a deserted forest with dense leaves, howling uncontrollably.

"Ouch, this meat tastes good, but it's easy to eat too quickly... Ouch, my stomach..."

This wail was followed by a loud "puff puff" sound.

Now, even the Hunting Cat showed a bit of distaste.

However, even so, the cat still held back the strong nausea and leaned towards the figure.

"What!" But the figure squatting on the ground was not a vegetarian. No matter how light the hunting cat's steps were, it still caused a little trouble.

But at this time, the distance between the two parties was only one hand.

"Clatter!" The vegetation shook suddenly, and the hunting cat showed its minions!
The figure squatting on the ground also offered its sharp claws at the same time, the hair on its body fluttered, and slammed into the claws that the cat had grabbed.

Available in the next second.

The cat's paw suddenly turned into a ball of flowing mucus and stuck to the target's palm.

"You finally appeared!" But the figure didn't panic, as the mucus stuck to his palm, a strong flow of magic power followed!

The mucus was instantly freed by him.

"Cuckoo!" But the monster didn't want to give up the target, and the next moment, his body was chasing without any resistance at all.

It's just that the opponent is full of magic power, the monster can't find any breakthrough, and the stalemate between the two sides gradually comes down.

"Gululu——" But at such a critical juncture, the magical figure couldn't help shaking his body, and the magical air flow on his body shrank unsteadily.

The slime monster's brain shook suddenly, and its figure flashed, like a net covering the sky, it turned towards the figure as a hood.

"Ouch!" The figure suddenly fell backwards.

The mucus instantly trapped his hands and feet, leaving him no gaps at all. After a while, even his eyes, ears, mouth and nose would be sealed, and the figure would be completely swallowed into its body through these entrances. in stomach.

But just when the slime monster felt that he had finally won the battle, a sense of danger suddenly appeared in the perception area of ​​its brain.

The slime monster just wanted to avoid it, but unexpectedly, a huge rope net suddenly covered its head!

After all, it is only mucus, not a complete liquid. After being covered by this net, the slime monster who experienced such a situation for the first time quickly wanted to ooze its body from the hole of the big net, but the danger appeared again. , a pair of big hands stretched out towards its brain through the mesh hole!

"Cuckoo!" The slime monster was very confident.

You know, the brain is the only weak point in his whole body, and it is also the part of his body that is most easily seen by people, but it is usually the safer place like this. You know, the mucus next to its brain cortex is the place it can control the most The free part is not afraid of the pair of hairy hands protruding over, the slime on the slime monster's body immediately envelops the arm and swallows it.

Wang Dong's palm suddenly turned into a claw shape, and he stretched forward with great effort.

After barely touching the cortex of this strange thing, the hanging heart finally let go with a "swallow".

As long as you can touch the body of this thing——Wang Dong’s calculation was like this at the beginning. The mucus on the skin of this thing that can be changed at will is just something that protects the body like the mud dragon, and is not part of his body, so To devour it, you need to spend a certain amount of brain power to touch his body.

Looking at the Explosive Monkey lying on the ground clutching his stomach.

He didn't expect so much at first, but who made this monster insist on doing so much?

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