It is impossible for the fleet of the Imperial Army to continuously go to the Zhiyuan Star to fight the Shenzhou Army. In addition to the necessary defensive troops, the nearby planets can actually mobilize extremely limited troops.

After no new warships entered the field, the defenders of the far star also arrived on the battlefield.

I saw that our own fleet had already surrounded the enemy, and the fighter planes and mecha units of both sides were in a stalemate, and the mutual shooting between the battleships was extremely damaged due to the shields of the enemy units.

Floating battleship wreckage and the corpses of one's own soldiers are everywhere. On the other hand, there are only three dragon ships on the Shenzhou side whose shields have been broken, and the place where the outer armor was broken is burning raging fire.

However, the Shenzhou Fleet began to change and surrounded the three warships in the central area to bear a large amount of artillery fire for them. As a result, the Shenzhou fleet has not suffered any losses since the firing.

"Quick! Advance at full speed! Cooperate with friendly troops to fight!"

The Zhiyuan star fleet began to speed up and enter the arena, and several lasers shot directly at them all of a sudden.

The two [-]-meter-class small battleships were directly pierced and then exploded violently. Even the flagship of the fleet felt like an earthquake inside under such an attack.

More fighter planes and army-breaking golden armor rushed towards the just-appeared Reach Star Fleet, and the latter, not to be outdone, sent their own troops to fight it.

But the huge battle loss ratio is really shocking.

Long Yi, the Golden Armored Pilot recruited by Tian Yu first, although he has been an infantry soldier for a long time because of the dove occupying the magpie's nest, he is now the leader of the Golden Armored Army of the Shenzhou Army, and his personal combat power is almost equal to that of a hero unit. wait.

At this time, Long Yi was leading the team to meet the Zhiyuan Star troop that had just entered the field.

A sword cut the rushing enemy mecha in half, and then pulled out the white tiger siege artillery to shoot down all the enemy fighters in an area.

Realizing that it was meaningless to be stalemate with the frontline troops of both sides, Long led the team to charge forward.

"Hurry up and stop them!"

The mechas of the Shenzhou Army are more than ten meters higher than the mechas of the Imperial Army. As long as they get close, they can completely threaten or even destroy small and medium-sized warships.

Under Long Yi's leadership, a group of broken army golden armors rushed out of the battle circle and headed straight for the imperial fleet.

Although the Imperial Army also sent troops to break through the battle circle to attack the Shenzhou Army's fleet, but with little success.

In addition to the built-in firepower system of the battleship, the enemy also has small mechs [Xunlei Tiangang] and tank units deployed outside for defensive attacks.

It was difficult for fighter jets to get close, let alone mechs. The terrifying heat rays could easily pierce the mechs.

Long Yi was the first to touch the enemy's position, and the Pojun sword light directly sliced ​​through the platform armor of a small battleship and sent all the operators inside to space.

Afterwards, it evaded the enemy's firepower, allowing the small battleship to turn into a huge firework, rolling down on a nearby intermediate battleship with the impact of the explosion.

Dazzling thunder burst out from the epee in his hand, and the outer defensive armor of the battleship was easily penetrated like paper. Then the mech moved quickly to destroy the outer armor, and then the broken army sword glowed.

It's a pity that the defense of medium-sized warships is far higher than that of small warships, and such attacks are not fatal enough.

But just when Long Yi was about to destroy the ship, the attack from the side made him almost lose his life.

The huge laser beam directly pierced through the upper layer of the battleship he was on, and along with it, most of the general's golden armor evaporated.

Feeling the unbearable high temperature from the next door to the cockpit, if the enemy's attack was a little bit off, then his life could be accounted for.

"team leader!"

The two Army Breaking Golden Armors came to Long Yi's side first and set them up, but the firepower from the side immediately killed them instantly.

It seems to be aware of Long Yi's extremely high status in the Shenzhou Army, the Imperial Army gave up the plan to make up the sword and prepared to capture him instead.

More than a dozen mechas were released and approached Long Yi, and then they were targeted and cleared by the distant Yaoguang Sky Survey Cannon, and even destroyed a large enemy warship.

More Golden Armors of the Broken Army began to go to the rescue, and the firepower of the dragon boats of the Shenzhou Army also poured towards the Zhiyuan Star Fleet.

A large group of missiles and plasma cannons instantly destroyed more than ten battleships of the forward.

Although there are reasons why these battleships were damaged long ago, it has to be said that the firepower of the dragon boats is very terrifying.

"Come on!"

Several Golden Armors of Breaking Army rushed forward against the enemy's firepower, and the mechas that took away Long Yi began to leave the battlefield.

With the main force suppressed by the Dragon Fleet of the Shenzhou Army, the Zhiyuan Star Fleet could not send troops to intercept it, and its own warships were disappearing like snowflakes. After several rounds of firepower, only the broken flagship was still struggling.

The entire fleet didn't even hold on for 10 minutes when facing the full firepower of the Shenzhou Army fleet!

But because all the firepower is facing the front fleet, this leads to a sharp increase in pressure from other directions.

The dragon boats without shields and smashed into a broken state already accounted for almost half of the fleet.

But until now, the imperial army has become the last of its strength, and then it only needs to destroy all the surrounding enemy fleets, so there is no need to worry about it.

"Time-space transition fluctuations detected!"

"There are no traces of enemy troops entering the arena!"

Without reinforcements entering the arena, there is only one explanation for this jump fluctuation.

The enemy is fleeing!
The fact is exactly the same. The Zhiyuan star flagship whose subsidiary fleet has been wiped out is no longer able to withstand the attack of the dragon fleet. In order to keep the battleship, the captain has no choice but to order to withdraw from the battlefield.

They didn't even go back to the Zhiyuan star, but went directly to the central transition network.

The defense there is the strongest, and they can rest there.

And after the Zhiyuan star fleet was completely wiped out, the fleet that came to support more or less began to leave.

Their small warships have all been destroyed, the medium warships have suffered a lot, and even a few large warships have been directly turned into space junk.

It didn't take long to prepare for the leap, and soon the enemy fleets left one after another, abandoning all their fighter units and mechs.

The remaining soldiers couldn't hold out for too long. Without the cover of the battleship, they couldn't form an effective resistance force against the firepower of the Shenzhou Army and were all wiped out.

The two dragon ships whose shields had not been broken were left behind to clean up the battlefield and recover all the enemy's corpses and wreckage of the battleship, while the main fleet headed for the Reach Star.

The space-based weapons and ground-to-ship weapons from the outside were quickly targeted and cleared, and then there was a more tragic ground battle.

The space force was completely wiped out, and the Imperial Army was retreating steadily against the firepower of the well-funded dragon boats and the ground forces were beaten.

It didn't take long to announce that it had given up resistance.

Tianyu controlled the enemy's industrial center, but to be honest, he didn't have a high demand for these products, except for some private enterprises, all of which were used by the military were dismantled and turned into funds.

It took a few days to repair the damage of the battleship, and the funds obtained from recovering the enemy's wreckage and planetary resources increased the number of dragon ship fleets to fifty.

After all the preparations were completed and the two warships were left as a deterrent to suppress ordinary people, the whole ship rushed to the enemy's central jump net without stopping.

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