soul devouring system

Chapter 183 Authority and Faith

Of course, what Wang Dong was referring to was definitely not the embarrassing atmosphere that would erupt between the old and the young.

It was the expression of the old man who seemed to have known the Cavaliers for a long time. At this moment, Wang Dong, who knew some inside information, understood the general situation of this matter--I am afraid that the identities of these two people can only be "rivals in love" Yes, but the nobleman didn't panic because of the second prince's sudden visit, instead he reacted quickly after a brief absence.

"Hey." The nobleman sighed.

The communication between the two has always remained in the look.

"What about her?" The second prince asked.

The old man shook his head lightly, but refused to speak.

Seeing this, the nine princesses on the side wanted to step forward to show off their prestige, but Wang Dong grabbed her back.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Since that young lady is here, I will definitely let Brother Ka take her away!" Princess Nine yelled.

"You're still young, and you don't know anything about relationships. At this time, we outsiders should just watch honestly." Wang Dong said.

"Who is an outsider with you?" The nine princesses disdain to be with Wang Dong.

But the nine princesses were smart, but they stopped making noise, and the scene fell into silence again after a while.

The noble old man opened up the silence first.

"This Highness is the second prince of the Wantu Empire, right?"

"What about her?" The second prince just nodded slightly, still asking without giving in.

The old man was a little hesitant, but after turning around several times, the old man finally said: "Your Highness the Second Prince, please don't make things difficult for me. It's not because I don't want your lovers to meet, but because Miss Xi Ling doesn't want to meet you." See……"

"Impossible! Tell her to come out!"

"..." The old man was silent.

Wang Dong stood aside.

The immature side of Card Knight finally broke out at this moment—his calmness and maturity were given to the empire, and his childish and weak side was completely left to Miss Xi Ling, whom Wang Dong had never met. Wang Dong firmly believed in this So, for Card Knight, death may not be terrible, but what is terrible is that he cannot face the one he loves in the end.

That's why he was so naive when facing this last layer of glass.

That's why she wants to break through the defense she built.

"Please also ask this second prince to be concerned about his royal status..."

"So what if I don't care?" Card Knight's eyes widened, his upper body leaned forward slightly, and the pressure from his whole body exploded.

A gust of wind swept across the face of the noble old man.

"Second prince, it's better to control your emotions, the situation is not that bad." Wang Dong persuaded from the side.

Card Knight turned his head, his eyes were still staring, and after staying on Wang Dong's staring eyes for a second, he slowly stopped the anger in his expression, did not speak, turned around, and the vindictiveness on his body still did not dissipate Wang Dong felt a little helpless, if his own words were useless, it meant that anyone's words except Xi Ling would be useless.

"Hey, what is the identity of that sister Xi Ling?"

"How would I know..." Wang Ji shook his head.

Princess Nine was depressed again. Although she was standing behind Wang Dong, she still shouted: "Grandpa Mier, why don't you tell Sister Xiling about Brother Ka's arrival? Brother Ka traveled a long distance from the Wantu Empire. Come all the way by boat to meet her."

"Princess Ninth, it's not that the old minister didn't want to tell, it's all because Miss Xi Ling told the old minister that there was such a royal family back to look for her, and she didn't want to see her. The old minister has no other choice!" Mier cried with some distress. .

The ninth princess was a little angry.

"Hmph! What is she doing! Brother Ka came to see her so hard! She doesn't even want to go out to have a look and say a word! If I see her in the future, I will arrest her and take her to ten thousand—"

Wang Dong jerked Princess Jiu's arm and rolled his eyes: "I said, Your Highness, where is your cleverness? Can't you say a few words at this time?"

If she were to continue talking, Card Knight's heart, which was in a mess like a bucket of paste, would be stimulated into a volcano of what kind of caliber, but the stalemate was not an option. Wang Dong took a deep breath. tone.

"Call it."

Seems like this is the last resort.

Card Knight narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up at the sky.

Thousands of miles of clear sky, although there are questions, but it is so white that people can't ignore it, but my heart is empty, and I can't even describe the shape of a cloud.

"...Xi Ling." Card Knight murmured.

"Xi Ling."

"Xi Ling!"

"Xi Ling!!"

