"According to them, the center of the Rota Empire is in total chaos. The cause of the chaos is... the Milky Way!"

Lu Xuan was stunned.The galaxy has caused chaos in the Rota Empire.How's it going?
He knows that his galaxy is the Milky Way, and the Milky Way should be a large galaxy controlled by the Rota Empire, but isn't it named after Earth?Why does the Rota Empire also call it the Milky Way?

For a long time, Lu Xuan thought that the Milky Way in the Milky Way was just a modifier.It never occurred to him that there was a Milky Way within the Milky Way.

Imagine a river that cuts across the stars and cuts straight through a galaxy. What a majestic sight it is?

There may be no deeper reason why he called Earth the Milky Way.

"What does the Milky Way look like?" Lu Xuan couldn't help asking.

"According to them, the Milky Way is a river, but this river is in the sky of the universe, not on the surface of the earth. No one knows the length of the Milky Way, but the width is long and short. In the short place, it is almost five Light years, the longest is hundreds of light years."

Is this the shortest river on earth?
"The Milky Way has not changed for countless years, but just a few decades ago, the Emperor Star of the Rota Empire noticed the movement of the Milky Way." Speaking of this, Yuri paused. "The galaxy is flooded."

Lu Xuan couldn't imagine what it would be like to see the Milky Way flood.It is hard to imagine that even if the earth is flooded by the Milky Way, it will not be splashed.

"The galaxy is flooded, so how did these people escape, and what happened to the center of the Rota Empire?"

Lu Xuan was also preparing to deal with the Rota Empire, but he didn't expect the galaxy to flood.He felt that the possibility of the survival of the Rota Empire was very small.

"They felt bad. They left Monarch when things started to go wrong in the galaxy. Many like them don't know how many people ended up escaping. According to them, when they came to this distant planet, they were with Monarch All contact with the star has been severed."

It would take a long time for even a strong player at the level of a large galaxy to come to such a distant galaxy from the Emperor Star.Generally, no one wants to do that.

So they are useless?
Lu Xuan was a little disappointed.A clue to understanding the Rota Empire was broken.

Even if he knew the strength of the Rota Empire in the past, it would not be of much use now.

It's just a weird question.Since there was a problem with the imperial star of the Rota Empire decades ago, why didn't these asteroids around get any news?
If Yin Yunxing had received this news long ago, it is estimated that the entire planet would be in chaos, and it would be impossible to wait for the ghost clan to appear safely.

In the end, Lu Xuan could only attribute the reason to the distance and the sudden occurrence of the incident.Monarch cannot make contact with the surrounding planets.

However, in this way, the center of the Rota Empire could become a disaster zone.

"This is a good thing for me. Without the help of the Rota Empire, most planets are not my opponents."

Lu Xuan once learned a lot about the Rota Empire from Yao Yifei.He knew that even in the empire period, the small galaxy class was an expert, while the large galaxy class was a vassal existence.

In the entire Rota Empire, there are not many giant stars at the level of large galaxies, and the giant stars on most planets are at the level of small galaxies.

"Commander, where are those people?" Yuri continued.

"By the way, you decided to gather more information about the Rota Empire."

After severing contact with Yuri, Lu Xuan contacted Yuan Yizhong again: "What was the relationship between the Qiluo civilization and the Rota Empire when it first rose?"

Lu Xuan was very curious about this.A civilization almost at the highest level of humanity lies within the confines of an empire.How do they handle this relationship?
In terms of strength, the Qiro civilization is definitely stronger than the Rota Empire.

But Yuan Yizhong's answer made him a little confused: "The Rota Empire? In the beginning, an empire named Ruisong controlled the Milky Way. It was an empire under the banner of Qiluo civilization. The Rota Empire should appear later."

Lu Xuan's expression was a little strange.He didn't expect that the Qiro civilization controlled the Galactic Empire, and the empire at that time was not the Rota Empire.

"How much do you know about this empire?"

Lu Xuan believes that no matter which empire it is, there should be no difference in general.Maybe she can get some information from Yuan Yizhong.

"Commander, I used to be just a researcher with little power. I don't know much about the empire, but I know one thing. Any empire will have a card to suppress the empire. This card can be used at a level close to the constellation Local strength explodes!" Yuan Yizhong's voice was very serious.

Lu Xuan's heart was very cold, and he burst out with strength close to the constellation level, which was a bit scary.

Although he hadn't seen a strong shot at the constellation level, he had seen a strong shot at the galaxy level.It was something he couldn't resist.Needless to say, how terrifying the power at the constellation level is.

"No wonder an empire can overwhelm a galaxy. It turns out they have such a powerful card."

Lu Xuan once asked Rice about the power of the mighty constellation.For them, destroying planets is just a finger away, and destroying the galaxy is only a matter of time.

The power of the strong on the constellation level is unbelievable.In the eyes of ordinary people, they are gods!
For example, powerful constellations would travel much faster than the speed of light from the center of the empire to the edge of the galaxy.

From the level of large galaxies to the level of constellations, this is a qualitative change!
Even if it is only close to the power of the constellation level, the level of the large star system cannot resist it.

So the question is, how the Leisen Empire was destroyed, allowing the subsequent empires to rise and eventually become the current Rota Empire.

If he remembered correctly, Yao Yifei said that the Rota Empire only existed for tens of thousands of years.Compared with those empires that usually last millions or even tens of millions of years, the Rota Empire can only be regarded as a child.

Lu Xuan curiously asked about empires in other galaxies, but unfortunately the information in this area is very closed, even Yao Yifei doesn't know about it.

"What else?"

"There is also an empire here. Except for the central area, it is surrounded by princes who manage themselves. Unless they encounter problems that cannot be solved, they will report. The power of each prince is equivalent to a large galaxy. It is not clear How many levels do they have."

Lu Xuan asked a few more questions, and Yuan Yizhong told him everything he knew.

After breaking off contact, Lu Xuan pondered.He found that he still knew little about the secrets of the rapid decline of the Luota Empire and the Qiluo civilization, not even Yuan Yizhong.

"It's useless to think too much. As long as you have enough power, you can kill those powerful people at the level of large galaxies."

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan immediately turned on the computer and started playing happily.

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