"According to the original plan, it may take half a month to a month to produce a large number of weapons similar to polar ice lamps. I need to endure for a while."

But the Marshal didn't know that Prince Gray Pu and the Red Empire didn't sit down while he was hiding at home.They secretly sent some people to fan the flames and take things to a new level.

Now, not only humans know this, but also the ghost family.Even they heard that the weapon that destroyed a large base of their ghost clan a few days ago belonged to the marshal!
Yan Yunxing's biggest culprit was born!

When Marshal doesn't know anything, all jars are thrown at his head.If the jars could become an entity, it is estimated that the marshal could be crushed to death by these jars.

"It's sad and pathetic."

Lu Xuan shook his head, held the teacup in one hand, and drank a delicious drink.

The matter of the marshal was planned by him.The purpose is simple.Someone has to come out and get the jar.Neither Prince Gray nor a representative of the Red Alert empire can do that.Then there is only the marshal.

He's ready to take over the Ghost family.He is very confident about Talu, the ancestor of Guimen.

The problem is, in terms of human nature, they need an outlet, and the Marshal of Nature was arranged by Lu Xuan.

Not only that, Lu Xuan also arranged for the parasitic species to find things for the marshal.These days, the people of the Human Alliance suddenly found that they were all weak and fell to the ground as if they were seriously ill.

If the situation of the other two forces is the same, their psychology will be more balanced.When they asked, only one person had this condition.How do i do this?
The marshal looked at his confidant angrily: "What's the matter? Their strongest is level seven. How can they be good and weak? They can't even be angry with ghosts."

"Marshal, we have just tested and found that they all have the same type of toxin in their bodies. We suspect that they have been poisoned."

The marshal's expression suddenly became very strange: "Poisoned? Are you kidding me? What kind of poison does Yan Yunxing have that can work in the seventh-level extraordinary, tell me!"

His confidant was sweating profusely.To be honest, he didn't believe it when the results came out.

In their view, the poison content is very low.Only extraordinary ordinary people are poisoned to death. Extraordinary creatures above level 7 cannot be poisoned.

Yan Yunxing knew that the most powerful toxin could only act on the sixth-level supernormal, and it would not be fatal.

Toxins capable of seven-level supernatural attacks simply don't exist.

In this way, the Marshal knew that his cronies could not deceive him.In this way, they are indeed infected with a new toxin, or one that is very effective against the seventh level.

"Let them quickly find a way to detox and block the news."

Marshal knows that many people outside have a lot of opinions about him now.If the matter comes to light, it is estimated that he will once again make headlines.

Better to do more than one thing right now.It's a pity he doesn't know.Someone out there has been spreading the word for a long time.

Marshal is famous again.His men were poisoned by an unknown toxin.There are not enough guards now.What is it called?This is called retribution!

Everyone was very happy about the surprise of Marshal Powers.It was only natural that the marshal suffered such a punishment.

The marshal was about to vomit blood.Too many men is not good.This news cannot be blocked.I don't know who passed it on.He is famous again.

At the same time, the first negotiation between humans and ghosts will be held in the middle of the battlefields of both sides within three days!

Humans and ghosts can't trust each other, so the middle of the battlefield is the ideal place to negotiate.

Three days passed quickly.The marshal, looking a bit haggard, attended the negotiating session as a delegate.The arrival of the ghost family is also a ninth-level mountaintop ghost master.On the surface, the forces on both sides appear to be the same.

"Jim, do you really want to make peace?" The marshal stepped forward and asked directly.He is an old acquaintance with Jim, the ghost master on the opposite side.The two sides fought many battles and no one could do anything.

"Zhao Wei, we ghost people just want a right to live on the ground. In the past, when it first appeared, people's hatred for humans was suppressed for too long and had to be released. That's why the previous situation happened .There are a lot of casualties on both sides right now. If we keep going, I don't need to say any more. He knows the outcome."
Of course the Marshal knew this, otherwise he would not have agreed to negotiate a peace, even though it was only superficial.

"How do you want to achieve peace?"

"We only need the area of ​​10 districts, and the rest is yours. We have signed an agreement for non-aggression for 1000 years."

The Marshal frowned.These 10 districts are not small in size.You know, the entire Smokey Nebula is only divided into 10 sectors.The ghost family accounted for one-fifth at once.He subconsciously objected to it.

But soon he thought of one thing.When the plan is successful, the ghost clan will be destroyed at that time.There's nothing wrong with giving the Ghost family a lot of space.

I think so.The Marshal will not directly agree to the Ghost Family's request.Since it is a negotiation, we should abide by the rules of negotiation.

After some debate, the marshal agreed to allocate the area of ​​the three regions to the ghost nation, which is the bottom line of the ghost nation.

In negotiations, Jim is still a bit of a sucker.

Negotiations lasted three days.When the marshal went back to announce the specific content of the negotiations, humans broke out in place.

"Traitor, the Marshal is a traitor to humans. Why are you giving ghosts three regions? Smokey Cloud Star is obviously ours!"

"Marshal, get out of here. What marshal are you? Bah!"

"Your Highness, open your eyes and take a good look. That is not our Human Marshal. He is already a spy of the Ghost Family."

The Marshal turned a deaf ear to what was going on outside.He has been waiting for the success of the plan.At that time, these people will be shocked.

He is the Marshal of Humanity, under tremendous pressure to destroy the Ghost family.How noble and great!
Just as the marshal was dreaming of a better day in the future, he was directly interrupted by the cry of his confidant: "Marshal, this is too bad. Now there is news outside that the Yanyun star used to belong to the gate of ghosts, and we humans are all outsiders. He also said that the marshal would deliberately hand it over to the three districts of the ghost gate only after he knew the news..."

The marshal couldn't hear the words behind him, and he fell into a state of dullness.

It doesn't matter if this news usually comes out, but now that it has appeared, it is a big blow to him.

The marshal's first reaction was that I was cheated!
"Go out and refute the rumors immediately!"

The marshal's action was a bit late.Prince Gray Pu and representatives of the Red Police Empire, as well as a large number of strongmen and troops, surrounded the Marshal's mansion.

"Summon the guards and arrest you now for treason against humanity. If you have anything to say, wait for the court!" Prince Gray Pu was ruthless.

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