"Come out and meet me!"

"Come out and meet me!"

One sound was better than one sound, until later he used his fighting spirit to mobilize all the emotions accumulated in his chest. The card knight stood under the sunlight, which could illuminate everything, but could not illuminate his closed eyes—— Duke Mir shook his head and sighed. He did nothing wrong. Even as a noble family designated as a "Tibetan" by the Illuminati Church, the pressure on this old man's heart can be said to be very heavy.

But with the passage of time, even the voice of the card knight reverberated over the family.

There is still no one in this family, no one is willing to stand up and face him head-on.

Card Knight who got no response lowered his head.

"Perhaps, she really doesn't want to see you." Wang Dong stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Impossible... Obviously, she said it in the last letter, the last letter!" Card Knight opened Wang Dong's arm.

"You don't have to count what you said. You have to know that a woman can turn her face faster than a book." Wang Dong said suddenly and uncharacteristically.

Card Knight's eye sockets popped, and the strength of his arm swelled instantly.

"She won't! She will never lie to me!"

"She will, she is also a human being, and a human being can lie." Wang Dong said.

"Shut up!" Card Knight suddenly swung a punch full of fighting spirit and slammed it on Wang Dong's shoulder, only to hear a slap on his shoulder, and Wang Dong flew upside down.

This scene caught everyone present off guard.


Fortunately, Wang Dong did not die because of this, and when he got up again, traces of blood appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you understand? She lied to you! She just lied to you! Everything in the letter is false! She just doesn't want to see you!"

"She just took a fancy to your status as a prince!"

"She is such a powerful person who is willing to sacrifice her life for the sake of glory and wealth, and can't even go back to the filth of her own country!"

"I told you to shut your stinky mouth!!!"

"Boom——" Dou Wang's fighting spirit was so strong in an instant, ordinary people couldn't clearly realize how much anger and anger the card knight had suppressed at this moment to allow Dou Wang's fighting spirit to wreak havoc in this small courtyard. He is a prince who has received strict etiquette education from the royal family since he was a child. When to do, what to do, and what not to do, there are definite rules.

But at this moment, there are no rules to restrain him anymore.

Wang Dong has always believed that there is no rule in this world that can restrain a restless heart and a soul that does not want to be stable.

But resentment, anger, and complex emotions that even the person involved cannot express—Wang Dong can't understand this kind of emotion, but he knows the pain of not being able to see each other, and the impact of such things as "nothing to do with each other for a lifetime" affects people's hearts. What a sharp knife.

And only, only he who has been able to see the soul of the card knight can understand the entanglement in the heart of the card knight at this moment.

Therefore, when the strong wind was coming towards him, Wang Dong could only resist it with all his magic power and grudge, and still screamed with all his might.

"You know it all! You know it all!"

"You're just afraid! That's what it's like to be afraid of her!"

"But she is like this! People's hearts are unpredictable. Even if you are a royal family, even if you can control the lives of people in the world, you can't change a person's heart!"

"Pfft—" Wang Dong and Card Knight spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

After a while, Kakashi's body finally collapsed on the ground, and Wang Dong's condition was not much better. Fighting king's fighting spirit is too much for a high-level fighter, especially a high-ranking fighter whose fighting spirit is still unstable. It is an existence that is difficult to resist, and the only thing that is better is that his spirit has not been destroyed - this is the reason why Wang Dong feels that his injury is lighter than that of Ka Knight.

I think that because of Yisi's death, I spent an untold amount of time like a walking dead, my body was empty, my soul was so light that I couldn't even find my own support, that was much more uncomfortable than the physical pain.

Wang Dong sympathized with Card Knight, but Wang Dong knew that Miss Xi Ling should be more thoughtful.

Xi Ling loves him, there is no doubt about it, even Wang Dong can say that Xi Ling's love for Ka Knight is deeper than Ka Knight's love for her, and at this point, love must be spoken out, and Ka The knight is different, Xi Ling's temperament can be seen from the lines in her letters, she is a girl with a simple mind, full of fantasies and hopes about the world.

It's just a pity that such a girl was finally defeated by "faith".

love and faith.

Driven by "reason", Xi Ling finally chose what seemed to give her more faith.

This is the tragedy of this era.

