soul devouring system

Chapter 165 Divine Beast - Courtesy of the River Pirate

In Lianteng Mountains, a small-scale military camp-style palace has just been built. Compared with the military camp in Shuicheng, the style of the military camp here is much more low-key and luxurious.

After returning from victory, the young general ordered to reward the three armies. He himself and a group of cronies came to the palace in the center of the barracks to hold a celebration banquet. For a while, the whole camp was immersed in a joyous atmosphere.

"Everyone, we have been staying in this ghostly place for more than two months. Today, we finally finished all the things that the eldest prince asked! I am here to thank everyone on behalf of my elder brother! This glass of wine! Take it as my respect for my elder brother!"

The young general raised his wine glass and drank it down in one gulp. He also seemed like a proud nobleman.

Everyone agreed, and some even responded: "What's the matter with the third prince, our brothers are all single-handedly promoted by the eldest prince and the third prince, so doing what we can do for the two of you is naturally not hard work!"

"Hahaha! If you want me to think that this matter is due to the third prince from the beginning to the end, otherwise how could the second... how could Kakamel be brought back by us so easily?" Another person said immediately.

In this world, there are thousands of clothes and clothes, but this flattery does not wear them. Coupled with the slow and imperceptible paralyzing effect of alcohol, the third prince's face gradually revealed a color of joy.

"You two don't need to push the merits. When we come out this time, the eldest brother will leave a nickname. When the time comes to reward the merits, everyone will definitely be indispensable! Not only that, I will personally prepare a generous gift for everyone!" The third prince laughed.

The eyes of the few confidantes were shining brightly, and without saying anything, they quickly raised their wine glasses and agreed with the third prince.

Pushing the cups and changing the cups, everyone is drinking to the point of intoxication, but two figures slowly walk in from the entrance of the palace.

The guards at the gate did not stop the two of them, and they came to the front of the hall and knelt on the ground on one knee.

"General! Mission accomplished!" The two shouted loudly.

The third prince raised his drunken eyes, and when he saw the figures of the two men, he recovered a little, and asked: "You two have worked hard, what are the identities of those who escaped?"

"General, there is indeed a young man among the fleeing crowd who is a strong Dou Zun peak, but because of his desperate resistance, we have already killed him on the spot." One of them reported.

The third prince looked regretful: "It's a pity, it's a pity, Dou Zun is at the peak, and with a little cultivation, he can step into the realm of Dou Wang. I didn't expect that the second brother would have such a loyal loyalist... Is there anyone else on board?"

The two kneeling on the ground looked at each other, and one of them cupped his hands and said, "There is no one else on board, but my subordinates discovered some secrets on board."

The third prince was taken aback.

"tell me the story."

The man said: "I think it's better for you, General, to know about this matter alone."

The third prince lost most of his alcohol, looked at the man kneeling on the ground, and was very curious about what the man said. It can be seen that although the left and right are his confidantes, if there is really some shady secret on the Dou Zun peak power that these people It didn't sound easy to deal with, the third prince waved his hands and called, "Come up and listen to me."


The strong Dou Zun got up quickly, lowered his eyebrows and came to the side of the third prince.

"General, this secret matter is..." The man's voice suddenly turned quiet.

"What is it?" Seeing this, the third prince hastily leaned forward.

"that is……"

"It's you who are going to die!"


A violent wind suddenly swept out of the Dou Zun's body!

Before the third prince could react to this, Dou Zun, who was only half a step away from him, made a sudden move!The tyrannical grudge rushed towards the young general's neck, like a ramming wood hugged by a hundred people, viciously hitting the fragile city wall, the body of the third prince was immediately thrown upside down!

But the strong Dou Zun didn't stop, but after knocking the third prince away, he flew towards the third prince's body and chased after him.

Where have the people present seen such a scene?Assassinating one's own master is hard to see even on the battlefield!But all present were the third prince's right-hand men, and each of them was extremely strong. When the third prince was hit for the first time, someone jumped from his seat and flew forward.

"Dare to hurt the prince! Take your life!" The fighting spirit in this man's body was tumbling, and he was already a strong man in the middle stage of fighting king.

But the assassin obviously didn't come alone!As soon as Dou Wang made a move, the Dou Zun, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly rose violently, his whole body condensed his fighting energy, and pierced Du Dou Wang's side like a silver needle.

Dou Wang was preoccupied with the safety of his master, at this time suddenly a person rushed out and made a killing move, he had to turn around quickly, but the timing of the person lying on the ground was extremely subtle, the angle of the assassination Both the direction and direction made people feel impeccable, and Dou Wang could only twist his body in mid-air, trying to avoid the assassination blow of this Dou Zun.

The instant he could touch it, this Dou Wang powerhouse was filled with an inexplicable sense of humiliation.

However, he found that the powerhouse in front of him, who was at the peak of Dou Zun, had only used half of his power to assassinate him!
This move of his only used Dou Zun's initial strength!

In this world, warriors in this world are only one rank away from each other in the sky, not to mention that the two of them are now one rank behind!This person's assassination couldn't even completely break through Dou Wang's fighting spirit shield!


