Surrounded by smog, blooming flowers, rolling dew on the grass, gurgling streams, it is a fairyland scene.

However, it is strange that there are no living things to be seen in such a beautiful place.

As everyone noticed at the same time, the exit of the tunnel is on the slope of a mountain with clouds and the sun in the sky.

Zhu Ling remembered the photos he saw in the shelter.He knew that these were all illusions created by the Qiro civilization with powerful technology.It's still underground.

"There seems to be a building there. Let's go and see."

Zhu Ling previously discovered that the overall architectural style of the Qiluo civilization is somewhat similar to that of ancient Earth.It's a style that's both East and West.You can see classical courtyards and exotic high-rise buildings on one side.

But people are most concerned about the towers in the city center.

"It seems that no one is alive." Zhu Ling's eyes looked around.very quiet.It was so quiet.There was no sound at all.

Something changed in Lily's eyes.She uses her superpowers to allow her eyes to see scenes thousands of miles away.She looked around to make sure no one was here.

Something changed in Lily's eyes.She uses her superpowers to allow her eyes to see scenes thousands of miles away.She looked around to make sure no one was here.

At the same time, there is no voice in telepathy, which proves that there is no living person here.

"There may be something in the tower. Let's go and see." Lily pointed in the direction of the tower.

The two women flew straight to the tower.About five kilometers from the tower, they suddenly felt great pressure.

"Gravity has increased!" The eyes of the two women changed.This technique of controlling gravity is an excellent feat of the Ziro civilization.Are there still living people in the Ziro civilization?
But this gravity doesn't matter to them.They just continued to fly over the solid tower against the huge gravity.

The closer they are to the tower, the more pressure they experience.At the last mile, they have to land.At this point, the gravity is too great for them to bear.

It is hard to imagine how many times the gravity here has reached.You know, they are ninth-order peaks.They are only one step away from becoming a small galaxy-level powerhouse.General gravity can ignore their strong presence.

They also noticed that only they seemed to bear the enormous g-forces, and the surrounding buildings were fine.

Clearly, this severity is directed at them, not arbitrary.

Lily Sen whispered, a powerful energy burst out of her body.She prepared to use her superpowers to counteract the gravity here, and rushed over.

But the moment she uses her powers, a beam of light shoots from the top of the tower and hits Lily directly.

Lily is horrified to find her powers gone!
She has now become a ninth-class strongman without superpowers.For her, the loss of superpowers is more terrifying than anything else.


Seeing Lily panicked, Zhu Ling yelled: "Lily, what happened?"

She couldn't imagine what kind of situation would make the super arm scream like that.

" power is gone." Lily fell to the ground with a face full of despair.

Zhu Ling was surprised.Lily Qi's superpower did not appear the day after tomorrow, but she was born with this ability.Will such superpowers disappear?

She knew in her heart that the light beam had caused this result.Is this the power of Ziro civilization?

Compared with the heyday of Qiluo civilization, the current Red Police base is far from perfect.

Now Zhu Ling could barely hold back her fall.Helping Lily is almost impossible.She didn't expect such an enemy to appear here.

"The only chance now is if I shoot and break the top of the tower, maybe Lily can recover. Her super power is not weaker than her spiritual power. As long as she recovers her power, we can go to the top of the tower."

Thinking of this, Zhu Ling slowly raised her sniper rifle.This usually casual movement now makes her sweat profusely.

Sniper guns are not easy to aim.Zhu Ling was about to charge, and smashed the top of the tower with one shot.

Whoosh!With a gunshot, the bullet broke through the obstacles of gravity and flew directly to the top of the tower.

The bullet exploded, covering the top of the tower.However, without waiting for a gleam of joy on Zhu Ling's face, she found that Lily hadn't recovered, and the gravity around her hadn't changed.

She took a closer look, and the top of the tower was safe and sound!
There seems to be something around the tower that cannot be broken through, so there is only one last way to enter the tower through the gravity zone.

Zhu Ling gritted her teeth and walked to Lily's son step by step.She didn't even look at Lily's son, she just said lightly: "The commander doesn't want to see you now."

After speaking, she continued to walk forward with difficulty.When Lily heard Zhu Ling's words, her body was trembling.

She may not care about others, but she cares a lot about the commander's attitude.

"I understand." Lily took a deep breath and finally returned to her original appearance following Zhu Ling's back.

The closer they are to the tower, the greater the gravity multiplier.This is the answer they got before, but they never dreamed that within 10 meters around the tower, the gravity is so strong that they can't stand!
"With this kind of pressure, even the strong who have just stepped into the small galaxy level may not be able to enter. Isn't the Qiluo civilization ready for people to enter?" Zhu Ling thought.

Zhu Ling knew that they had to make a choice now, either to fight hard, to rush into the tower, or to retreat quickly.If they don't have the last of their strength, they won't even have a chance to retreat.

At this time, Ju Ling suddenly found that the gravitational force around her had weakened a bit.While it didn't completely disappear, it at least made her movement less difficult.

At this time, a joking voice sounded: "Fortunately, the commander let me come in and take a look, otherwise would you have stayed here all this time?"

Zhu Ling looked back.Aru didn't know when she would appear here.She holds a small disc device in her hand.

"Anti-gravity device?" Zhu Ling responded immediately.

In fact, they also had portable anti-gravity devices, which were too low for her to counteract and forget.

Aru's anti-gravity device can counteract 100 times the gravity!

In other words, the gravity here has exceeded a hundred times.

With the help of Aru, they finally entered the tower.At this time, Bai Lizi discovered that her money ability had returned.

The restoration of superpowers made Lily very happy.

Aju is looking at the inner structure of the tower.The tower is empty from top to bottom.Only a cylindrical channel connects to the top.It looks like an elevator.

"This thing seems to be the elevator of the Qi Luo civilization, let's go." Aru recognized this.

Standing on the pillars, their bodies will automatically rise to the top of the tower.They stand on the ground.All kinds of instruments are everywhere.It looks like a laboratory.

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