After the task was completed, they did not continue to stay here.I searched all around and found that there was nothing to explore, so I prepared to go back.

This time I didn't take a spaceship, but drove a modified car.

Unlike other teams, they just want to go back smoothly after completing the mission, Ye Zexuan's people want to meet all kinds of people who are not afraid of death, so they can dig crystal cores.

But because he killed too much, his aura was very strong.Those with a little brain didn't take the initiative to rush forward, and they went very smoothly along the way.

It wasn't a big task, so I handed it over to the team leader, and Ye Zexuan went back to the villa by himself.

In the following days, Ye Zexuan stayed in the space every day, using the time difference to improve his strength, and occasionally went out with his teammates to perform tasks.

With the crazy growth of mutated plants outside, many materials, let alone production, are difficult to store.

Not without research, however the amount provided is nowhere near the amount consumed.

In addition, zombie creatures and mutated animals compete for territory, the place where humans can live is getting smaller and smaller, and the supplies are becoming scarcer.

The situation is already so critical, but most people don't think about clearing the place for production or continuing to collect. Their idea is to rob others.

Although the security base where Ye Zexuan and the others were located did not participate in the competition, it was also targeted by others.

Ye Zexuan was tired of the infighting among humans, and he no longer wanted to stay any longer, so he notified the others to prepare to evacuate.

He originally planned to leave the day after tomorrow, but he didn't expect that only one day later, he had a faint feeling of danger.

"The information team went out to have a look."

He couldn't trust others, but he still trusted his own people. Ye Zexuan arranged for people to go outside to investigate.

In less than an hour, the information team in charge of inquiring about the news came back with ugly faces.

"Boss, there are densely packed zombies coming towards us about a hundred kilometers away."

"Not only that, there is also a change in the place near the forest in the security base. The number can't be seen clearly, it's just dusty, and the number should not be much less."

In the four directions of east, west, south, and north, the people who inquired all told their discoveries.

Ye Zexuan sighed: "Let's stay here first, if we leave, this safe base may be destroyed."

He is not really a cold hearted person, the senior management of this base is very polite to him, although there are many people below who don't like them, but jealousy can be found everywhere.

In the end, he chose to stay, and he believed that his teammates thought so too, but he still asked other people's opinions through the system.

Zhang Zhenyu: Needless to say?Definitely stay.

Mu Ze: Where are you, where are we.

Mu Lin: If you have some skills, you can help me.


All the replies were kept, because the confidence Ye Zexuan gave them actually made them feel fearless.

This result was within Ye Zexuan's expectation, after all, he would not accept that kind of timid and fearful person.

In this way, all the staff stayed and actively prepared.

Because the system was fooled by Ye Zexuan, he is not a stingy person, so each member has sufficient equipment, even if they are new members, they also have good weapons.

Ye Zexuan wanted to stay in this wave of zombies, so he provided everyone with defensive equipment out of his own pocket, so that they could survive to the maximum extent possible.

In fact, there is no need for him to say, everyone understands that the earth is estimated to be full of such zombie creatures, and they cannot hide for a while.

If they don't know, that's fine. Now that they know and avoid it, their conscience is really uneasy.

Of course, this is also because they are strong enough. If there is no ability left, it will only increase the number of zombies.

When he heard the news, Ye Zexuan immediately sent someone to inform the senior management of the security base.

It didn't take long for the broadcast to sound throughout the base.

"All the supernatural beings are asked to gather in the square with their weapons, and the medical staff are ready.

"The zombies are less than 15 kilometers away from the base. The survivors of the base are asked to prepare to fill up and live with the base. If you want to leave, please evacuate to the back door within [-] minutes, and the door will be closed at that point.

If the zombie tide is successfully resisted, the evacuated survivors will be pulled into the blacklist of the base and will never be allowed to enter. "

The radio broadcasted this passage three times in a row before stopping.

When this news came out, the calm security base exploded in an instant, and the people who were originally indifferent became panicked.

Some people walked home quickly, ready to pick up their weapons and gather, while some decided to pack up their things and leave. After 15 minutes, they wondered if they could break out.

In the face of disasters, most human beings are selfish, and of course there are also selfless people.

But among the selfish people, there are smart people. They know that the world has been completely messed up, and they can only have a good life in a safe base.

Since zombies can attack this safe base, they may also attack other safe bases, and since it is said to be a wave of zombies, there will naturally be zombies in all directions.

Even if you escape, where can you escape?

In just 1 minute, everyone made their own choices.

Less than half of the people chose to leave, and the base's senior management did not intend to stop them.

People who run away like this, even if they survive this crisis, it will be the same next time. Rather than bothering to win them over, it is better to take advantage of this time to make more preparations, which can also reduce casualties.

The superhumans and the survivors who were able to go out to fight took the initiative to sign up to participate, and quickly assembled in the square with their weapons, waiting for orders.

The higher-ups kept their word, and after 15 minutes, they really closed the door, and asked the earth-type and gold-type supernatural beings to seal the door.

They used their actions to tell everyone that today's battle will never end.

This is the first time to experience a wave of zombies, but everyone knows the process of fighting zombies and what is most important.

In less than half an hour, everyone was ready. Those who could fight were divided into three echelons and came in rotation, while the medical staff were divided into two teams in rotation.

Although they are medical staff, many of them actually know very little. Most of them learned to bandage because of frequent injuries.

But it's nice to be prepared this way, and no one complains.

The people in the first echelon went up to the city wall first, waiting for the vanguard of the zombies to arrive.

These people did not include the three types of earth, gold, and ice. They were arranged under the city wall and were preparing to mend the city wall.


In less than 10 minutes, those with good eyesight saw the long-legged speed zombies rushing towards them.

Someone said something, and the others subconsciously tightened their weapons.

The vanguard of the zombies approached little by little under everyone's gaze.

"Bang bang bang~"

When approaching ten kilometers, a huge explosion sounded.

It turned out that the high-level foresight dug the pit before, and buried a lot of explosives in a short period of time, blowing up a lot in a short time.

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