soul devouring system

Chapter 71 Cary

It wasn't until dawn that the three were called up by Geya and Lier.

The torches inserted on the mountain wall had been extinguished, and they patted their cheeks, and the people who woke up from their sleep continued to climb up.

This time, Wang Dong deliberately looked down. At first those black shadows were not within his line of sight, but as their speed gradually slowed down due to the altitude, those black shadows were faintly at the edge of their line of sight. They showed their figures, but they didn't get close, and they didn't rush to keep up with their movements, but such a small team stuck behind everyone's tails like tarsus maggots.

"What are you looking at?" Ge Ya noticed Wang Dong's behavior.

"Oh, it's nothing." Wang Ji shook his head and climbed up towards the position Ge Ya had just climbed.

"Hehe, you don't have to be too surprised. Kari is a nobleman like me, but I am still a nobleman now. His family has been ruined due to some accidents, and his title of nobleman has been deprived of it-we have been together for a long time. I knew him before, that guy was originally a good magic nobleman, but because of the ruin of the family, he was greatly stimulated, and now it seems like a different person." Ge Ya was not stingy.

To put it bluntly, it seems that this matter does not involve his so-called secret.

That is, Gea's past isn't part of the secret?Wang Dong began to think wildly again.

Shaking his head and forgetting those weird thoughts, Wang sped up his hands and feet, and kept climbing up.

His speed was about to match Lear's.

Finally, when the noon sun was not overwhelming and people were out of breath, everyone came to this so-called halfway up the mountain—Kelmash Mountain’s structure is also peculiar, it is obviously a natural wonder of cutting with knives and axes, in The halfway up the mountain was suddenly sunken, like a piece of paper folded in half, and a small slope appeared in the entire mountain range here.

When everyone in the adventure group climbed up the mountain, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"These dog things taste sweet like ants..." Lil cursed in a low voice.

On the long gentle slope in front of him, hundreds of people had already stopped at this time.

Wang Dong didn't expect that so many people would come here on such a steep mountain. Seeing the adventurers wearing brightly colored clothes but each with a clear faction, Wang Dong felt that this time the dragon Cave exploration should not be that simple.

"Why are there so many people?" Ai'er was obviously extremely dissatisfied with the scene in front of him.

She is bound to win the wind bell, and now that there are so many people here, she looks like everyone is here to grab the goods.

"Huh, there are many people, so it's safe." Lun Sai let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, register first." Ge Ya didn't care about the scene in front of him, he and Lil seemed to have known that such a scene would happen.

It's right to think about it. Treasures are like honey. Adventurers are originally ants. Honey attracts them and they will naturally come here in large numbers.

Following Ge Ya, Wang Dong carefully counted the adventurer team.

There are not many adventurer teams who come to explore the Dragon's Lair, and naturally there will not be too many appearing here now-but no one will give the fat in their hands to others to eat. Although there are many people, the factions are There are only seven or eight of them. Among them, the largest team should have a hundred or so people in the past, and the smallest team is several times more than Ge Ya's adventurer team.

It seems that everyone is very interested in the dragon's lair. Although they know that there will be unknown dangers waiting for them inside, some people still have the will of "danger is proportional to income" in the spirit of gambling adventurers.

The arrival of Geya, a small team, did not attract too many people's attention. The reason was that this small team with only five members did not have any seemingly strong competitors.

Maybe the Geya team was labeled as death by many people as soon as it appeared.

However, some people still noticed Ge Ya, the leader of the team. These slick characters greeted Ge Ya enthusiastically, and some even bumped fists with Lil affectionately, which looked very familiar.

That’s right, for a guy like Geya who can handle the president of a city’s chamber of commerce, plus the name of the noble adventure group, it’s hard not to be remembered. As a member of the adventure group, Lil is naturally In addition, Lil's temperament is a typical cheerful adventurer, and he would not offend anyone on weekdays, and even more people greeted him warmly than Geya.

Going through this short sea of ​​people, Geya stopped at the only place on the mountain that looked relatively flat.

Here, some men and women in tight body armor are standing.

"Bounty hunters." When Wang Dong saw them, he knew that these guys were the "bounty hunters" Ge Ya said.

Those guys who only take money to do things and never cross the line.

There is no difference in their appearance from the adventurers around them. The only thing that is eye-catching and conspicuous is the strange tattoos engraved on their arms.

Coins, a bear-like creature with coins in its mouth.

This is the unique tattoo of the bounty organization. It is said that this kind of tattoo cannot be imitated, wiped, or even repaired. Once it appears on a person's arm, it will inevitably remain for a lifetime.