The strong Dou Wang was so ashamed and indignant that he stretched out his iron arm and knocked the Dou Zun to the ground.

When he turned around and looked at his master again, there were already several Dou Zun wrestling with the assassin.

"Your Highness!" Dou Wang hurriedly came to the third prince.

What reassured him a little was that the state of the third prince was not as bad as he imagined, and even the attack of the Dou Zun strongman failed to work on him—magic props, ornaments worn around his neck It was exuding dazzling light, and the curtain wall formed by this light surrounded the Third Prince, which looked extremely hard.

However, Dou Zun's surprise attack still brought some troubles to the third prince.

It's good that this magic item can block the invasion of fighting spirit, but the strength of the body can only be reduced.

The third prince's neck still suffered an attack that was neither strong nor weak. Fortunately, the man was not killed on the spot.

Rubbing his aching neck, the third prince sat up with the support of his confidantes. At this time, the Dou Zun was still fighting to the death with everyone. This beautifully decorated and luxurious palace was demolished by these people in a short time. He was in a mess, and that person wanted to break through the encirclement, but his target was still the third prince lying on the ground.

"Give me, catch him alive." The third prince reluctantly ordered.

The Dou Wang beside him immediately nodded, turned around, and came to the Dou Zun's side, the fighting spirit in his body burst suddenly, and the Dou Wang grabbed it in his hand like a chicken, the power of his palm rolled, and the last blow of the Dou Wang hit him. After touching the joints of the Dou Zun's arm, Dou Zun's arm hangs down feebly after hearing a slap.

The third prince also got up from the ground at this time.

When he saw the half-dead Dou Zun, his face became gloomy for an instant, as if he was about to condense into ice.

"Say! Why did you assassinate me?"

The man gritted his teeth, but he refused to say a word. After a while, for some reason, he tilted his head, stared blankly and lost his voice.

The third prince frowned, and the Dou Wang quickly stepped forward to sniff: "Third prince, this dead."

Hearing what Dou Wang said, the third prince's expression was turbulent.

The Dou Wang turned to the Dou Zun who was knocked to the ground by him, and also shook his head when he turned his head.

After thinking about it, the Dou Wang said: "Third Prince, I remember that these two were sent by the First Prince..."

"Impossible." The third prince said firmly, but in the next second, he was also uncertain: "Brother, how could he attack me..."

Dou Wang didn't dare to say anything more, but the minds of the third prince's confidantes present immediately had imaginations - the manpower sent by the first prince, seeing that the task was over, actually killed the third prince, and such a thing was released to the public. Any adult must think of it, and can only think of one possibility.

The eldest prince is about to start a massacre in the royal family!

But this is not unusual in the history of the empire.

For example, the current Majesty, after inheriting the throne, found various reasons to kill his four brothers, and married his eight royal sisters.

But now the eldest prince's methods come earlier, faster and more direct than His Majesty's. Could this be the "characteristic" inherited from the blood of the royal family?But no matter how you say it, when this kind of thing happened today, the cronies around these princes will start to think about their future.

Otherwise, it would be too late to wait until these princes really fight.

With a cloudy expression on his face, the third prince suddenly picked up the jug on the table, and drank the wine in it in one gulp.

"What happened today! No one is allowed to tell!"


Everyone responded quickly.

And the third prince who had finished drinking, the thin curtain of light on his body also dissipated at this time. What everyone didn't expect was that the moment the curtain of light dissipated, the third prince's body suddenly softened and swayed. fell to the ground.

"His Royal Highness! Your Royal Highness!" Everyone rushed forward.

There was an uproar in the barracks, and Wang Dong, who was far above the river bank, suddenly sat up straight from the river bank, clutching his head and howling in pain.

"Hiss—it hurts so badly, I should've done it if I knew it earlier!"

It took Wang Dong a while to recover, and he raised his head again. The sweat on his forehead dripped down his cheeks. After a while, Wang Dong's neck was drenched with sweat.

"Huh." Taking a deep breath, Wang Dong fiddled with some water and washed his cheeks.

"I didn't expect creating a soul to be so easy to use..."

The created soul memory is fabricated at will, as long as one's own thoughts are combined with some will to die, and then relying on the memory in the two of them and the body of the original Dou Zun's strength, in this way, a killer who doesn't care about his own life can be fabricated—— And this kind of fabrication only needs to pay twice the value of ordinary souls.

The primary strength of the Dou Zun's physical body can support this assassination, and there is no need to get the soul of the peak Dou Zun.

However, this thing also has sequelae, that is, I have to get used to the "illusion" that my body is still alive when my soul dies.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the cottage, there were a lot of people, and the transmission was somewhat distant.

"It's finally getting fussy."

Wang Dong rubbed his fingers on the tip of his nose.

"Let me see, there should be something usable..."

Consciousness was immersed in the depths of his mind again. Wang Dong's sight passed through a channel that the system imitated the body. In the blink of an eye, Wang Dong's vision turned to another person's body—no, it should be said, it turned to another body. on the body of the creature.


This soul was created by him but belongs to Xiling and the three beast tamers.

