Binding Red Alert: The Corona Breaks Through the End Times

Chapter 078 The Unlucky Frontier First Fleet

"Quick! It's here!"


"One group, quickly mine the ore!"

"Two sets of cover!"

"Three groups of four use reserve resources to quickly build bases and defensive buildings!"

Chased by the swarm all the way, the wild hunters finally entered the target area and found a mineral deposit.

Immediately afterwards, seven wild hunters landed directly on the deposit, and the arms changed into drill bits to start digging.

The second group responsible for the defense task is to kill the enemy's 8-man air force and block the Zerg from the pursuit.

The third and fourth groups used all the reserve resources of their teams to start building bases.

Yes, the Imperial Army, like the Shenzhou Army, also has the ability to build tall buildings on the ground, but it is limited by many resources and power.

"Hurry up! Build a position!"

Ten small construction machines flew out from the back of the hunter, flying in a row in front and casting a white phantom.

It was a fence of more than seven meters, which could effectively resist the attack of the Zerg.

The wild hunters first built a small safe zone with walls, and then built ammunition factories, warehouses, and numerous power generation equipment.

Use circuit cores to lay circuits around defensive walls and build base defensive tower sentries.

It can be regarded as a machine gun tower. After all, it is the most basic defensive tower. Its combat power is not high, but fortunately, the production of ammunition is simple. As long as the resource supply is sufficient, there is almost no possibility of running out of bullets.

However, Sentinel is the most basic defensive tower after all, with relatively balanced attributes and no outstanding points, and it seems a bit useless in the later stage for both groups and singles.

Moreover, the Sentinel cannot cause damage to the Boulder Beast, and its anti-air firepower is impressive and its range is low, so it is easy to be directly blasted by the enemy apostle from a long distance.

"Expand the safe zone! Prepare to set up a transmission beacon to receive the first batch of reinforcements! Bury the ground radar alert underground!"

With the establishment of the transmission beacon, the second batch of mecha teams joined the frontline battlefield to relieve some of the defensive pressure and bring personnel and logistics supplies and so on.

The next step is to expand the defense line, set up minefields, shields and mining equipment.

After waiting for the first wave of the enemy's counterattack to be wiped out, they began to expand around.

"Report! The headquarters has received information that the Shenzhou Army has broken the first wave of the swarm's counterattack and started to take care of the battlefield. Order our army to speed up! We must not be too far behind by the Shenzhou Army!"

"I'm going to ride a horse! Standing and talking one by one doesn't hurt my back."

"Immediately build a heavy artillery defense tower! The mecha team takes the initiative to attack, don't get too close to the Zerg, just wander around the periphery to weaken the enemy's vitality!"

The imperial army was in a hard fight, because the teleportation deviation joined the field, and the position of the field was not very good, so there were more high-level Zerg near them.

Although the number of basic Zergs is far smaller than that of the Shenzhou Army, the threat posed by high-level Zergs cannot be underestimated.

On the other hand, on the side of the Shenzhou Army, as the last batch of enemy assault troops fell, the corpses had piled up on the two lines of defense and piled up more than 20 meters high on the third line of defense.

The corpses everywhere are countless funds. I don't know when the next round of Zerg attacks will come, so Zhou Yang immediately starts to clean up the corpses and launch an army expansion operation.

The arms race between the two sides in the rich mining area has already begun, but outside the planet, a huge satellite with a red Tenglong flag sounded harsh sirens.

"Attention all units! The appearance of an enemy unit that seriously disrupts the balance of the battlefield has been detected! Prepare to fight!"

The teleportation channel opened, and a huge battleship with a length of 3000 meters instantly appeared tens of thousands of meters away.

"Really! Just a small escort-class battleship, why did we send our entire fleet over here!"

On the ship's platform, the captain with his legs up on the console was lying back on his chair, smoking a cigarette and complaining to the upper deck, unaware that he was about to face a catastrophe.

After the flagship appeared, more than 20 large and small warships appeared near the main ship.

"It is detected that the enemy unit is in place! The space blockade has been activated!"

"Unlimited power is on!"

