Moving forward is the commercial area under construction, which is being planned according to the drawings. Since it is just beginning, it is still unclear where it is, but I believe it will soon take shape.

Everywhere Lu Xuan went was filled with laughter, everyone greeted him warmly, and from time to time a few talkative people came up to exchange a few words with him.It's kind of like a neighborhood neighborhood.

Sun Dongchang, who was passing by, also deliberately came over to say hello to him: "Mr. Lu, I am so happy to see you. I mustered up the courage that day, and risked being bitten to death by zombies, I went to join you. It seems that this decision is very important." That's right!"

"Well, as long as you know it, you will get better and better if you follow the rules here."

"Come on, after this city is built, we brothers can still go back to our old profession." Sun Dongchang said, and left cheerfully, seemingly very satisfied with his current life.

Lu Xuan continued to walk forward and came to the city gate of the main city. After the sentry saw Lu Xuan, they immediately saluted and respected him very much.

Lu Xuan nodded to them, then continued to walk out of the city gate.The construction of the outer urban area is also in full swing. The area here is larger than that of the main urban area, so the amount of work is more, and it will not be completed in a while.

Lu Xuan wanted to continue strolling around to see the base construction, but at this moment the radar soldier reminded: "Sir, an unfamiliar vehicle has entered our area, and it is still approaching, only ten kilometers away from the base."

Lu Xuan had already spotted the blue light spot rushing towards them today. He guessed it was the survivors, but he couldn't have rushed over so soon.

Now the road is not as smooth as before. Some survivors came here on foot, and they must have to avoid zombies on the way. How could they come here so quickly.

Lu Xuan was a little curious, who is this rushing over?
And they were so fast, they must have come by car.Lu Xuan climbed onto the wall so that he could have a better view and observe the situation.

On the avenue not far away, a jeep was flying over.

With the vision of his left eye, Lu Xuan could clearly see that the driver's seat was a dark-skinned young man, and the man in the co-pilot was more familiar, that is, Wang Dachuan who was taxed a few days ago.

There were also people on the back seat, their faces were covered, so they couldn't see clearly.

Wang Dachuan seemed very happy, sitting in the passenger seat, talking and laughing.

"Hey, this group of people is very fast, what's the idea?"

They can come, Lu Xuan does not reject it.Lu Xuan knows their tricks.

But joining the Legion of Light is not something you can just talk about. You must pay enough gold and silver jewelry.

Lu Xuan didn't know what these people wanted to do this time, but he was quite looking forward to what kind of tricks these people could play.

After Wang Dachuan returned to the Hua'er Army, he confessed his experience with Wang Yong.

In the end, the news directly turned into explosive news in the League of Survivors.

They never expected that a Legion of Light would suddenly jump out, and they were people who were doing big things silently. They had never heard of them before. When they heard their reputation, they were already in a very powerful state.

It has grown so fast and never communicated with other alliances. This is obviously looking down on people.

Some people below clamored to mobilize troops now, to let the Legion of Light know how powerful their alliance is, and to see if they dare not take such a big alliance as their eyes.

But when this proposal reached Zhang Yuguo's ears, he ruthlessly rejected it.I don't know if it's his own idea, anyway, in recent days, I saw Zhang Yuguo presiding over affairs less and less often, but his younger brother handled most of the affairs in the Survivor Alliance.

Indeed, this matter was decided by Zhang Yuguo's younger brother, Zhang Zhenguo. He was afraid of trouble, so he didn't know what the consequences would be if he attacked rashly.But what is certain is that once troops are dispatched, many things will definitely happen one after another.

Zhang Yuguo, the Northern Expeditionary Army, must be given face by everyone, and the important matters in the alliance must be controlled by the Northern Expeditionary Army. Since everyone has said so, there is no need for them to send troops.

But the hearts of several other alliances still did not give up. They secretly planned to follow Wang Dachuan's idea and secretly arrange a few people to join the interior of the Bright Army.

In the name of forming an alliance, a few people were drawn from each survivor team and sneaked into the Legion of Light.

The gold and silver jewelry they brought would not be enough if they were placed on everyone's head. Only some people brought them, and some came empty-handed.It's not that they don't want to give it, and it's not that they can't take it out. In fact, it's their careful planning.

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