But things are not as Wang Dachuan expected after all.

After a bang, the water splashed in the river, and a large black shadow jumped out of the water.It looks like a giant python in shape.The size of this giant python made Wang Dachuan a little confused.

Based on his own opinion, Wang Dachuan preliminarily judged that it was a mutated giant python.

Suddenly, blood filled the air.Those divers had no power to restrain their chickens, and they had no strength to fight back, so they were taken into the water all at once.

After a while, none of the survivors Wang Dachuan thought could be saved was spared.It goes without saying what the fate of falling into Mangkou will be.

This series of emergencies made Wang Dachuan dumbfounded. He never thought that a giant python would come out halfway?Where did this giant python come from?Could it be a small animal raised by the Legion of Light?
Wang Dachuan even got his clothes wet by the splashing river water.

The movement of the giant python was almost done in one go, and by the time the sentinel's searchlight came here, there were only slight ripples left on the water surface.

"Let's go, let's see what happened there?" He repeatedly attracted the attention of the sentinel, and finally the sentinel was worried and went to inspect it.

Wang Dachuan is really suffering and can't tell. The sentinels went to the city to patrol, so where can we go!

When they really come over in a while, Wang Dachuan and his group will definitely be questioned as important suspects.Being targeted is only bad, not good.

Whether the current situation is about to unfold, Wang Dachuan is unable to judge.But even if there is a war, his 600-man patrol can resist.

Wang Dachuan didn't lose confidence, not to mention that the team of four would probably kill Lu Xuan.

At that time, these people will have no leader, and the Legion of Light will be under control.

"Hurry up and inform our people. Everyone hurry up and gather at the city wall. Once a war is launched, we will work together and resist together."

"Furthermore, tell everyone not to approach the river bank! Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

Wang Dachuan immediately asked someone to give the order. At this time, it was up to him to adapt to the situation.

As soon as the order was issued, everyone knew it in their hearts, and when they gathered at the city wall, they were extremely nervous.Because they already had conjectures in their hearts, I am afraid that Wang Dachuan's strategy was seen through, and the Bright Legion will soon launch a war.

Wang Dachuan's mood is far more complicated than theirs, and now he has to make two-handed preparations.After all, it is quite possible that the team of four can kill Lu Xuan.If Lu Xuan is killed and the Legion of Light has no leader, then the situation can be brought under control.

But if the plan of the four-person team fails, they must be fully prepared to fight.This battle is not easy to fight.

Wang Dachuan prayed silently in his heart.

On the other side, the four-person team sneaked in through the water gate.Their guns and bullets were wrapped in plastic wrap to prevent them from getting wet and becoming useless.

Soon, they swam to the central area, and four chubby heads tentatively emerged from the water. This was the first time they saw the core area of ​​the base.

This place seems to be different from the outside, the surroundings are quiet and the environment is very elegant.

There is a sentry tower ahead, and there are patrolling sentries on it. The four of them dare not move forward, because they may be discovered.

After inspecting the surrounding area, they prepared to disembark on the very dense left river bank.

"Why is it like a fucking maze, I can't tell where it is!"

"Okay, stop complaining, our first task now is to find Lu Xuan's residence."

In the four-person team, Zhao Xiaolong of the Northern Expedition Army took the lead.In the end, he led a few people ashore from the river bank on the left.

When they got ashore, there was a wall, and the four of them huddled and drove forward slowly.

A series of walls separated each other, forming a series of roads.

Going forward, there is a small slope.

"I think the top of the slope should be Lu Xuan's residence, and it's also the source of the water. Let's go."

As soon as Zhang Xiaolong's voice fell, there were rustling footsteps in front of him.

"Attention everyone, the inspectors are here!"

Sure enough, the guards were patrolling with a military dog.

Even if Zhang Xiaolong and the others closed their mouths, there was still a smell on them.

The military dog ​​noticed it immediately and barked twice.

"Go, take a look over there." The guard immediately looked in the direction of the barking dog.

As he walked, he loaded the gun.The four-member team was anxious.

It is definitely not advisable for them to be discovered just after they landed.

With the strength of the four of them, the guards in front can definitely be wiped out.But if they don't keep the sound of their fighting, they will attract more light soldiers, and the disparity in strength will not be something they can control.

So, someone among them has to make a sacrifice.One person acts as an introduction to attract the attention of the guards, and the others evacuate quickly.

At this time, Zhang Meng of the Hua'er Legion said, "Leave this to me, you guys evacuate quickly!"

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