Except for those who were annihilated by the chasing troops who were closer to the area controlled by the Shenzhou Army, the other scattered Zerg were summoned back by the Zerg Mother.

Like the worm mother, Tianyu also directly gathered all the troops to deploy at the No. [-] mining area base.

It only takes a few minutes for hundreds of quantum construction cores to build a majestic city wall 30 meters high and seven meters wide.

You can even deploy chariots and defenses on the walls.

On the city wall, the Qilin battle tank and the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system are waiting in line with the Thunderbolt Tiangang and the armor-piercing iron guards, as well as countless heavy crossbow carving platforms and the Hunting Tower.

Outside the city walls, the avant-garde troops composed of Zhu Rong's assault chariot and the Longyan Army were the first line of defense against the Zerg.

Between the ground position and the city wall, Tian Yu personally manipulated the Pojun Golden Armor to stand in front of the army, his tall and straight figure was like an invincible god of war.

Above the sky, Phoenix fighters and Chongming interceptors form a professional anti-air defense line. Bifang supports the helicopter's ability to lock the magnetic crossbow self-propelled air defense system and the white tiger siege heavy artillery at the rear to enhance the air-to-air and long-range bombing capabilities of the Shenzhou Army.

Behind the first line of defense, hundreds of Suzaku attack aircraft hovered here, providing ground firepower against the front line of defense.

Behind the walls, the survivors were again assigned arms to provide cover for the retreat of the main force after the walls fell.

In the core area of ​​the base, the original production building has been sold and rebuilt elsewhere, and the vacated space has been built as an airport. On the runway, Jinwu bombers are fully loaded with heavy missiles ready to take off at any time, and a large number of magnetic crossbow self-defense systems and Xunlei Tiangang acts as a guard.

It was dusk at this time, and the sunset glow reflected the earth, bringing a bit of beauty to the city.

But at this time, there is no time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, because in the area thousands of meters away, the buildings are collapsing one after another.

The dust and mist raised by the falling gravel covered the sun like a black cloud, rushing towards the front line of defense of the Shenzhou Army.

Under the huge number, any building in front of the sea of ​​insects will be turned into rubble.

In addition to the known units, the attack of the Zerg was also mixed with many high-level units that had not been seen before. Except for the eggs that had not yet hatched in the underground space, the rest of the Zerg had joined the battlefield.

This is definitely the most severe test of Tian Yu's journey, but at this time, he holds a heavy army, personally controls the golden armor, and has a group of powerful troops under his command, so he has enough confidence to resist the enemy's attack.

The sound of rumbling buildings collapsing gradually approached, and the dust and mist raised stopped at a distance of 800 meters from the defense line.

All the buildings within a range of 800 meters were blown to pieces by Tian Yu's side when the worm mother assembled her troops, and the sandstorm could not continue to extend.

There is a sharp dividing line between the sunset glow and the dust storm, and the sky and the earth seem to fall into silence, and no sound can be heard.

But after a few seconds, the sound of neighing and flapping wings resounded through the sky one after another, and a large number of Zerg emerged from the dust storm and launched an attack on the towering city wall in front of them without fear of death.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like a black ocean is hitting a golden battle line with a depth of only 30 meters.

"Open the insurance! Get ready to shoot!" [Long Yanjun]

"Destroy them here!" [Zhu Rong]

"The fire control system is locked!" [Magnetic Crossbow]

"No need to pray, no forgiveness!" [Xunlei Tiangang]


As if covering all the sounds in the world, only the mighty thunder of thousands of insects was left, which was immediately covered by louder sounds.

Countless electromagnetic cannons, plasma clusters, and thermal energy rays rushed towards the galloping insect swarm.

In the dust storm, the Zerg race continued to surge out, as if there was no end to it. As far as the eye could see, there were explosion flames and broken corpses of the Zerg race that were blown away.

"The enemy air force is approaching!"

"Found the enemy's new long-range fire bombardment! Be careful to avoid it!"

A large piece of black mist gushed out from the dust storm. Take a closer look at what kind of black mist it is. It is a huge swarm of mutated bats, the parasites of terrifying spiders.

The number is even higher than when the white tiger siege heavy artillery was attacked before!

More than the number of heavy artillery that attacked the white tiger siege in the previous battle of closing the door!
"The magnetic crossbow is in place! Prepare to sweep the sky!"

"The target is about to enter the range!" [Phoenix Fighter]

"Born with five virtues, exorcising evil and evil!" [Chongming Interceptor]

"It's time for us to play!" [Chongming Interceptor]

Along with the mutated bats, there are also the giant dragonflies that Tianyu saw when he just crossed over. These guys have extremely fast flying speeds, but they have no anti-air capabilities. Their main combat method is to use their claws to hunt enemies and bite off their heads. .

In the vast sea of ​​air forces, there are still many unknown spheres.

In the first front, the soldiers of the Longyan Army who controlled the anti-aircraft machine gun on the top of the turret of Zhu Rong's assault tank immediately began to block.

Most of the black spheres were intercepted, and those intercepted spheres exploded in the air, and the green corrosive liquid splashed more than ten meters under the influence of the internal impact force!
Not only did dozens of mutated bats be killed by mistake, but also several mutated dragonflies fell from the sky with damaged wings and unable to sustain flight.

And those acids also caused secondary damage to the Zerg ground troops after falling.

The worm mother did not show up, but more than 20 giant acid bombs fanning out like shotguns indicated that it had joined the battlefield.

Because she was afraid of the lethality of the white tiger's siege artillery, the worm mother hadn't revealed her plan yet.

These giant acid bombs could not be intercepted, and fell heavily in the middle of the city wall, followed by a series of explosions.

At least four layers of iron walls have been pierced, and the durability of the iron walls that have not been blown nearby has reached the bottom, and acid is constantly corroding the city walls inside.

The quantum construction core that had been waiting for a long time was dispatched, and it only took one minute to fill the gap made by the worm mother.

Seemingly knowing that the walls of the Shenzhou Army are difficult to destroy, the worm mother shifted her attack target to the frontline troops.

Another round of acid bombs came, and the acid bombs of the worm mother not only had amazing lethality, but also had an extremely long attack range.

If these shells are left alone, the front line of defense within a range of at least [-] meters will be emptied in an instant.

Tian Yu also made a move, and the 20-meter-high Pojun Jianmang pierced through the mighty Zerg army all the way, opening up a 20-meter-wide insect-free zone in the black ocean and vaporizing half of the acid bombs.

The two sword lights killed more than 3000 Zerg cannon fodder troops and intercepted most of the acid bombs, but there were still two that were not intercepted by the broken army sword lights and fell into one's own position.

The mechanical exoskeleton of the Longyan army is like naked clothes in the face of the acid bombs of the insect mother, and has no protection ability. Even if it is a Zhurong assault tank, the thick external armor can only buy the driver inside more than 20 seconds to abandon the vehicle. .

"This is the tactical headquarters! Based on the positions of the enemy's two attacks, the coordinates of the worm mother have been roughly inferred! The artillery unit immediately launched a saturation attack on the coordinate xxx!"

Behind the city wall, the survivor artillery unit who had been waiting for a long time immediately began to adjust the parameters, and then launched an artillery attack.

Immediately afterwards, the white tiger siege artillery in the rear also roared angrily, and it was bound to make the worm mother pay for it!

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