Doomsday Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1119 The space outside the universe

Seeing Geer coming over, Li Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief. After such a long time, the insect nest was finally completed, and this trial should be over, right?

Although until now, Li Yichen is not sure what the content of this trial is, but judging from the current situation, nothing else should happen on this island!And this island has been appearing in front of his eyes, and he can't get around it. The trial must be this island.

Thinking of this, Li Yichen glanced back subconsciously, but was suddenly stunned, because he saw that the beach behind him had disappeared, and the sand and snow falling from the sky had stopped long ago. It seemed that the sand and snow were indeed It was for this lair. After the lair was completed, the sand, snow and beach disappeared.

Of course, the beach may have been absorbed by the insect nest, but this is not important. What is important is that the insect nest has been completed, and the island has completely become a insect nest. Next... what else will he do?
Li Yichen looked at the insect nest again. The insect nest at this time is no different from the insect nest that Li Yichen saw before. If there is, it is only because the lower half of the isolation zone disappears, allowing the entire insect nest space to appear. In front of Li Yichen.

As for the internal structure, of course it is densely packed, large and small insect nests, and the meridians that connect all the small insect nests like blood vessels, all of which are exactly the same as the insect nests Li Yichen saw before.

Geer came to Li Yichen's side. At this time, Geer should have officially become the king of the Zerg, and according to the information it passed to Li Yichen before, it is still the first king of the Zerg in history. As Guo Qing said, even if When Li Yichen killed Geer, the nest would still be built, but it would change from a worm's nest to a beast's nest.

For Li Yichen, the Zerg is a race he has been in contact with after all, so looking at it now, although he personally caused the birth of the Zerg, in fact he just made a choice-making a choice between the Zerg and the Zerg. s Choice! !
Seeing Geer coming, Li Yichen stretched out his hand subconsciously, and Geer didn't change because of his official "coronation", allowing Li Yichen to stroke its head, but at this moment, a voice suddenly came It sounded in Li Yichen's ear:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the ultimate trial, the creation space is open, and you can return~!"

Hearing that familiar voice, Li Yichen was taken aback for a moment:

Next, before Li Yichen could react, he realized that he had come to a completely unfamiliar place. This was a huge spherical space, all of which were transparent from top to bottom. A variety of patterns, and the outside of the space is the vast cosmic space!

However, Li Yichen didn't look carefully at the space he was in, but immediately called out in his heart:


"I'm here!"

Sure enough, Li Yichen got the response he wanted, and he recognized the voice of the system just now when the voice sounded in his heart.

" have always been in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, right?"

Li Yichen immediately asked again, Li Yichen always felt that when he was in the Heavenly Dao Tower, not only would he lose all his strength, but the system would also be isolated, but when the system sounded just now, he was still at the insect nest .

"Yes! This is your original request!"

The system replied immediately. ,
"My... my request?"

Li Yichen was stunned.

"That's right! After you created me here, you set up a series of procedures. This is one of them that you are not allowed to contact you during the trial!"

The system replied.

"You...was made by me?"

Li Yichen couldn't help asking.

"Hmm! That's right!"

The system replied:

"Now that you have returned, the scenes you left before can be played!"

Following the sound of the system, Li Yichen saw that the light strip expanded rapidly, and then, the pictures on it were constantly changing. These pictures were all fast-forward, and there was no sound...

In the picture, Li Yichen finally understood the origin of some races. Of course, the Zerg race was the rapid growth of his previous pet Geer after getting the insect nest, and the undead race came from the resurrected Guo Qing, just like Li Yichen before. As imagined, as the first zombie who gave birth to his own mind, Guo Qing became the first real undead.

And Huang Dahu took the people on the Li Fangzhou to become the leader of the human race, and after Kaizi left, he successfully returned to human society, perhaps because of the influence of Li Yichen, under the pressure of the Zerg and the undead. , He also gathered some human beings and began to fuse various genes. After countless failures and the sacrifice of tens of thousands of people, races such as orcs, goblins, demons, and blood races were finally born.