It is also the inevitable result of the sad faith of this era.

Standing up tremblingly while supporting the fallen decorative boulder, most people in this scene dared to come out of the bunkers in the corners of the yard.

"Brother Ka!" The ninth princess saw Ka who was lying on the ground and hurried over.

Wang Dong frowned watching this scene, but soon relaxed.

"Ah... no one hurts, no one loves you." Wang Dong twisted his arm, the crooked arm turned slightly, and after a moment of pain twisted his face, the broken bone was pushed back by the ooze-like muscles In situ, Wang Dong doesn't even need to use bandages, he only needs to tighten the wounded muscles to bring his body into a state of correct recovery.

"Wow..." However, it was the first time that Wang Dong had a whim to use such a method, and he still tasted the pain brought by the pain. After the clothes on his body were soaked in an instant, Wang Dong released a few low-level hydrotherapy techniques for himself. relieve pain.

The noble old man on the side went to take care of the card knight with the nine princesses in a panic.

It seems that a little-known guy like himself is really not very popular... Wang Dong laughed at himself.

"This gentleman." A woman's voice suddenly came from beside him.

Wang Dong turned his head and saw a girl in her early twenties standing in front of him.

"Yo, here we come." Wang Dong said with a smile.

The girl's astonished expression stayed on her face for three seconds, and she quickly said, "Sir, Sanniang would like to invite you to meet me in the inner hall."

"Lead the way." Wang Dong nodded happily.

The girl raised her head and looked at Wang Dong again, but she quickly looked away.

The two soon came to the so-called inner hall, and the girl stopped at the hall door.

"Sir, this is the place."

"Thank you, Miss." Wang Dong said.

After all, Wang Dong stopped staying, stepped forward, and pushed the door in. The decoration inside the door is elegant and exquisite, but Wang Dong saw that the arrangement here was in harmony with the girl outside, but sitting in the inner hall It was a lady wearing a lady's gown—this lady was about 40 years old, and some visible wrinkles had appeared at the corners of her eyes, and even the skin around her mouth had begun to show ugly lines .

It can be seen that she rubbed some gouache to cover up, but time is not forgiving.

When the woman saw Wang Dong coming in, she hurriedly got up and performed the lady's salute.

"Miss, I'm just a commoner, you don't have to be so polite with me." Wang Dong said.

"No, I should thank you, I should, all of this is my fault, thank you for helping me..." The woman's eyes were full of tears, and looking closer, Wang Dong even saw the unsightly smile on her cheek. Tears that can be completely covered up.

The woman in her forties in front of her is Xi Ling.

In fact, Wang Dong had already guessed before seeing Xi Ling that Xi Ling's identity in exchange for the body was very likely to be a woman.

According to the routine of the Guangming Church, Ken told the Cavaliers about this matter openly, because they felt that they had arranged a reassuring position for Xi Ling.

However, the Guangming Church's affairs are still too formulaic.

They thought that a royal family like the second prince would understand righteousness, that a royal family like the second prince would never really love anyone, that a royal family like the second prince should... maybe they would never imagine that a royal family would be so infatuated with one person, However, the card knight is such a royal family, the second prince of an empire, and an infatuated species.

So they bluntly told Cavalier about Xi Ling's whereabouts, in order not to offend this prince who was usually rumored to be very rational and possessed a city.

But the Church of Light doesn't know the details of the card knight, but this woman who has been chatting with the card knight for more than ten years knows it.

So she doesn't want to meet Card Knight.

She knew that even though she had a special status and was a yellow-faced woman, with the card knight's temper, she would still take her away regardless.

However, this world does not allow such a thing to happen.

A royal family fell in love with a woman ten years older than himself. If the world doesn't care about age, then the sin of falling in love with other people's wives will be held on the second prince's head—— This is smearing, this is smearing for the empire, this is the fault of being smeared by the world, this is a mistake that cannot be said because of "the supremacy of faith", and even if it is said, it will be accused of being a liar.

Therefore, the royal family will not allow such a thing to happen.

The Bright Church will not let such hidden dangers exist.

So, this matter, can only be like this.

Even the royal family can only feel their own feeble authority when facing this moment and knowing everything that will happen at this moment.

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