Of course, the future city has also experienced three expansions, from the size of the first few islands to half of China, with a population of more than 2 million.These are the last survivors of the apocalypse.

It was a cold morning, the sky was still overcast with clouds, the sun hadn't come out, and the extreme cold of the apocalypse was still raging across the planet.

An armored regiment composed of thousands of armored units such as Guangling tanks, apocalypse tanks, rhino tanks, multi-purpose infantry vehicles, tsunami tanks, and missile launchers led more than 100 million heavily armed Red Police soldiers to Huaxia.

Before the end of the world, it was a huge country with a population of 15 billion.Even under the onslaught of Armageddon, there are still nearly 2 million survivors, almost catching up with the sum of all survivors in Future City.

But Lu Xuan didn't want to attack by force.After all, he is his own country, plus some other reasons, so he just wants to stop.

The cold wind is howling, and the dark clouds in the sky still don't want to disperse.The entire earth is in darkness, and only a faint light allows people to see everything around them.

On the border between the grassland and China, a team in red military uniform marched towards China.Beautiful military uniforms, neat steps, and sci-fi armored units are like flowers and flames in the dark, captivating everyone who sees them.

Because those military uniforms are bright red, like blood, more dazzling than the sun.

This is the military uniform of the Dragon Dynasty, which is different from several military uniforms such as military uniforms and casual military uniforms.The meaning of this military uniform should be deeper.

The sword-wrapped dragon on the military uniform replaced the original blood lotus.It is not only the national emblem of the Dragon Dynasty, but also the symbol of the army.It not only represents majesty, power and sanctity, but also war, protection and peace.

Each badge has a different color.For example, green represents peace, blue represents guards, red represents war, and gold represents power.

The ranks of the army are also divided into nine stars from top to bottom.One star is the lowest soldier, nine stars is the general next to the supreme commander.

Likewise, there are divisions in the political system.One star is the lowest sheriff, and the promotion of each star is extremely difficult, which requires not only a large number of contribution points or military achievements, but also the approval of people around.

For example, if a sheriff in the system wants to be promoted to a second-star manager, not only does he need to have 50000 contribution points, but at least 100000% of the survivors should vote for him out of the 80 people under his control.

Otherwise, even if one is missing, he will not be promoted.

Likewise, army promotions are simple.For example, it takes 5000 war merits for a first-class soldier to be promoted to second-class sergeant, which seems easier than advancing the political system.In fact, it is very difficult to obtain war exploits.

For example, if a team completes the main task assigned by the superior, each team can get 10 combat merit points, and the captain can get an extra 2 points.Such people are divided into five levels from high to low: s, a, b, c and d. C-level tasks and D-level tasks are collectively called primary tasks, B-level tasks are called intermediate-level tasks, A-level tasks are called high-level tasks, and S-level tasks are called top-level secret tasks. They cannot be released once in decades, but there are many of them. War rewards, even the lowest ones, should start from tens of millions.

Of course, in order to obtain military merit, in addition to completing tasks, you must also win the war.For example, if a regiment wins a small-scale war with less than 10 people, each member of the regiment can get 10 merit points, including 2 points for the captain, 5 points for the platoon leader, 7 points for the company commander, 10 points for the battalion commander, and 20 points for the captain.

It can be said that the greater the number of people participating in the battle, the greater the difficulty, and the higher the merits of the soldiers.However, wars rarely break out, so it is difficult for most soldiers to make meritorious service, which is why it is difficult for people in the army to improve their level.

In fact, except for the limited number appointed by Lu Xuan himself and others appointed and elected by the limited number, no one in the Long Dynasty was promoted through contribution points or military achievements.Maybe in the future, but at least not next year.

Oh, another point is that there is a point deduction system for military exploits and achievements.For example, if he does something wrong or violates regulations, he will deduct points according to the severity of the circumstances.For more serious scores, such as dereliction of duty, he will not only have to deduct contribution points and be downgraded, but also risk going to jail.

In short, after the establishment of the Dragon Dynasty, Lu Xuan combined all the senior officials and the intelligent system Xu Zi to formulate a very detailed system.This system involves various aspects.Usually, these systems are managed by Xu Zi. Even if someone violates the regulations, as long as a report is made, Asahi can immediately accept it, and then mobilize the surveillance video to watch.Corresponding points will be deducted or judged whether points need to be deducted.

For example, these bloody military orders were issued by Lu Xuan through Xu Zi, and Xu Zi passed these military orders to Lu Ming and others, and then Lu Ming and others sent troops to fight.

The expedition also received numerous honorary service awards.Not only can everyone get 50 points for meritorious service, but there are also more extra moral meritorious service, such as the captain.Basically, everyone is very positive.

In fact, even without merit rewards, these Red Police fighters are very active, because among these fighters, except for a few fighters recruited from survivors, the rest are all Red Police fighters recruited by Lu Xuan at the cost of energy.Even if he doesn't pay, those Red Police soldiers will work hard for him to make sure there will be no slack or mistakes.

However, there were no conditions before.Lu Xuan may not have considered paying these Red Police soldiers, but now he is not happy.He has strength, so he naturally has to arrange all guarantees for these Red Police fighters.After all, people don't know how far from the other world they are, and they abandon family and friends.If he didn't do anything here, although those Red Police soldiers wouldn't complain, he would feel very sad in his heart.

As a result, life for these Red Police fighters is much better now.Not only does everyone have a house, but every month has a holiday.At this time, they can go to those huge buildings or underground bases, preferably knowing women.

In fact, let's be honest, survivors in futuristic cities, whether in giant structures or underground cities, these girls are built for these red police soldiers.Basically, every red police soldier can find his girlfriend, especially the girls in the underground base.

After all, marrying a red police soldier means being able to live in a huge building, which not only means a better life, but also means they can stay away from the darkness.

Overall, things are still going in the best direction.

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