I'm not a villain

Chapter 69 Round 2

When Si Changyuan saw Si Mobai winning with ease, he was completely relieved.


"It seems that Bai'er is the No.1 in this competition."

Putting down his worries, Director Yuan immediately began to look forward to the future.

"Ha ha."

"It's too early for the patriarch to be happy."

Seeing that Si Changyuan was happy, Si Qingming on the side immediately interrupted the other party's wonderful association.


Si Changyuan frowned, and couldn't help but look at Si Feiyang and Si Kongling's arena.

I saw that although the two of them had extraordinary strength and made their opponents admit defeat again and again, the power of their moves was far inferior to Si Mobai's, and they were far from Si Mobai's opponents.

But knowing this, Si Qingming still said such words, presumably there must be another reason.

"Could the Great Elder mean that Feiyang and Kongling may also win the leader?"

Si Qingming laughed and said, "Naturally!"

Director Yuan smiled confidently: "The Great Elder probably missed it!"

"I'm afraid that even if Feiyang and the others forcibly broke through the middle stage of Yuanshen, they might not be Bai'er's opponent."

Si Changyuan naturally also saw the cultivation level of Si Feiyang and the others.

But looking at the fluctuations in the spiritual power of Si Feiyang's whole body, it was far inferior to ordinary monks in the middle stage of primordial spirit.

Therefore, Director Si took it for granted that this was the reason why Si Feiyang and the others were not stable.

It is expected that they must have taken the panacea, which forced them to break through a whole big realm.

But in this way, the foundation must be unstable, and it is far from being an opponent of monks of the same level.

Hearing this, Si Qingming also showed a confident smile and said, "Then let's wait and see!"

"I hope the patriarch can still laugh later."

Secretary Yuan snorted coldly, but did not speak.

Now, Changmai and others have completely broken faces with him, the patriarch.

That being the case, there is no need for him to be kind to them.


Two hours later, the first round of clan competition officially ended.

During these two hours, except for the freak Si Mobai who dared not challenge the tenth ring, the other rings were in full swing and almost never stopped.

Fortunately, with the continuation of the fight, everyone also saw the truth and reality, and roughly estimated their personal strength.

Therefore, within the last half hour, Si Feiyang's first ring and Sikong Ming's second ring soon had no challengers, and it was confirmed that they would enter the next round.

In other arenas, there was no crushing situation, either relying on luck to win, or taking advantage of the opponent's wheel battle to catch mistakes, or fighting hard.

However, no matter how you say it, they are the ultimate winners, and they will be the most dazzling new stars of the Si family in the next five years.

"This is the panacea."

Si Qingming came to the stage again and took out ten bottles of pills in his hand.

"Give you half an hour, hurry up and recuperate your condition to the best!"

"After half an hour, the second round of clan competition will officially begin!"

Naturally, the ten members of Si Mobai had no objection, and hurriedly took the elixir and closed their eyes to adjust their breathing.

Half an hour passed in a flash.

Si Qingming's voice sounded again.

"Now, the old man announces: The second round of the clan competition has officially started!"

Hearing this, everyone in the spectators felt tense, and lost a lot of conversation for a while.

"Ten of you hurry up and draw your number plates!"

The second round of the game is conducted by drawing lots, and everyone will randomly draw a number from [-] to [-] to choose their opponent.

Next, the person with "one" on the number will be arranged to compete with the person with "six".

In the same way, "two" and "seven" are compared, "three" and "eight" are compared... "five" and ten are compared.

Therefore, for those who are not strong, it is very important to draw a good opponent.

However, Si Mobai obviously didn't need to rely on weak opponents to win.

So, after everyone had drawn lots, they unhurriedly pulled out a bamboo stick from the black box.

Stretch out your hand and touch it lightly, a faint yellow light rises, and the bamboo stick immediately shows a beautiful small character


Si Mobai was neither happy nor sad, he put the bamboo stick back into his sleeve after taking a look at whoring.

"Next, I don't need to say more."

"Those whose numbers are one and six, go to the first ring to compete!"

Before the words finished, Si Feiyang and a young man from the Si family immediately went forward to show Si Qingming their numbers.

Si Qingming nodded slightly to the two, and said, "Not bad!"

"Hurry up, both of you!"

Hearing this, Si Feiyang and the two immediately flew to the first ring.

"Those whose numbers are two and seven, go to the second ring!"


Everyone followed suit, and quickly flew to their own arena with their opponents.

"All right!"

"Everyone, just rely on your ability!"

Si Qingming's eyes flicked over Si Feiyang, Si Kongming, and Si Mobai in turn, and disappeared after leaving this meaningful sentence.

At this point, the second round of competition will really start.

The third arena.

"Are you surrendering or admitting defeat?"

Si Mobai stared at his opponent expressionlessly, his tone unquestionable.

His opponent, the young man from the Si family who drew three had a depressed expression on his face.

He never expected that he would be so unlucky to meet this pervert in the first round.

Everyone saw the first round of the competition, and the terrifying strength shocked most of the Si family young people present.

There were even some people who were timid before fighting, and had already tacitly regarded Si Mobai as the leader in their hearts.

And the boy in front of him was obviously the same kind of person.

Therefore, after a short period of hesitation, he chose to obediently admit defeat.

Since the leader is destined to be Si Mobai, he might as well save more strength so that he can strive for the best ranking among the next eliminated.

"I choose to admit defeat!"

In this way, Si Mobai won the battle first, and became the first to end the battle among all the people.

"In the third arena, Simin played against Si Mobai, and Si Mobai won!"

"Si Mobai enters the next round of lottery!"

Si Qingming's voice echoed in everyone's minds.

"What a waste!"

This is what Si Qingming added in his heart.

In the first ring, Si Feiyang frowned slightly when he heard the movement.

"It seems that I should also show some strength."

"Otherwise the limelight will be taken away by others!"

Thoughts flashed, Si Feiyang had already made a decision in his heart.

"Since you don't want to admit defeat, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

After finishing speaking, Si Feiyang didn't restrain the fluctuation of spiritual energy anymore, the aura in his whole body soared, and in a blink of an eye, he surpassed ordinary monks in the middle stage of Yuanshen realm, watching the terrifying coercion catch up to those old monsters in the middle stage of Yuanshen who had been cultivating for hundreds of years!
"Peak in the middle stage of Yuanshen!"

Only those with low cultivation levels knew Si Feiyang's true strength.

"In the middle of the Yuanshen period in his early twenties?"

"how can that be?!"

"I'm afraid this is higher than the talent of the young patriarch?"

"Still tall?"

"I think it is much higher!"

Ordinary Si family members don't know much about the inside story, so naturally there will be many misunderstandings.

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