Lu Xuan nodded.In the next instant, Tanya disappeared in place.

No matter who goes, he can easily kill those people.Lu Xuan didn't care.The only thing that Smoky Cloud Star cares about is two things, your behemoth flying in the starry sky and the bunny.

Lu Xuan once asked the system, what is the name of this giant rabbit-like beast.As a result, the system does not know.It is speculated that this may be an entirely new species,

This is normal.Creatures in the universe are evolving every day.It is normal for some species to never appear.Even the powerful protoss in the universe cannot understand all races.

"Since there is no name, this big rabbit is called the Big White Rabbit." Lu Xuan said her name directly.

A big white rabbit named Big White Rabbit is no problem.

But when the Emperor and other people from Earth heard the news, they were all speechless.The Soviet emperor knew it all.That said, the naming ability needs improvement.

They had learned about the two star giants on the Yanyun star very early on, which made them understand that their enemies were not only the humans and ghosts on the Yanyun star, but also the two star giants.

In the past month, Kong Huang and others did not guard a rainless city for a long time, but dispersed and guarded different cities, and their strength has also been greatly improved.

Kongdi's strength reached the peak of the eighth level, only half a foot away from breaking through the ninth level.Dongdi has also reached the peak of the eighth level, but his strength is slightly worse than that of Kongdi.

Baidi and Yudi have just broken through to the eighth stage, and the four emperors have made great progress.

Not only them, but also those soldiers from Earth.After this period of fighting, the strength of the weakest increased by one level, and the strength of the strongest increased by two levels at the same time, which was praised by the emperor.

A very interesting thing happened in the middle.An earth warrior fell in love with a girl from the cloud star.At first, the girl's family was very opposed.After all, how can someone who doesn't look special marry his own daughter?

By the way, the girl is from a noble family.She made the wrong choice not to become a resident of the Red Alert Empire.She always resents it.

When they knew that the Earth soldiers were residents of the Red Police Empire, they agreed to their communication without saying a word, which left the other Earth soldiers who were about to face at the door speechless.

They didn't expect that the status of a resident of the Red Police Empire would be so popular.

"Commander, mission accomplished."

Soon, Tanya's voice sounded.She came back from outside.It looked no different than when she first went out.The maid was dressed as white as snow, not a speck of dust could be seen.

Tanya's return means the end for the five regional leaders and the remaining powerful castellan.

With Tanya's teleportation ability and the first-order strength of the small galaxy, it is not easy to deal with some 8th and 9th-order people.

Lu Xuan just nodded: "Let Hui Pu order the restoration army to attack the ghosts with all their strength, and contact Wang Chun to control the polar ice light."

The polar ice light is the super weapon of the cloud star.Lu Xuan had never attacked this place before.The time was wrong.Now almost half of Yan Yunxing is in his hands.He has enough power to keep the polar ice bright.

The location of such a powerful weapon is kept in absolute secrecy.The entire human alliance knows that there are almost no weapons, including Wang Chun.

After finishing what happened to the Ghost Clan, Wang Chun returned to the Human Alliance again and learned about the configuration of the polar ice light.

"Wang Chun, the commander wants you to go to the Polar Ice Lantern to control it." This was Zhu Ling's voice.

After receiving the order, Wang Chun ran to Baigu Mountain without hesitation.The sky is full of wind and snow.The wind is unbelievable.Even the eighth rank may not be able to stabilize his body.

But that's just a drizzle for a mighty little galaxy.

Wang Chun can pass through the starry sky.The harsh environment on the planet's surface has no effect on him.

He went straight into the Bone Mountain.According to the instructions given to him by the marshal, he soon found an iceberg.Inside the iceberg is the polar glacier.

When he came to the entrance of the iceberg, he was stopped.


It was a strong man at the top of level eight that stopped him.It is absolutely not too much to have such a strong man guarding here.

"it's me."

Wang Chun showed his true colors.

The eighth-level strongman saw it, and immediately withdrew his offensive posture: "It's the captain of the bodyguard, I offended you just now."

In the Human Alliance, Wang Chun's status is second only to Marshal Zhao Wei.

But when Wang Chun was about to go in, the eighth-level strongman said: "My lord bodyguard, I can only let you in under the order of the marshal. This is the rule. I'm sorry."

The eighth-ranked strongman never thought of a single thing.Wang Chun is not himself.

Wang Chun said to the eighth class soldier: "I'm talking about the password."

The eighth-level strongman stared at him, subconsciously wanting to leave, but it was too late.

In an instant, the head of the eighth-level strongman flew out and died on the spot.Wang Chun didn't stop, and went straight in.

Alarms sounded in the polar ice lanterns, and they became panicked.Isn't there a city lord level guard outside?Why does the alert still appear?
They were dumbfounded when they discovered that the intruders were actually Human Alliance bodyguards.

It didn't take long for Wang Chun to control the polar ice light.As for the others, naturally no one stayed.

"Captain bodyguard, why are you doing this!"

A voice full of anger sounded.It was the Marshal who called the guards.He's connected here via remote video.A pair of tiger eyes are full of anger.

Marshal Zhao Wei never thought that the captain of the bodyguard would betray the Human Alliance.

No matter what the marshal thought, he couldn't think of any reason for Wang Chun to do so.

The bodyguard was not surprised.Looking at the portrait of the marshal, he said lightly, "I'm an undercover agent."

These four words perfectly explain all of Wang Chun's actions.

Marshal is shocked and thinks the others are undercover, but how could the bodyguard be undercover?

So the question is, is the chief bodyguard an undercover agent of some human force, or an undercover agent of the Ghost family!
In the former case, he will not lose his mind even if he gets angry, but if the bodyguard is an undercover ghost family, he will kill the bodyguard at all costs!
The ghost family is the enemy of mankind.If the Ghost Clan controls the polar ice and light, the situation for humanity will be dangerous.

He has seen with his own eyes the power of the polar ice light, which can destroy a huge base of the ghost family, even the ninth-level powerhouse in the ghost family cannot resist.

"Whose undercover agent are you?" The marshal held back his anger.

Wang Chun frowned: "Red Police Base."

The marshal's eyes were on him.He thought of many troops, but he didn't think it would be the Red Police base, which is the main force for humans to fight back against the ghost family.How could it be that kind of power?

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