"The money consumed by fire is provided by the system and has been turned on!"

"A combat unit enters the arena! The experimental weapon satellite fire lock is released, the super weapon is released and enters the fastest cooling state."

"Release the mission: wipe out the enemy army before it contacts the commander!"

Countless white portals unfolded, and a dragon ship battle group far exceeding the number of the imperial fleet appeared near the satellite, and the satellite also began to rotate, aiming the huge space-based weapon at the most threatening flagship of the opponent.

"Discover large-scale teleportation fluctuations!"

"Captain! The enemy's main fleet appears in front of our army! The number is ten times that of our army!"

"how can that be?!"

His calm and breezy eyes suddenly became extremely panicked. He sat up and looked into the distance, only to see that each of the opponent's warships was larger than the flagship he was on, and there was also a huge satellite that was already aligned. For them, the muzzle has begun to flash.

This is not over yet!

As more teleportation fluctuations appeared, golden mechs over 50 meters in size and satellites hundreds of meters in size appeared as the second batch of reinforcements.

And those satellites have been unfolding like Transformers and gradually turned into turrets.

"The whole team fires! Reduce the engine power and give me the shield to the maximum!"

"Release all carrier-based aircraft and mechs to hold them back!"

"Flagship turn around and prepare to jump!"

Hemp egg!

I knew it wouldn't come!
"The warp is interfered! It seems that the enemy army has used a teleportation interference device!"

"How long will it take to break through?"

The soldier in charge of the jump looked pale at the huge beam of light that had shot from a distance, and murmured.

"The technology gap is too big! Can't break away!"

The first thing to do is the satellite that has been providing Tianyu with agreements and ground images. In order to show respect for the enemy, the first move is to use a super weapon.

Shenzhou Super Martial Sun Bathing Altar uses the full power to launch an energy beam to cause continuous damage to the target in a wide range, and apply deceleration and armor weakening effects.

The raging energy beam instantly passed through the distance between the two fleets and bombarded the shield of the opposing flagship.

The corona storm disintegrated the opponent's shield almost in the blink of an eye and hit the opponent's front armor.

Through the observation window, the flagship captain only saw the outer armor rapidly twisting and deforming, and just when he dragged his wet trouser legs and wanted to escape backward.

The armor was broken, and the specially made glass could even withstand the attack of large-caliber energy weapons, but under the influence of the corona storm, cracks spread all over in just a second, and then it shattered directly.

The surging energy beam instantly vaporized all the people present and pierced through the alloy wall connecting the bow and the hull.

In order not to damage the device, the coronal storm entered a 5-minute cooling state after reaching the maximum output power.

The soldiers of the Imperial Army fleet couldn't believe their eyes when they saw that the bow of the ship had exploded, and a large number of Imperial Army soldiers were flying out along the gap.

one strike!
Just one hit!
The strongest flagship of their fleet was destroyed by the enemy!

Except for the escape pod and the flying mech units, almost the entire battleship was dead!
"The stars are silent, and the lights descend!"

"Attack coordinates confirmed!"

"The main gun fires!"

"Your deadline is approaching!"

Hundreds of Yaoguang Sky Survey Cannons launched attacks at the same time, and the enemy warships hit by multiple attacks were directly pierced. A large number of armored wreckage and soldier corpses poured into the space along the gap, and some of them were shot directly before they could fight back. The explosion turned into brilliant fireworks in the starry sky.

As the heavy firepower cooled down, the warships on both sides began to unleash artillery fire on the enemy, and the fighter planes and mecha troops also galloped towards the enemy.

The phoenix fighter, which far surpassed Tianyu's current technological level, frantically harvested the lives of the enemy's fighters as if entering a no-man's land.

The Golden Crow aimed at the enemy's heavily damaged warships.

The Pojun Golden Armor can crush the enemy's mechs just because of its size, and the weakest weapon except for the basic epee is the main gun of the White Tiger Siege Cannon.

Let alone the dead body, the ashes can be thrown away!

This is a battle that is destined to be unfair under the intervention of the system, and it is also a massacre that no matter how hard you try, you will not escape death, and you will not even have the chance to surrender.

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