But Wang Dachuan is such a confident man. He thinks that as long as his soldiers can be stationed, they can definitely break through the water gate's defense.

Several people led by Wang Dachuan whispered a few words and reached a consensus.

"Okay, Boss Lu, we have made a decision."

"What's the result?"

"We think what Chief Lu said makes sense, so the gold jewelry will be delivered in the next few days, and our soldiers will also come. Chief Lu should also spread the news of our alliance as soon as possible."

"Do you want me to broadcast?"


Wang Dachuan answered with confidence. When the time comes, the Survivor Alliance will definitely attribute Lu Xuan's agreement to the alliance to him when they hear the news on the radio.

Not only that, this broadcast is also explaining to everyone in a disguised form that no matter how powerful the Legion of Light is, the final direction is to form an alliance with the Survivor Base in C City.

"Well, I agree. The content of our alliance has now been sorted out and will be announced on the radio later."

After finishing speaking, Ge Tian circulated the printed agreement in multiple copies to everyone, and signed it if there was no problem.

Although there are no rules and regulations and legal constraints, the guidance of public opinion is still very serious.If they expressly stipulate such a treaty, after it is announced.For a survivor base with a great reputation like the C City Alliance, they dare not break the contract easily. Once the contract is broken, the damage caused to them will be irreversible.

That's why Lu Xuan came up with this bad plan, he thought that this would be a good way to curb their backlash.

It was absolutely impossible for Wang Dachuan to follow Lu Xuan's wishes like this. What he was thinking was how to wait for the opportunity to frame Lu Xuan, make this agreement void, and even pour all the dirty water on Lu Xuan.

At that time, Lu Xuan will be able to get rid of, and the Bright Base and the Bright Legion will all be theirs.

So the most important thing now is to get inside the base.

They all signed it readily, and the agreement came into effect as soon as the gold jewelry arrived.

After signing, Ge Tian sent the agreement to the radio station, and Lu Man read the agreement.

On the way back to Wang Dachuan, the broadcast content from the Legion of Light came out on the radio, and what was read was the agreement they signed.

"Lu Xuan, you're still too young."

Wang Dachuan couldn't keep his mouth shut. He felt that killing Lu Xuan and recovering the base was a sure thing.

It wasn't that he was cruel, who told Lu Xuan not to behave himself and actively seek alliances?If you have to wait for him, Wang Dachuan, to ask for an alliance in person, then the nature will change.

The gold and silver jewelry of the C City Survivors Alliance was ready. After the broadcast was read out, they immediately started loading the cars and were ready to go.

Here, Lu Xuan fell into thinking. Compared with the C City Survivor Alliance, their number is too small, and they are at a disadvantage no matter what.

No matter how powerful their weapons are, no matter how good their strength is, they cannot ignore the fact that the opponent has a large number of people.

The most important thing now is to stabilize the situation. After a while, Lu Xuan can upgrade his team to a regiment by using the gold and silver jewelry collected from the alliance.

The strength of a regiment may be able to compete with the C City Survivors Alliance.

But now there is still one thing that bothers Lu Xuan, that is, the people from the Survivor Alliance have requested to send troops to garrison them. These people are not a small number, how can we persuade them to leave?
They guard the water gate and the city wall, but Lu Xuan is not worried, because the defense mechanism is far from that.But getting them to take the initiative to retreat is somewhat difficult.

At this time, Lu Xuan had an idea, could his foreign soldiers put on another big show and drive these people away?
This approach is possible, but to actually implement it requires careful planning.

Soon, the survivors who defected to the Legion of Light reached the first small peak since the base was built.

In just two days, more than 500 survivors came to seek refuge, and they came from different places.

Some of the almost 500 people who brought gold and silver jewelry as required, these people should have obtained the right of residence in the city.

The gold and silver jewelry brought by these 500 people was finally converted into 25 gold coins, and the balance reached 40 gold coins.

According to different situations, these people will be placed after a brief understanding conversation.

The [-] survivors lined up in a long line and were interviewed one by one. During the conversation, there was a military dog ​​guarding them. If they were lying, the military dog ​​could immediately detect them.

After the [-] survivors were all interrogated, the results showed that the conversations of [-] survivors were questionable.

Lu Xuan immediately knew what was going on.

"It's really sinister and cunning. These thousand survivors are all spies sent by the C City Survivor Alliance. They are the only ones who can get gold. How can ordinary survivors have so much gold!"

Li Jing added from the side: "Sir, among the survivors who brought gold and silver jewelry and successfully obtained the right of residence, more than 20 are evolutionists."

"Evolutionary? Oh, this plan is really comprehensive."

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