At that time, the resentment in his heart gradually deepened, and finally Xinmomen was born.

The Heart Demon Gate uses this wing gate to continuously incite it to climb in the wing gate, and eventually becomes the leader of all the wing gates, second only to the existence of the parent star.

At this moment, Wing Gate, who was bewitched by the Heart Demon Gate, finally revealed his intentions.It wants to destroy the parent star!
Xinmomen did not elaborate on the process, but Lu Xuan knew that this scene was absolutely shocking.

In the end, the Wing Gate Uprising, which was bewitched by the Heart Demon Sect, failed, and the number of Wing Gates was greatly reduced.That was the most vulnerable period of the Wing Clan.It happened to be a war between the Wing Clan and the Protoss Clan at that time.In order to protect itself, the mother star let the remaining wing race pull the coming neutron star to die with the god race.

Therefore, the Protoss was frightened and immediately stopped the war, and the Wing Clan got a buffer opportunity to recover gradually.

"So how did you get from your Winged home planet to Earth?"

This is what confused Lu Xuan the most.The parent star of the Wing family is not more than light years away from the earth.How did a family of demons with no intelligence and no ability come here from such a long distance?

Speaking of this, the demons also seem to be very strange: "Since the wing gate was discovered and cleared by the parent star, I lost all senses. When I woke up, I found myself in an independent spiritual space. If I can't share The knowledge of other demons, I will suffocate. Later, when Du Jing appeared there, I pretended to be the demons born by Du Jing, you know later"

Lu Xuan frowned.The power of the soul can prove that the Heart Demon family is not lying, but how it came about is still a question.

At this time, Yun Ru's voice sounded: "Commander, I think of something."

"what happened?"

It is definitely not easy for Yun Ruo to talk about things concretely.

"The technology obtained from the Ziro civilization before was mixed with some experimental data, and there was a special experiment. The name of the experiment was to randomly select a special race to capture the entire universe, but the experiment ended in failure at the time. Later, this experiment It appears that an ogy civilization, discovered by a psychic technologist, was later born on Earth and continued experimenting."

"Are you saying that this demon family was brought by that civilization by accident?"

Lu Xuan thought that he not only found Du Jing's spiritual space, but also discovered a civilization that only relied on spiritual technology.Unfortunately, this civilization developed abnormally and self-destructed very early.

"No accident, this is the most likely."

Lu Xuan was speechless.Unexpectedly, the Heart Demon family would appear like this.Can spiritual technology and space technology really do this?

The appearance of the demon family can hardly be explained.Lu Xuan will not tell Xinmomen about this.There was one more thing he wanted to know.

"How did you turn Du Jing into Yimen, why can you command the leader of Yimen?"

"Don't forget, I am the heart demon gate that was born from the wing gate. For a long time, the understanding of the wing gate is not below the mother star. As for the command of the wing gate, it is very simple. Let it think that your existence is higher than it."

"The Wing Gate is a race with obvious differences from top to bottom. Facing the Upper Wing Gate, any Wing Gate can only do one thing. Follow orders. I will transform Du Jing's body into an Upper Wing Gate. Small galaxy The ninth-level wing gate will naturally obey me."

Lu Xuan nodded.It seems that the demon goalkeeper in front of him is his best helper against the wing gate.

However, something is amiss with an uncontrollable family of demons.If you want it to surrender directly, it is estimated that this is a dream.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan said, "Do you know the Protoss?"

"Of course, the Protoss is a famous race in the universe. Their personal power is very strong, and their technology is also top-notch. What do you want to ask? Do you want to ask me about the Protoss? There is no problem with wanting information, but I need free!"

Lu Xuan didn't answer directly, but asked Su Yi to bring Yuan Yi and rice.

"Look, what I've found is, a single heart monster! We can try to catch it. A heart monster can provide a lot of energy. They are nutritious and delicious! But the heart monster is not easy to deal with. We slowly Get close to it, be careful not to make any noise."

"Hey, I caught it. It struggled a lot! We cut off its head, and the rest can be eaten raw. It has six times the protein of beef. Of course, if we are not pressed for time, we can roast it first, It will be tastier."

"Well, they taste crunchy and taste like chicken."

Lu Xuan's body was covered with black lines.Is this the rice that came up in his head?

Rice sneaked in, looking obscene, and approached the demon door slowly.The entire command room could only hear what he said.

The demons seemed stunned.Is this sand sculpture?

"Su Yi, what did you show him?" Lu Xuan couldn't help but secretly asked Su Yi.

"Commander, I showed him various videos left over from the past, including movies, variety shows, etc. Recently, he was fascinated by a show called Wilderness Survival." Su Yi was also very helpless.He didn't expect Rice to become like this after seeing these things.

Lu Xuan's eyes twitched.Isn't this Master Bei's performance?Unexpectedly, there is Master Bei in this world, but it seems that Master Bei in this world has not survived the end of the world.

When the Heart Demon family looked at Rice, they thought at first glance that he was just an ordinary person.There's nothing special about it, it just looks kind of weird.

But soon, it found that the human appearance was somewhat familiar.

"Wait, like two peas, isn't this what the god of the gods looks like?" The Heart Demon family was surprised.

It made a great contribution at the beginning of the war between the Wing Clan and the Protoss.If it hadn't done something behind WingClan's back, Protoss might have lost.At first, it was impressed by some of the more famous protoss.

One of them was Reaper Rice.As the most promising person to enter the constellation level, he killed a large number of Wing Clans on the battlefield, and was noticed by the Heart Demon Clan.

But he had worked hard to destroy the Wing Clan, but he didn't know how to deal with Reaper.

"You're wrong. I don't look like Rice. I'm Rice, Death."

Rice raised his head and looked at the Demon family with his nose.

"Rice is obviously a protoss. You are just an ordinary person. Don't try to lie to me!" The demons were angry.

"He is indeed the god of death. Now he only has consciousness, and I have prepared his body." Lu Xuan's voice came.

The Heart Demon Clan couldn't speak.He didn't expect a protoss or a dejected protoss here.

For a while, the demon family sympathized with each other.

"If you want me to come here, can't you just let me see the demon family? The demon family is really rare, but the gods also caught a few at the beginning." Rice didn't care much about the demon.

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