Although new races appeared, and because these races were invincible in the later period, they all united against the Zerg, but because the world was still falling with sand and snow, the Zerg was almost invincible, so the whole world began to fight against the Zerg. It is constantly eroded and covered by the Zerg, and the living land of other races is getting smaller and smaller.

The confrontation between the Zerg and humans and other races has continued. During this period, undead, humans, orcs and other races have also produced strong people. It is precisely because of the emergence of these strong people that these races can barely resist the Zerg. expansion.

In addition, the technology of humans and goblins is also developing rapidly. The emergence of various weapons of mass destruction and the birth of combat mechs of various shapes have also allowed the coalition forces to gradually suppress the Zergs and regain many of them. Site and various resources!

However, the Zerg also continued to evolve itself in the war. Soon, the coalition forces discovered that the resistance of the Zerg to thermal weapons began to increase, and even the Zerg nests were completely able to withstand the attacks of super thermal weapons such as rockets and nuclear bombs. As a result, the balance of the war began to tilt towards the Zerg again...

Their own strength cannot achieve absolute suppression of the Zerg, and the technological power has begun to be adapted by the Zerg. All the races standing on the opposite side of the Zerg have finally begun to collapse. Therefore, while resisting the Zerg, each race is beginning to study how to leave this planet to escape. Suppression of Zerg!
Humans and goblins are of course the first races to leave, but as the appendages of humans, the undead were also taken away from this planet by humans. That’s right, after the appearance of the Zerg, even the undead became members of the coalition, and even The relationship with humans is not bad-because the dead will become zombies, and with the help of the undead, he will soon regain his consciousness, which is equivalent to resurrection, although in another form!In addition, in this war that lasted thousands or even tens of thousands of years, human beings have long been accustomed to the image of the undead!
Afterwards, races such as the blood race and the demon race also found ways to leave. Finally, only the Zerg race remained in the whole world. At this time, all the Zerg races suddenly began to shrink, including those who had already left the insect nest. The insect kings who separated their nests and built their own nests also began to dismantle their own nests, and gathered in one place - the small island where Geer was born.

At this time, Geer is still alive. After all, the life of the Zerg is almost infinite. After all the Zerg returned, a thick fog began to fill the air, covering the whole world...

Many years later, the fog gradually dissipated, and the world that was devastated by the war, and finally only Zerg was left, gradually became clear. This is a brand new world, and various creatures gradually appeared. Afterwards, Humans are finally born.

During the evolution of the world, in a certain corner of the planet, there is still a cloud of fog that always exists. Even after humans gradually develop technology, they have found out all the locations of this planet. This place in the depths of the ocean will always be shrouded in fog. , is still a restricted area for human beings. Once a living body approaches, it will be directly sucked in, and it will never be able to escape, so it is called the devil's domain.

Then, as time passed again, Li Yichen actually saw the terrain he was familiar with, he also saw the city he was familiar with, and finally, he also saw the apocalypse he was familiar with—zombies appeared again, and disaster enveloped the world again...

"This... Could it be that the world we live in is such a cycle?"

After seeing the scene for the third time and making sure that the scene he saw was the same every time, Li Yichen finally asked the system his own question. Except for the first time, he was in the scene, so he only saw the Zerg In addition to the scene after birth, he saw it from beginning to end the next two times, and he could even see himself arriving at the small island, and finally subduing Geer and helping it complete the worm nest...

"Yes! The world of reincarnation is repeated in this way, and it will exist forever!"

The system replied:

"You can often discover some civilizations that you call ancient civilizations, or disappearing civilizations, which are actually left by you yourself, and then you discover them again, and then start to study yourself..."

"Then...what's going on with me now?"

Li Yichen asked:

"Didn't you say that you were created by me?"


The system replied:

"What you saw just now is actually a new cycle, which came out only after you reappeared. Before, human beings were exterminated, and you were the top human being at that time, because you couldn't resist the joint encirclement and suppression of other races, and Almost fell, but fortunately you are a strong space system, so you came here!"

"Wait! You said... I am because I can't resist the joint encirclement and suppression of other races?"

Li Yichen immediately interrupted the system and asked...

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