Binding Red Alert: The Corona Breaks Through the End Times

Chapter 016 Let's go!The power of the mountain-destroying flying gun

Of course, Xinxin didn't know how many troops Tianyu had. All the survivors didn't know where this mysterious armed force got the soldiers and tanks, but they were very tacit with each other and didn't ask.

Not to mention that they can only rely on this armed force if they want to survive now, but in the future city recapture battle, it is estimated that only and only the opponent will take action.

The news of the attack on the outpost city will definitely be transmitted to the main city as soon as possible. The crack teleporter can send a large number of pioneers in an instant, and it is not difficult to even send stronger pioneers.

But until the city wall was breached, there was no reinforcement from the main city, and even the supervising team and the local pioneers fled without saying hello.

Obviously, the upper class doesn't care about the lives of these 10 people. If they can't find a way to save themselves, they will die in the end.

Even at the moment when the Zerg may destroy the city at any time, almost 80% of the people know how to operate firearms, but knowing how to shoot and being able to fight are two different things. People who have not undergone formal military training are only armed with weapons. No-name cannon fodder.

If you want to block the gap in the city wall, you can only rely on regular troops!

Yes, it is this mysterious weapon!
The opponent was able to evade the monitoring of the main city and planted so many elite soldiers at the frontline outposts without anyone noticing, so he must have made sufficient preparations.

But all of this has nothing to do with myself.

She doesn't want to be involved in the game between the two big forces. Now Xinxin only hopes that the old man can quickly send troops to rescue her. She doesn't want to stay in such a dangerous place for a moment.

"For Shenzhou!"

Xinxin was startled by the shouting like a wave, and then looked towards the army formation, only to see that the gate had been opened, and the soldiers were rushing outside at a very fast speed.

Is this going to regain lost ground?
For some reason, I suddenly became a little excited.

No, no, no, she is going to leave anyway, everything here has nothing to do with her, she doesn't know anything, now she just needs to wait for rescue.

There is no need to do unimportant things.

As a second-generation official, Xinxin has always maintained a fine tradition of not having anything to do with herself.

Even if a grandpa fell unconscious on the side of the road, let alone stepping up to help her, she wouldn't even call an ambulance.

Don't ask why, just call it, and then the driver will charge 800 for the fare, and he will not give or pull anyone.

God knows how much psychological trauma this 800 yuan huge sum brought to her at that time, and her daily pocket money was only two yuan!
In the end, I borrowed 800 yuan from my brother, although I haven't paid it back yet.

The Qilin formation-breaking chariot led the way, followed by [-] Limbo escort chariots carrying [-] soldiers, and the infantry was further back.

The distance between the two mining bases was not too close, and the troops quickly left the base's radar scanning range.

However, the soldiers' field of vision will also be shared with the base, so Tian Yu doesn't have to worry about being blinded.

The fly in the ointment is that unlike in the game, the vision can be permanently unlocked. When the troops leave, the fog of war will restore.

But it would be nice to be able to see the situation of the frontline troops, and Tian Yu didn't expect to be able to unlock the map permanently.

As a small number of enemies entered the field of vision, the battle officially started.

A group of wandering red-armored beasts entered the field of vision, and before the red-armored beasts could react why a human army suddenly appeared here, the Qilin Destroyer Chariot had already charged up and fired a round of volleys.

The electromagnetic gun strengthened by Armor-Piercing Thunder will no longer explode just because it touches the enemy. I saw that the shell hit the scarlet armored beast's head at an extremely fast speed, and then the castration continued unabated until it penetrated the opponent's body and remained extremely It flew out at a fast speed, and after passing through three red armored beasts one after another, it exploded because the shells landed on the ground.

This firepower is more than a little bit stronger than the previous electrothermal chemical gun.

In front of the Shenzhou Army, which is now powerful in firepower and troops, this even somewhat scarce number of red-armored beasts was quickly wiped out by the main guns of the Qilin Destroyer Chariot and the machine guns of the Limbo Escort Chariot.

However, the Red Armored Beast is just the cannon fodder of the Zerg. Annihilating this Zerg will not arouse the psychological fluctuations of the soldiers, and as the gunshots sound, the surrounding Zerg will definitely rush towards them at the fastest speed.

And they not only want to wipe out all the incoming enemies, but also continue to advance to win the No. [-] mining area for the commander.

This is destined to be a very dangerous task. Without knowing the enemy's strength and fighting style, most of the soldiers are actually ready to die.

Sure enough, it was like a stone thrown into a calm lake. It obviously didn't move when it first fell, but soon caused waves of ripples.

Dense Zergs are besieged from all directions. If they defend in place, they will only be surrounded and killed by the Zergs taking advantage of their numbers.

It is impossible to fight positional warfare. The purpose of this trip is to capture the second mining area, and we must not be dragged down by the swarm on the road.


"The chariot troops quickly sweep the front!"

"What about the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system? It's time to give these bugs a long look!"

In addition to air defense, the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system also has strong ground-to-ground anti-armor firepower, but unlike the flexible air-to-air mode, once the mountain destroyer is used to enter the anti-armor mode, each shelling will consume power and its own power will be reduced. Prioritize the supply of weapon charges.

This setting greatly improves the damage and range of the Magnetic Crossbow in anti-armor mode, but it also has an extremely deadly point.

Without the assistance of Bifang support helicopters, the magnetic crossbow in anti-armor mode cannot move and will become a live target for enemy long-range troops and air forces.

But for now, the Zerg has not yet appeared a unit that can threaten the Magnetic Crossbow from a long distance.

"Brothers! Our magnetic crossbow has always been good at air defense! But it is also not inferior to ground!"

"Let them see how powerful we are!"


I saw the barrel of the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system stretched, and the caliber increased by a quarter, and then the soldiers began to operate nervously.

"Railgun, loaded!"

"Solving target parameters!"

"Blast these bugs right through!"

call out!
The speed of the anti-aircraft shells of the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system exceeds seven times the speed of sound, and the rate of fire of its anti-armor mode shells will not be much lower.

In the initial stage, the screaming sound produced by the firing and flying of shells is enough to damage the eardrum without professional protective equipment, which can seriously cause people to lose their hearing.

The trajectory of the cannonballs could not be seen at all. There seemed to be a flash of blue lightning in front of my eyes. The next second, the figure of the behemoth that was rushing towards the troops stopped suddenly.

The railgun directly penetrated the opponent's huge body, and the scarlet armored beast behind could be seen along the bucket-thick wound.

"The siege behemoths are all wiped out! Switch to anti-air mode! Follow the troops! Try to ensure that the vehicle will not be damaged before reaching the target!"


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