And at this moment, the situation of this domesticated animal is indeed much "better" than those humans who were taken out of the bed, at least, it was not locked in a cage.

However, after Wang Dong had a clear look at the situation, he found that the land where the taming animals lived was much more dangerous than that of humans—this is the location of the kitchen in the cottage. From the perspective of the taming animals, it was tied in the corner of the kitchen, just Quietly waiting for the cooks to sharpen their knives and peel off their bones - this tame beast was created by Wang Dong's immature spirit shaping technology.

From the moment he was born, his mind was filled with question marks about his own existence.

Obviously the memory is a person.

But talking, doing, and walking are all tame beasts.

What's even more annoying is that he has to be ridden on his back.

However, as a "human being", the intelligence of this taming animal can be said to be unprecedented in the world of animal taming, and it is precisely because of the wisdom that it will show from time to time that this taming beast was also begged by Bertha. Luckily, they agreed to bring this smart guy with them, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble if they wanted to make trouble now.

Wang Dong, possessed by this soul, struggled to control his body shaking on the killing rack.

The rope wasn't too tight, but it was easily swayed by Wang Dong.

The "boom" sound of heavy objects falling to the ground caught the attention of the cook who was cooking in the outer room, but Wang Dong's movements were faster than the cook who came slowly to check.

"Moo—" a heavy yell came out of his mouth.

Wang Dong slammed open the door of the kitchen, and stomped the cook under his feet. It didn't take long for the heavy hoofs to trample the cook's mouth full of blood.

"Amazing!" Wang Dong sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Compared with the acquired power of human beings, the natural power of wild beasts has a unique advantage-controlling power. It takes time to get familiar with and master those powers from cultivation, but the power of wild beasts only needs to grow naturally with age. It can be used, just like this simple step, although Wang Dong does not have the soul memory of the taming beast in his heart, he uses the memory of the rabbit in his body.

The powerful explosive power and a body weighing five to six hundred catties were all pressed on such a cook in an instant, even if he was a big man, he would still be crushed by this kick.

Although there are hundreds of people in the barracks, there is only one cook in the kitchen. Wang Dong looked around and saw that no one saw him, so he picked up the corpse on the ground and threw it into the room where he was imprisoned. .

Afterwards, the beast tamer quietly slipped out of the kitchen with small steps.

This cottage was full of drunken soldiers at this time, and the celebration banquet was huge, although there were lights to illuminate it, the security was not so strict.

Even if Wang Dong walked under the light, there would be drunk soldiers who would say, "Where did the horse come from?"

"It seems that the prince is afraid of causing riots..."

The people in the barracks didn't want to know that their general had been injured.

But that's good too, without knowing that the general is injured, the people in this cottage will only be immersed in the carnival of victory.

Wang Dong walked slowly to the location of the prison in the cottage. The building of the cottage is quite luxurious, and even the prison is covered with carpets. Wang Dong walked down the stairs that were dug into the mountain wall. Everything he has ever seen is firm, even the railings of the cage are iron bars made of fine steel, relying on the thick stone wall of the mountain, just by looking at it, he knows that if he is imprisoned in, it will be difficult to rely on his own strength. escaped.

It's just that not even the soldiers guarding the cage are here at the moment.

"Well, if you want to make a fuss, make a big fuss..." Wang Dong sniffled and swept away the keys hanging on the wall.

"One for you, one for you, and one for him in front..." Wang Dong stepped forward and threw the keys into the cages according to the numbers marked on the keys.

I don't know if the people in the cage came from the boat, but when they saw the scene where the tame animal was handing out the keys in a serious manner, all these people froze in place, staring blankly at the strange behavior of the animal. taming animals.

"Brother, I... my eyes are not bad, right? Why am I watching a tame beast giving us keys?"

"What? You can see it too? Isn't this my hallucination?"

"Is it really a taming animal? Why is the taming beast so powerful now that he can even recognize the number of the cell on the key?"

Soon someone recovered from the shock, immediately picked up the key of the cell, hooked his hands and inserted it into the steel gate of the cell.

"Pa-ta." With a slight twist, the sound of freedom made everyone's hearts excited.

"Free! Free at last! Brothers! Come on! It's time to take back our land!"

"Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Quick! Find the key! Save the boss!"

"Don't bother! Everyone go to the beast! Give me a key for each person and release all the people in this prison! The rest! Find weapons! Fight with these bastards who are robbing our territory!"

From the looks of it, these should be the real "river bandits" originally stationed in this cottage, and these river bandits are equally manned. Presumably, the third prince deliberately kept them here to avoid arousing suspicion from others, but these people The strength of the people is mixed, and even the few people who shouted are no more than the strength of intermediate warriors.

But that's enough.

Faced with a pack of drunks, these wolves, finally out of their cages, know how to wreak havoc on their foes.

And those people who came to Wang Dong to get the key did not forget to say thank you to this weird animal tamer, and the inexplicable Wang Dong even got the title of a divine beast.

Regarding this, Wang Dong could only tsk tsk: "Tsk tsk, even the river pirates are polite these days!"

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