However, the management of the bounty organization is not strict, and there are not too many requirements for the members of the group. Do what you want, and leave as you want is the purpose of the organization. However, if you join this organization, you have to bear such a tattoo. Erase, in fact, Wang Dong thinks that this is also a form of bondage in disguise. If you really want to quit the bounty organization, when you meet a "companion" who is also a bounty, no matter whether they continue to do it or not, these people will There will be a wonderful sense of belonging.

After all, joining is voluntary, and withdrawal is also voluntary.

Sometimes, the freer the place, the easier it is for people to have such a sense of belonging.

The nearly thousand-year history of the bounty organization also illustrates this point.

After a few simple inquiries, Geya took out the black wooden token that he had prepared earlier, and the bounty registerer quietly recorded the names of several people and then crushed the black wooden token.

This proves that Geya Adventure Group is qualified to participate in this expedition.

"Let's take a break first, the dragon's lair is only open for two hours in the middle of the afternoon and evening." Ge Ya said.

"We want to sign up too!" The few people who were about to leave the bounty man heard a bluffing man's shout.

Wang Dong looked back and saw more than a dozen figures climbing up the edge of the cliff again.

If you read correctly, these are the former noble adventure group of "Kari" who has been following them behind their ass.

Wang Dong has seen this man's appearance in Lier's memory, but it has been a month since Lier saw this bearded man last time. This time, the bearded man's appearance is similar to that in the city. The gap is quite large.

Sloppy and dirty, even the dozen or so attendants behind him looked like they had just come out of a pile of beggars. Even, this bearded man hadn't even trimmed his favorite beard. There is a world of difference in the city with a beard that looks like an aristocrat.

As soon as these people came up, they attracted the attention of all the adventure groups present, but at this moment, the appearance of the ten-person team attracted ridicule from most of the people present.

"Where did this beggar just crawl out from?"

"Haha, it's really pitiful. Look at these people, they are so skinny. I wonder if they will be blown away by the wind, and they still want to participate in the dragon's lair expedition."

"That's right, I don't know what this person thinks."


There was a lot of discussion.

"Bastard! Is that how you slander an adventure group hosted by a nobleman?" The bearded man suddenly shouted angrily, his voice lowered.

Although his demeanor was not what a nobleman should have, and even his voice was a little hoarse because it was too loud, but this didn't seem to affect his temper.

"Aristocrat? How can there be such a shabby nobleman? Even the adventure group under his own hands can't be equipped with some useful weapons-hey! I said buddy! The scimitar in your hand, if I read it correctly, Is the edge of the knife sharpened like the back of the knife?" The adventurer who had something good to do yelled.

"You guys can figure out our husband's arrangement?" However, the dozen or so adventurers who followed Kari didn't feel ashamed at all.

Not even the slightest shyness appeared on their faces or eyes.

Wang Dong looked into their eyes, but the windows of his soul did not reflect even a little bit of panic. Instead, those eyes were full of excitement.

It's a pity that the adventurer's words didn't cause any waves, everyone just thought it was boring, so they didn't say anything after taking a look at him.

"Sir, please." The adventurer who spoke respectfully stood beside Kari.

This kind of demeanor really looks like a nobleman. If one ignores the beggar costumes they are wearing at this time, Wang Dong is very curious. With this appearance, these dozen or so adventurers will never leave, or this picture Treat this card like a nobleman, how much charm is this card worth doing?

"Brothers, don't worry, after getting the treasure in the dragon's lair this time, we will share it equally. Let alone one person has 100 million gold coins. Think about it, the dragon's treasure is so rich that even the nobles have to intervene. What will be waiting for us in it! Once we succeed, everyone will be able to live the life they dream of in the future. At that time, good wine, good women, and everything you want will be within easy reach, success will be It is right in front of your eyes, right under your feet, as long as you work hard, you will definitely get it, believe me, brothers, you will definitely be able to do it!" Kari said while walking on his own.

These words simply sounded like a pretty good saying in the past, but Wang Dong found that it followed Kari's words.

Hungry gazes like tigers, wolves, and leopards appeared in the eyes of those adventurers.

"Yes!" Everyone raised their arms and shouted, regardless of the fact that there were hundreds of adventurers here.

"Brainwashing?" Wang Dong suddenly had such a word in his mind.

It's okay to hear this kind of words once or twice, but if you hear it a lot, those who want something in their hearts will fall into this pit sooner or later.

It's kind of like "marketing" in a simplified version.

In this world, in this era, it is indeed a miracle to have someone like Xiang Kali.

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