"The ejection starts!"

Bend your legs slightly, and stay away from the battlefield in the way you enter the battlefield.

The Hunter can jump 20 meters high and 50 meters away, and if the back thrusters are added, this distance can be further.

But Long You forgot a very crucial thing.

The reason why he was able to ignore the terrifying anti-aircraft firepower network of the Shenzhou Army was because the Wild Hunter mecha at that time still had a shield. As long as the shield was still there, the shells could not hinder the mecha's movement.

But now he was accidentally hit by the self-explosion of several unicorn formation-breaking chariots, and before he could escape, his shield was broken by the Longyan army.

In a panic, he didn't choose to turn around and run, but tried to fly away.

That's embarrassing.

The fire control and locking system of the Shenzhou Army is very strong!

Electromagnetic guns with seven times the speed of sound have no solution for hunters who are not very flexible in the air.

It is impossible to dodge at all, and conversely, for the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system, the flying wild hunter is simply an immobile target standing in place.

Just kidding, they don't need to do anything about such a target, they can shoot it down with their eyes closed and rely on the tank's own fire control system.

Sure enough, the Hunter, who was less than 5 meters high in the air, was attacked violently from behind.

Two propellers were blown up on the spot!

The magnetic crossbow self-defense system alone is enough to shoot it down, and the propeller exploded, Long You immediately smashed down diagonally.

The good news is that the shock wave from the propeller explosion caused the Hunter to fly forward for more than 30 meters, so there is no need to worry about the thunder call from Xunlei Tiangang.

Bad news, two propellers were damaged, the body was unable to fly and its speed slowed down, and the infantry had just been defeated not long ago. On the battlefield today, except for the ground full of broken meat and the "corpse" lying in the blood and the chest is slightly heaving. No one else.

Without the covering troops, Long You would be just fish on the cutting board.

Moreover, because Tian Yu expanded the defense circle, Long You is now surrounded by soldiers from the warehouse gate and the outer defense circle.

The outer defense circle has just been deployed, and the large troops have not yet entered the battle position. Thunder Tiangang is deployed at the warehouse door to try to capture Long You, which makes it impossible for the soldiers in the outer defense circle to intercept Long You who wants to escape.

However, the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system completely exposed the back to Long You, who made up for a while, causing the propulsion system to be completely destroyed when he escaped, and the stability maintenance device was also affected.

The legs couldn't keep the balance of the fuselage and fell heavily to the ground. The hunter, whose arms were originally weapons, changed into ordinary arms again, and then his hands were inserted into the ground in the shape of palms, driving the fuselage forward like wooden oars.

"Catch up! Don't let him get away!"

This bastard killed three hundred soldiers on the battlefield, and in the end he relied on the self-detonation of the Qilin Destroyer Chariot to break through its shield.

Such a huge loss must not allow the other party to escape!

After receiving the order, the Longyan Army and the Armored Iron Guards began to deploy the defense line, while the Magnetic Crossbow Self-Propelled Air Defense System and Xunlei Tiangang quickly chased them out.

Time is running out, and there is no time to carry troops, but despite the bloated and bulky appearance of Thunder Tiangang's mechanical armor, it can even pull a part of the magnetic crossbow self-defense system under full speed.

But correspondingly, the energy consumption of Mechanical Kai is also extremely fast.

Fortunately, Long You, who was seriously damaged, couldn't run very fast. After a few thunderstorms hit the back armor, the wild hunter who was still digging wildly died instantly.

After realizing that the hunter was paralyzed, Long You frantically pressed the emergency escape button.

But today's wild hunter has long been unable to move, even if he button is broken, the escape system will not be activated.

"Hurry up! Let me move!"

Long You's expression is crazy, there is no need to guess, once he is captured, it will be extremely cruel torture.

But he didn't have the courage to commit suicide.

It's just that no matter how he slapped, the hunter couldn't give him any response.

And what frightened him was that although the hunter was unable to move, he lost all vision.

Now all he could see was an operating console and a darkened light screen, but in the cab he could still sense that his wild hunter was retreating slowly.

It seemed to be dragged by something and rushed towards the warehouse.


It's all over!
own life.
Now that things have happened, I can only give up my wife and children, and turn to the light.

At any rate, I am the driver of the Wild Hunter, and I have rich combat experience. I must know that after I surrender, the other party will at least give him the treatment of a commander-in-chief.

Although it is far from the treatment given by the imperial army, at least he can still live well, can't he?
While thinking this way, there was a burst of intense gunfire outside.

Judging from the sound, it was the Blazer's light machine gun.


After his thousand-man forward team was wiped out, new troops immediately came to support them.

It's okay, it seems that I don't need to go to the opposite side to be the captain.

The dense bullets jingled on Xunlei Tiangang's body, leaving countless dents.

The size of the Blazers is only a small circle larger than that of Xunlei Tiangang, and a set of output can only damage the outer armor of several Xunlei Tiangangs.

The soldiers inside were not injured but incapacitated.

There were a total of seven Blazers at the front line, and there was a long convoy behind them that could not be seen at a glance.

Obviously, when realizing that the enemy's number is by no means 1000 people can fight, the imperial army directly dispatched the main force.

They are going to get serious, and do whatever it takes.



Thousands of meters away came the sound of firing from artillery clusters, and the soldiers in the front line immediately hid in the trenches they had just dug, but unexpectedly the warehouse behind them was the target of the shelling.

The huge explosion sound was accompanied by the flames soaring into the sky, and the entire warehouse suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Some not-so-hard equipment and high-altitude platforms softened and melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, the lack of intelligence made the Imperial Army make a wrong judgment.

The large amount of ore stored in the warehouse made them reluctant to use high explosives for bombing.

So the bombardment this time has no effect except for poking a lot of holes in the ceiling and making the staff and mercenaries who died here unable to find the whole body.

Long You did not contact the rear to inform the mysterious armed forces that they are not afraid of flames.

Not to mention telling the rear, don't use light tanks and infantry groups to attack the Shenzhou Army's defense line!Not even fighting head-on!

A massacre was about to start, and what made Tian Yu feel sad was that he only had 10 minutes left.

Along with him to observe the situation in the combat conference room was the researcher of the main building who solved the calculations. After the frontline troops reported the data, he also performed a calculation that Tian Yu could not understand at all, and finally came to a conclusion.

Although the incendiary bomb thrown by the enemy does not have the conditions to kill the infantry and tanks of the Shenzhou Army, the high temperature will affect the transmission beacon, and this effect is unknown.

However, there is no problem sending beacons within 10 minutes.

But after 10 minutes it's not clear.

Troops will either die in the space-time channel, or be teleported to other places.

In short, everything is unclear.

In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, all troops need to withdraw from the battlefield within 10 minutes.

"Plunder the enemy's resources with all their strength! Regroup and retreat in 5 minutes! All the soldiers guarding the warehouse door attack and retreat the enemy's forward troops! If conditions permit, grab the seven pioneers!"

You must know that the scientific research department is in urgent need of enemy mecha samples.

Since they were all delivered to the door, he was embarrassed to accept them all.

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