The intense gunfire continued.

On the streets full of shattered Zerg corpses, you can see occasional flashes of golden yellow among the stumps all over the place, which is your own fighter under the cover of Zerg corpses.

It's just that the battle situation is stalemate, and there is no way to spare manpower to collect the corpses of one's own soldiers. The swarms of insects rushing from all directions make the troops have no time to care, and even the simplest advance is extremely difficult.

Damaged gaps can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road, as well as terrifying spiders whose entire heads have been blown away. A few unicorn battle vehicles parked crookedly by the side of the road, and most of their armor has been corroded.

The troops of the Zerg not only include queens and terrifying spiders, but also a large number of advanced red armored beasts and siege monsters.

Every advance of Xunlei Tiangang is accompanied by the sacrifice of the soldiers around him.

How can there be no reason not to die in a war!

Even though he wanted to become hard-hearted, watching his comrades continue to suffer casualties in the battle still made his mentality change a little.

The Zerg has too many troops in this mining base!

Moreover, the Zerg would not allow Shenzhou to capture the second base. Zergs from all directions kept rushing towards the base, and even hunters appeared on the battlefield.

If the enemies in the mining base cannot be wiped out as soon as possible, the remaining soldiers will only die.

There is no time to hesitate!You must not be dragged here by these bugs!
"Advance! Charge me in at all costs! You must win!"


The soldiers roared in unison, advancing instead of retreating in the face of the oncoming swarm of insects.

The Qilin formation-breaking chariot, which took the lead, rushed into the enemy's formation first, and began to crush the army of red-armored beasts by taking advantage of its size, and used electromagnetic guns to clean up the siege monsters and the bugs behind the army.

Because the sacrifice of the pioneering troops proved the situation for the main force, the terrifying spiders hiding in the building and preparing to attack were almost blown out of their heads by the electromagnetic gun the moment they broke through the wall.

If it wasn't for the enemy's high-level units not participating in the frontal battlefield, it would be impossible to break through here with only twenty unicorns.

After all, the terrifying spider didn't need to go to the front line at all. It only needed to stay in the rear and release its parasites safely, which could cause a large number of casualties to Tian Yu's advancing troops.

It's a pity that although the Zerg have a large number, they don't have a qualified command system.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be wiped out on the first day.

A Qilin Destroyer Chariot was hit by the queen, and the outer armor was on the verge of damage, and it would soon be unable to protect the driver inside.

The hatch opened, and several Longyan troops jumped down and fired at the surrounding red armored beasts, while the Qilin Destroyer Chariot entered overload mode under the control of the last Longyan soldier.

Overloading can allow the Kirin Destroyer to have more horsepower and faster movement speed, but it will put a serious burden on the superconducting battery pack of the Kirin Destroyer.

But right now the entire car body is about to be scrapped, so that little burden is nothing at all.

A ray of light shone through the armor, followed by more corrosive liquid.

But the only remaining soldier was fearless, and with full throttle, he broke away from the sea of ​​insects of the red-armored beast, and finally crashed into the pile of queens.

"Shenzhou will last forever!"

There was a loud bang, and the blue flames spread like thunder, and the range of more than ten meters was called a death penalty zone.

After all, it is a tank-level superconducting battery pack, so the destructive power and range of the explosion are naturally much higher than that of infantry armor.

The self-explosion of the Qilin Destroyer Chariot brought quite a commotion to the queens, and what made them even more frightened was that a three-meter-tall mecha was rushing towards them like an athlete sprinting a hundred meters. When the red armored beast ran into him, it was like a person bumping into a train head-on. Not to mention blocking it, the whole bug was directly knocked into the air.

A salvo of the main guns was scattered by the Qilin battle tanks and the red armored beasts who wanted to rescue the long-range Zerg were unable to intercept it. They could only watch the dozen or so blue streamers rushing into the Queen of Zerg. Reduce their long-range firepower to three out of five.

As for the remaining worm queens, they were frantically strafed by Thunder Tiangang with their rotary machine guns.

In terms of defense, the insect queen was not even as resistant to beating as the red armored beast. As the barrage swept across, the insect queen who was hit was beaten to pieces before she even had time to howl.

Losing the resistance of the long-range troops, the frontal troops drove straight through the gap after using RPG to blast the road, led by thirty Longyan troops.

The situation is opened!
Tian Yu heaved a sigh of relief. This army had consumed a lot of his funds. Based on the battle situation on the field, if they couldn't rush into the base, everyone would be overwhelmed by the swarm.

"Hurry up!"

"Follow up!"

The gap was opened, and as the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system and dozens of soldiers entered the wall at the back, several quantum construction cores flew out immediately under the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system.

The iron wall and the heavy crossbow carving platform can be built in only a dozen seconds, and can be operated directly without laying circuits.

The Zerg troops on the periphery haven't given up their attack yet, but the initial defense line has been established. Behind the city wall, the phantoms of two Shenji Battalions and a heavy armor workshop are gradually solidifying.


Tianyu's hanging heart finally let go. Naturally, the vanguard army could not occupy the mining base with only 500 people and some chariots. After all, the Zerg could wear them down just by numbers.


As long as he successfully establishes a foothold at the target location, it is only a matter of time before he can wipe out the entire base with his explosive speed.

With the breakthrough as the center, after the production building is implemented and put into production, the quantum construction core is divided into two teams and expands along the breakthrough to both sides, trying to enclose the entire mining base.

With the heavy crossbow carving platform, there is no need to worry about the periphery being breached.

Then only the remaining Zerg in the mining base need to be dealt with!

Most of the enemy's information has already been obtained. Although the hunters still have to pay for their lives, but with Thunder Tiangang, there should be no need to worry about the situation there.

However, the two mining bases can only allow themselves to have the capital to gain a foothold, and there is still a long way to go to counterattack.

If only there was another ore warehouse like that food company hides.

That wave was really instant wealth for Tian Yu, but it's a pity that after searching all the warehouses, only there was stock.

However, the food found in other warehouses has also greatly relieved the pressure on logistics. Next, as long as the air force takes shape, it should be able to fight back.

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