"If the commander considers the problem of too many walls and too much price, you can extend a little further from the wall of the inner base, about one kilometer is enough. Then enclose a land of four square kilometers. In this way, we only use 6000 meters of wall construction will do.”

"Huh? What's the use of such a construction?"

"This place can allow people who are formulated by the chief, who are useful to us, or who have made great contributions to live here. There will also be competition among them, which is conducive to the development of the team."

"If there is a danger, all survivors can come here to hide. Of course, this place can accommodate many survivors, and it is also very safe."

Zhang Zekun's insights are in place, he analyzed this issue for Lu Xuan from a unique perspective.

It not only solved the problem of the wall, but also opened up Lu Xuan's thinking, analyzing the content he hadn't thought of.

After the two talked, the staff officer appeared.

"Hello, sir. I'm Li Jing, the staff officer. Please give me instructions!" The man was older than Zhang Zekun, and looked more mature and stable.

He saluted Lu Xuan, and Lu Xuan returned the salute.

"What do you think of the Survivor Alliance? Li Jing."

"Sir, if the Survivor Alliance fails to fulfill his promise to protect these people after the tax collection, I think this is the behavior of tigers and wolves, which is very undesirable. I think the sir must definitely not be able to pay taxes like them."

"They will definitely not be satisfied seeing the chief like this, but we can't go head-to-head with them. The strength of the opponent is unknown, but the number and weapons are clearly displayed here."

"So, first of all, let's figure out who the other party is, and then make plans. It's not too late. I think we can figure it out today."

"Aren't they domineering and think they are very powerful? Then today we will let them see who is more powerful."

Li Jing seemed to have a plan in mind: "Sir, if this matter is left to me to arrange, you can rest assured."

Wang Dachuan and his party drove on the road.This road is quite easy to walk, there are not many zombies to be seen, and the road is wide and flat, so the speed of the car is naturally not low.

Inside the off-road vehicle, Wang Dachuan sat quietly, with a young man beside him.Wang Dachuan often pointed out that he would observe the situation outside, and sometimes he would stop the car and go to the river to look for some marks.

After a while, the car stopped and the young man got out.He observed the shore for a while, as if he had discovered something.

"Come over quickly Okawa, I found it!"

Wang Dachuan ran over quickly and looked in the direction of the man's fingers. Sure enough, it was a bunch of messy shoe prints.

"This... what can you find?"

"Look, these footprints belong to five people. Two of them must belong to the two brothers from Babaoshan, and the remaining three...see that the two shoe prints are obviously too big. They are two men. This small one , is a woman's."

"You are amazing, you!"

"It's trivial to me. I'm in this line of work, and I must be proficient."

"Look, the owner of this shoe print came later. He walked towards the river and then came back. Maybe he gave something to the owner of this footprint."

The young man was very serious when he thought about the problem, and his words could bring people back to the scene at that time.

He could have thought that this was all there was to it, but seeing Wang Dachuan's face full of anticipation, he felt that this was about to be pretended to be complete, so he made some nonsense.

"Did you see, these two people should have exchanged a heavy item, and the shoe prints returned here are all sunken..."

The young man was talking nonsense hard, but this is also an irrelevant guess.

"They are riding motorcycles. You can see that the rut is going upstream. This should be the way to the Legion of Light. Let's go!"

They immediately returned to the car and walked in the direction the young man said.

Before the car started, a convoy in front was rushing over at high speed, and the dust raised showed that the speed of the car was very fast.

"Who is this? Could it be the Legion of Light?"

"It is very possible that this is already their territory."

"Hey! Could it be that these people came to pick us up? After all, the news has been released."

The corner of Wang Dachuan's mouth twitched, he still liked to hear these words.

"Come on, everyone, show me your attitude. We have to be tough. Do they think they can bribe us and reduce taxes? Impossible!"

The car drove forward, thinking it was domineering, and crossed the middle of the road.

At this time, the oncoming convoy was about to arrive.

Congestion soon appeared on the road, which was exactly the airs put forth by the Survivor Alliance.

Wang Dachuan was also like an old man, lying on his back on the seat, thinking that he would not get down unless the person opposite came to talk in front of his car window.

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