Relying on the superiority in numbers, the corpses piled up under the city wall gradually increased until the Zerg could use this to rush up the slope. The first line of defenders who received the retreat order immediately retreated along the evacuation channel, and the Suzaku attack aircraft temporarily stopped them Work.

A five-tailed naga successfully climbed up the city wall, and immediately chose to pursue it when it found that there were no stairs to go down, and the retreating figure of the Longyan army was not far away.

Soon it entered the sprint state, but before it could get close to the soldiers stationed, the retreat channel under its feet turned into a red light and disappeared within three seconds.

The five-tailed Naga, who had no leverage, used the power of the charge to turn sideways and landed on the iron wall without half of his body.

Before he could wait for the Shenzhou Army to make up his sword, he crashed his head into the iron wall and died.

Tian Yu, who was looking at the rear, was stunned.

Is there such a gift?
The five-tailed Naga is only slightly threatening in the enemy's attack. After all, this guy's attack is the strongest when he sprints, but he can't change his direction during the sprint. As long as he is not in a straight line with his direction of travel, he will not be attacked.

The more troublesome ones are the snails.

Not to mention the extremely wide coverage of the acid, the extremely large number of snail larvae is also a big trouble.

Falling in the building complex is a big deal for maintenance + cleaning of the Skyfire Tower, but falling into a crowd is unavoidable.

Those snail larvae will fly randomly as the acid bomb explodes.

Once it flew onto the soldier, it would bite the mechanical armor tightly, and it was so slippery that it couldn't be pinched or killed at all.

It only takes tens of seconds to bite through if you let it go.

Here is a point, although the surviving Zerg has evolved the ability to feed on ore in order to continue, but most of them are carnivores in nature.

Once this thing got into the mechanical armor, it would be really hard to save the gods.

"Change defense immediately! The person possessed by the snail retreats immediately and be careful not to implicate other comrades in arms! Make up for the vacancy in the battle!"

The densely packed blade spiders had already begun to climb down the first line of defense, while the thick-skinned giant shield crabs chose to fall directly.

Because there is already a layer of Zerg corpses piled up on the ground, such a fall is not a serious problem at all.

He can even move forward vigorously under the dense firepower.

In the end, the giant shield was smashed to kill the latter.

Looking from a distance, the first layer of iron wall has been completely covered by dense blade spiders, and the long-range firepower of the enemy is still pouring into the city. Kill and let the military commander help him repair the equipment.

When Zhou Yang was fighting a large-scale Zerg, the Imperial Army also ushered in the first eight-city meeting.

The current combat power of the Shenzhou Army has made everyone have to face up to the existence of the other party, but with the pressure of the space battleship, the support troops obtained by the city lord of Beiming City from giving up the benefits of the rich mining area are now in place, but they can no longer launch to Shenzhou. attack.

The other seven city lords somewhat despised Beiming City, because Beiming City was the first to be captured by the Zerg, and the sub-city captured by the Zerg was disarmed by a mysterious armed force, and even Even another branch city was ransacked and almost bald, and the troops of the two armies were almost wiped out.

However, contempt is contempt. According to video data, the Shenzhou Army is a force that cannot be dealt with, but if it is not dealt with, it is as disturbing as a sword hanging over the head.

The strength of the enemy far exceeds the defenders of their inferior planet, and the Hunters, who are invincible against the Zerg, can't even defeat the opponent's enhanced version of Thunder Sky.

Not to mention ordinary infantry, it is extremely difficult to penetrate the enemy's armor, let alone annihilate them.

Plus that spaceship.

"We can't sit still! We must take the initiative! These mysterious guys are developing so fast!"

"If we don't stop it, not only everyone in Beiming City will die!"

"The enemy's technological level is very fierce! Now they have occupied a space crack node and are on an equal footing with us! Everyone, if our Beiming City is captured, do you think you can survive alone?"

The city lord of Beiming City is promoting the threat of the Shenzhou Army in order to obtain the support and reinforcements of other city lords.

He had to go through a big victory and defeat his opponent openly on the frontal battlefield in order to restore Beiming City's weak image.

But the exposure of the dragon boat meant that all the city lords on the planet were a piece of cake in Tianyu's hands. Without battleships and anti-ship firepower, if they encountered the dragon boat on the frontal battlefield, even 10,000+ troops would not be enough for the dragon boat to kill.

"I have submitted the report on Shenzhou to the above, and the above has clearly sent a fleet to destroy the enemy's space battleship."

"We just need to defeat the ground troops of the Shenzhou Army!"

"The space battleship will naturally have a dedicated army to deal with it!"

"Fleet? And one?"

After hearing that Beiming City had sought the help of a fleet, the remaining city lords no longer held on.

Because they also know the threat that exists in China, and the sooner this threat is eliminated, it is better for everyone.

And when everyone was discussing the scale of their respective troops and how to exchange fire with the Shenzhou Army, their adjutant brought a bad news
At present, the Shenzhou Army has arrived in the rich mining area and is fighting the Zerg. According to the satellite images, they have a high probability of resisting the first round of the Zerg's attack.

As we all know, the first attack of the Zerg is the strongest when attacking the Zerg-occupied area.

As long as the attack is successfully resisted, it means that the outpost city can be established, but if the defense is unsuccessful and the frontline soldiers cannot build a crack teleporter, the troops sent there will only have a dead end.

Now that the Shenzhou Army has established a firm foothold in the rich mining area, if they cannot act quickly, they will not be able to establish a position when the Shenzhou Army clears away the threat of the Zerg.

After all, with the firepower of the Shenzhou Army, it is absolutely impossible to allow other people's troops to compete with themselves for resources.

You must establish your own position as soon as possible before the Shenzhou Army has cleared out the Zerg and annihilate the frontline positions of Shenzhou and then slowly map it, otherwise who knows whether Shenzhou will attack itself next.

And with the lessons learned from Beiming City, the remaining city lords think that it is impossible for their side to resist the attack of Shenzhou without preparation.

As a result, the eight city lords, who felt that their interests were threatened by external factors, united for the first time and began to prepare troops. They planned to enter the rich mining area and first beat out the Chinese forces there before attacking the headquarters of the Chinese Army.

If possible, they even want to eliminate Shenzhou without war. The best way is to use mushroom eggs, but the nearly [-] civilians captured by the Shenzhou Army make no one dare to be an executioner.

Fortunately, the fleet of the Imperial Army is coming here. With the support of the battleship, they only need to assist the battleship to fight and watch the battleship clear the control area of ​​Shenzhou with a destructive attitude.

After discussing the plan to deal with Shenzhou, the eight city lords immediately began to arrange manpower to establish their own outpost in the rich mining area.

And it was agreed that they were all sent to a coordinate.

The pressure came to Zhou Yang's side in an instant.

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