Doomsday system: I return with hundreds of billions of supplies

Chapter 59 Looking for Supplies, Conflict Occurred

As soon as the man said that, the expressions of many people changed instantly.

Those who are dragging their feet are vampires to them, and again, they will take it for granted later.

No one wanted to do this, and when he was about to say something, Luo Zhiyin said in a strange tone: "It's natural for those who are able to work harder? I think if they are capable, they must also hope that they can find food."

He completely put himself at the highest point of morality, and because he was powerful and spoke for those who thought he was a laggard, he immediately won the support of a large number of people.

Luo Zhiyin's roommate was even worse, and he directly called the boss to give him enough face.

"Sorry, I have no morals, so I don't accept moral abductions. They were all born by my parents. Why do we pay so much because you are weaker than us?"

The people in the martial arts club are straight-hearted and have something to say.If they showed their attitude, it would be fine for the capable to work harder, but this forced tone made them feel very uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, the people who were in harmony for a while broke out because someone went out to look for supplies.

The development of the plot didn't go as he planned at all. Luo Zhiyin was a little upset in his heart, but he didn't force it. He didn't want to spoil everyone's goodwill, so he said something on the scene.

Those presidents who had seen through him very early on didn't even want to give him a look. The disdain in their eyes made Luo Zhiyin secretly clenched his fists, holding these people in his heart.

"Okay, there are too many things to do at this time, and it's a waste of time. Since there is no unified leader, then each small group can arrange it freely, and distribute what they receive."

Luo Zhiyin secretly resented that the plan was not achieved, but he had to put on a show on his face.

"That's natural, take care of your own people, don't miss us all day long."

There are tactful ones, and naturally there are also those who speak directly. They don't like Luo Zhiyin's behavior, and they speak very directly.

This person had conflicts with him before, and he had been enduring it before, but he choked on himself again and again, Luo Zhiyin instantly hated him, and decided to find a chance to solve him.

Although he didn't know what was going on in his heart, the viciousness on his face was seen by the other party, and he secretly became vigilant.

Although they planned to send their representatives to go out to look for food, but there were many people and strength, and they roughly united.

However, during the discussion, there was a point of contention in an instant.

"Going to the cafeteria is the most suitable. There is a small supermarket next to the cafeteria. Although it is not particularly big, it is still enough for people like us to eat, and there may be a lot of ingredients in the cafeteria that are not broken."

Luo Zhiyin didn't want to look far away, and only looked at the cafeteria a few hundred meters away, feeling very relieved.

What he said was well-founded, and many people nodded after a little thought.

To be honest, eating biscuits and eating chocolate these days makes them more eager for normal food. If they go to the cafeteria, they can find some ingredients, such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, which are also wonderful.

After talking about the goal, it is natural to make a plan. Luo Zhiyin has already thought about it, so he said it in a very orderly manner, and many people were persuaded.

But another group of people disagreed. They felt that the cafeteria had a high risk factor, mainly due to the large number of zombies, which was not conducive to their avoidance.

"It's fine if you have any opinions on me. I hope you can let go of your prejudices when it comes to matters of life and death."

His proposal was not accepted, Luo Zhiyin's gentle mask was instantly broken, he said coldly.

"Do you know how many people there are in the cafeteria and the small supermarket? In other words, do you know how many people are converted into zombies?
The majors of each college are different, and the class time is also different, so the small supermarket has a flow of people at different times.

When the zombies broke out, it was the peak time after school and get off work. Most of the students went to the cafeteria, and some teachers also ate in the big cafeteria.

There are three exits on the first floor of the cafeteria. Except for the large gate, one of them is pitifully small, only big enough for several people to pass by at the same time.The other exit is facing the dormitory building, and next to it is the entrance of the small supermarket, which also cannot accommodate many people passing through at once.

If there is danger, it will be very difficult for us to escape.

There are two passages on the second floor of the cafeteria. Generally, the people on the upper floor are not very crowded, and the third floor is even less crowded, but dare to go up?
Can Luo, please consider all factors before making a plan?Don't make decisions on the fly.

You have to remember that this is the end of the world, once you make a mistake, there is no chance to start over. "

This idiot doesn't think that everyone is like him, does he?

The man said go, with a mocking smile on his face.Especially seeing other people's strange eyes, Luo Zhiyin became angry from embarrassment.

"Then tell me where is the right place to go? Wouldn't it be the teacher's cafeteria? This is farther than the big cafeteria. In this situation, the farther you are, the more dangerous you are."

It's not like they haven't seen how terrifying the zombies are. Only a fool would choose a farther place.

"We plan to go to the small supermarket about one kilometer away, or the supermarket under the experimental building. Generally, there are few people and there may not be many supplies, but it is safer."

There is nothing wrong with being calm. If the plan and ideas are spoken out, if they are adopted, more people will be safer.

When Luo Zhiyin's roommate heard it, he immediately mocked: "I thought you had some good ideas, since you know that there are few supplies in those places, how can we have enough for a few hundred people?"

"What is the reason for the large number of people and the lack of supplies? Don't you have any points in your mind? Didn't someone say that everyone should gather together, can this happen now?

So he shouldn't be the one to find supplies, so why drag us into the water?Originally, others stayed in the dormitory well, with no shortage of food or water, but they wanted to step in and show their abilities.


Halfway through the speech, the man sneered, and the expression in his eyes became even more disdainful.

His words reminded many people who stayed in the gymnasium before, thinking that there was enough food and water, but because of Luo Zhiyin's decision, they had to go out to find food, otherwise they would not be able to survive the rescue of the military.

Some people whispered: "What's the use of calling so many useless people over? Besides consuming more food and water, it can also cause arguments."


There are not a few people who say this. After awakening the ability, other aspects are improving.Although the voices of those people were not loud when they spoke, Luo Zhiyin heard them all.

He is also a proud person, aroused by these people's words, instantly became overwhelmed, and agreed.

"Since he is the one I rescued, I am responsible for eating and drinking."

His voice was loud, and there was a trace of anger in it, which stunned the people present for a few seconds.

Then there was loud applause: "You said this yourself, don't go back on your word."

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