Global Cataclysm: Start building Noah's Ark

Chapter 7 The Way to Make Big Money

Chapter 7 Ways to Make Big Money!
Seeing Qin Bin stunned on the spot, Sister Bai couldn't help but chuckle, "Sister is just teasing you, let's see how it scares you!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes, but she quickly hid it.

Qin Bin scratched his head and said, "Sister, let's order some food first, my stomach is protesting!"


Sister Bai asked the waiter to come in and order, and they ordered Qin Bin's favorite dishes, roast lean beef, grilled eggplant, old friend's sixtieth birthday, and a grilled fish. Sister Bai also added a hand of leeks and a plate of oysters .

Chives are called aphrodisiacs, and oysters are a gas station for men. The waiter filled out the form and gave Qin Bin an extremely envious look.

That look made Qin Bin feel extremely embarrassed, making himself look like he was in desperate need of a big fix!
I am a man who has taken the health-enhancing pills, so I still need supplements?

It's just that there is no chance to show off!

During the chat, the barbecue was served one after another.

After being reborn, Qin Bin never had a good meal. On the boat, it was either instant noodles, dry food, or egg noodles, and his mouth was like a bird.

Grab two skewers of roasted lean beef, open the bow left and right, it is delicious, spicy, and full of beef flavor, which makes people's index fingers move.

While eating, Qin Bin was also planning to store more beef and freeze it so that he could have barbecue when the end came. How beautiful it would be!
A plate of roast lean beef was swept away by Qin Bin, and the next goal was to fry sixties, one after another.

"Xiao Bin, eat slowly, don't choke." Sister Bai said worriedly, and handed Wang Xiaoji to Qin Bin.

Qin Bin took the drink, raised his head and poured it into his stomach. It was cold and cold, and he felt comfortable all over.

"What have you been doing these days? How come you've been hungry for ten days and a half months, as if you've come back from the wilderness?" Sister Bai asked while eating a skewer.

Qin Bin put down his drink, and said with an extremely solemn expression: "Sister, do you believe me?"

"Why do you ask this suddenly? Of course I believe you, unconditionally!" Sister Bai laughed.

Qin Bin took a deep breath and told her carefully about the upcoming end of the world, including the occurrence of global tsunamis, global climate anomalies, biological mutations, etc. after the end of the world.

Sister Bai was stunned for a while, and didn't react at all. Finally, Qin Bin took out his mobile phone and showed her the Noah's Ark that he planned to build. The panoramic 3D model is a real design!

In the end, Qin Bin told her his shipbuilding plan in detail, and asked her to join in to deal with the coming end of the world!
Sister Bai was shocked for a long time, then her expression turned cold, and she quickly said: "Then you are planning to buy 5500 tons of low-alloy high-strength steel now? It will cost a lot of money!"

Qin Bin nodded and said, "I've done the math, at least 2000 two million!"

"Two million in 2000 is indeed not a small amount, but I have a classmate who works as a supervisor in a steel company, so I should be able to get a better price, but it is estimated that it will cost 2000 million!" Sister Bai said after a moment of pondering.

"That's right, I only have 22 yuan left in my hands. It's not even a star and a half. I have to find a way to earn some big money!" Qin Bin mused.

"I still have 15 savings here, you can use it too, anyway, it's going to be the end of the world, and after three months the money will be a pile of waste paper." Sister Bai laughed.

"15? Sister Bai, I remember you have only graduated for three years, and you have saved so much money?" Qin Bin was startled. He only got money by selling his house, and Sister Bai worked hard on her own.

"Of course, your sister, I'm a senior R&D engineer of a machinery company, with an annual salary of 30 yuan, which is a good start!" Sister Bai said proudly.

Indeed, Qin Bin almost forgot that she is still a genius university bully, a mechanical flower, and did not expect her annual salary to rise so fast.

However, the total sum of these funds is only 37, which is still too far away from the goal of 2000 million.

"Sister, the sum of our money is not enough, we have to think of a way to get rich in a short time!" Qin Bin said, Sister Bai has a better brain, so she should have a way.

Sister Bai thought for a while, and said, "The ways to get rich overnight are all written in the criminal law, but apart from those crooked ways, I know three ways to get rich!"

"what way?"

"First, lottery tickets. If you can buy lottery tickets, it's not a problem to earn tens of millions or hundreds of millions in one session."

"Hmm... the probability of winning the lottery is too low, let's forget about it, it's too much luck, what else?"

"Second, stock trading, if you can carry out super-short-term short-term operations, with a large enough capital, you can quickly earn tens of millions. There are many myths about getting rich overnight in stocks, but... this requires technology It's too high, even the stock god Buffett can't do it!"

A white light flashed through Qin Bin's mind when he heard this plan!
That's right, stock trading, why didn't I think of it at first?

Stock trading needs to compare a large amount of information and then make operational decisions, which usually requires rich experience and the ability to comprehensively sort out various information!
From the essence of making money, stocks are buying low and selling high, looking for stocks that appreciate in value, and then selling them at a high level before risks arise. As much as the stock rises, the assets will rise accordingly!
In the past, some stocks that cost 10 yuan a share had a continuous daily limit, and if they rose to more than 100 yuan a share, their assets could more than 10 times!
This requires real-time monitoring of data and screening and judgment of all information, which is difficult for humans, but smart AI can!
I have two super intelligent robots that far exceed the computing power of this era, and I can let them operate!
Worker No. 1 and No. 2 have supercomputing power. According to the system description, the computing power is more than [-] billion times that of the world's quantum computers, which is not a first-class thing at all!
If they are used to operate, as long as the principal is large enough, I believe that the assets will double in no time!
The more Qin Bin thought about it, the more he felt that it was feasible, and then he said excitedly: "Sister, it's really you who woke me up!"

" you think the second plan is feasible? You and I don't know how to trade in stocks!" Sister Bai wondered, wondering what Qin Bin was so happy about.

Qin Bin smiled mysteriously: "Sister, I have a solution, but what is your third plan?"

"Fry Bitcoin!" Sister Bai continued.

"The current price of Bitcoin is US$2671 each. If you have a super mining machine, if you dig hundreds of them a day, it won't take long to make up 2000 million!"

Qin Bin was even more delighted when he heard that, yes, Bitcoin!

The super mining machine has its own, and there are still two, and there will never be a lack of energy. You can replace the energy core for the robot in the system mall. Although the energy they use cannot be exported for use, as long as they can be used!
Qin Bin hugged Sister Bai's face very excitedly and kissed fiercely, "Sister, your brain is more flexible than mine! I give you a compliment!"

Sister Bai was at a loss. She just said a plan, but there was no way to implement it. Why should she be so excited?

But... it feels good to be kissed!
"Okay Xiaobin, you dare to eat my sister's tofu!" Sister Bai's cheeks flushed, her hands on her hips, and she stared pretty.

"Hey, don't mind, I didn't do it on purpose, I just got excited and couldn't control it!" Qin Bin scratched his head.

"No, it's not fair, I want to kiss back!"


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