In the end of rebirth, I rejected all gods

Chapter 66 Comprehension potential?

Everything around was gradually dimmed, and the darkness receded.

Fang Qing and Lin Yan were relieved from the darkness.

When Fang Qing looked around again, she was in ruins.

"Here? Where is it?"

Fang Qing asked unconsciously. She didn't want to ask, because she knew very well that Lin Yan next to her was a fake, but the reality still made her speak. The ruins around her, and the feeling of slicking the concrete blocks with her fingers was real. .

"Look over there."

Lin Yan pointed in one direction with his finger, and Fang Qing looked in that direction.

"Lin Yan?"

Fang Qing's eyes widened, feeling that everything was incredible.

Because not far in front of her, Lin Yan was wrestling with the Icefield King Zhan Tali. She saw that Lin Yan's face was bleeding from the depths of his hair, and Jiang Nansheng had already fallen on the ground. into the ruins behind.

Even Rossi, who was dying, could only slightly open his eyes.

Fang Qing tried her best to keep calm, instead of rushing to call Lin Yan, she looked at the fake Lin Yan beside her.

"It's all fake, right?"

"What do you think?"

Fake Lin Yan asked the question unconsciously, the corners of his mouth raised, and he even felt that what Fang Qing said was a bit ridiculous.

"If it's fake, why should I show you?"

"Of course, you can also understand that everything around you is fake."

"As long as you die, the whole world will disappear and be destroyed."

"You are the protagonist of this world, and everyone else is an accessory, equivalent to an NPC in the game, do you understand?"

This fake Lin Yan's face gradually became ferocious, and he even started to laugh out loud.


"Do you understand? Do you really understand?"

"You came to the witch's world, looking for inheritance, why did you start to listen to other people? Why did you just ignore what your parents said, why did you listen to a strange man you only knew for a month?"

"What are you thinking? You are the master of this world!"

"Listen to me, get the inheritance, and then leave Blue Star, you can live in the snowfield world."

Fake Lin Yan finished speaking, waiting for Fang Qing to give instructions.

But obviously, Fang Qing didn't know what to say.

"Then tell me, how can I get the inheritance?"

Fake Lin Yan stared at Fang Qing, thinking she was ridiculous, but still replied.

"It's very simple, kill me."

After finishing speaking, fake Lin Yan handed Fang Qing a knife.

The fake Lin Yan continued.

"I am the ghost in your heart. You may not like to hear my words, but you must understand that I am treating you well, do you understand?"

"If you kill me, you can indeed get the inheritance, but from then on you will have nothing, no feelings, and live like a walking dead. Only the ice field world can accept you!"


Fang Qing interrupted the fake Lin Yan, she seemed to understand the significance of this inheritance.

Inheritance is testing her psychological defense step by step, trying to make Fang Qing collapse. As long as Fang Qing's emotions collapse, the whole person will be trapped here forever.

Obviously, the other party's request was for Fang Qing to kill him, but once Fang Qing did it, it would be irrational.

Thinking of this, Fang Qing began to worry about Cheng Chen. If Cheng Chen's illusion was to reproduce the scene of his mother being killed, Cheng Chen would definitely rush to save him.

But it seems that as long as he has the thought of killing, it is an irrational behavior, that is, he is aroused by desire, and he may stay here forever.

But this inheritance has not been inherited, but it still survived.

Then it should be watching this scene all the time, and doing nothing is the way to survive.

But since you can't do anything, and you can't do nothing, how can you get the inheritance?

After much deliberation, Fang Qing decided to focus on herself, that is the witch of the polar world, a person who lives in the polar ice world forever and suffers from loneliness.

She seemed unwilling to abandon every person who died here, but chose to make it into an ice sculpture, so that there would be more people living in her palace, so she would not be lonely?
No, it shouldn't be, she is still lonely deep in her heart.

The same is true for this trial, everyone died in front of Fang Qing and turned into a puddle of water, just to let the participants experience the feeling of loneliness.

From Fang Qing's point of view, a little warmth might be needed.

Cold is eternal.

Warmth is short-lived.

But warmth has memory. When a person experiences warmth once, then this warm memory will take root.

Just like Fang Qing, she has been living in darkness since she was a child, but ever since Lin Yan's kind deed, this is the motivation for her to persist in living.

And it was that warmth that Fang Qing remembered until now.

Then the best way to obtain inheritance, perhaps is warmth.

Thinking of this, Fang Qing saw that Lin Yan had been chopped into pieces by Zhan Tali's axe, but Fang Qing knew that this was a fake, and Lin Yan who stood beside her silently was also a fake.

And Fang Qing began to look around, she needed something that could bring warmth.

But in such a ruin, it is not easy to find what you want.

Fang Qing began to stand up, and began to search further away.

And the fake Lin Yan beside him saw Fang Qing start walking, panicked, and started talking to Fang Qing non-stop.

"What do you want to do? I told you everything, kill me, kill me and you can leave here and end the inheritance, understand?"

"Come back to me, haven't you seen that Lin Yan is really about to die, why don't you go and save him?"

Fake Lin Yan kept talking, but Fang Qing ignored him and walked forward without looking back.

And the other party made a move that made her more convinced that her thoughts were right.

That was the fake Lin Yan tried to touch Fang Qing several times, but when he stretched out his hand several times, he withdrew it again.

Fang Qing also recalled that when this guy first appeared, she tried to reach out her hand, wanting Fang Qing to put her hand on it, but Fang Qing didn't think about it that much at the time, but she reacted and told herself that she didn't hold his hand. hand.

Thinking about it now, I was really scared for a while, but fortunately, I didn't pull it at that time.

At this time, the other party wanted to touch him, but he didn't dare.

Fang Qing walked through the ruins all the way, and occasionally flipped through the ruins.

Finally, a surprise appeared.

She found a pot of flowers, sunflowers!

This may be the warmest thing on the ruins.

Fortunately, the flower was not damaged too badly, only a few petals fell off, and there was a lot of soil on the flower.

Fang Qing stroked the dirt with her hand and smiled.

At this time, she unconsciously felt that maybe this was the warmest thing on the snow field.

But the moment Fang Qing caressed the sunflower, the fake Lin Yan beside her changed. With the appearance of a ray of light,
The witch from the polar world appeared in front of Fang Qing. Obviously, she was the one who had been pretending to be Lin Yan before.

Her eyes were dull, and she looked at Fang Qing with some incomprehension.
"What are you doing?"

Seeing that it was the witch who appeared, Fang Qing also let go of her guard, but handed the sunflower that was cleaned in her hands to the witch beside her.

"Take it, it's for you."

"Give it to me?"

The witch was surprised, she didn't understand what Fang Qing wanted to do, she took the flowers from Fang Qing's hand, she didn't understand, so she asked.

"what is this?"


Fang Qing replied without thinking.

But the witch still didn't understand, and asked again.

"What are flowers?"

Fang Qing walked up to the witch, lowered her head and put her nose on the sunflower petals.

"Smell it, it's very fragrant."

Seeing Fang Qing's actions, the witch imitated Fang Qing's appearance and took a deep breath.

It is fragrant in my nostrils.

So this is the scent?
The witch has never had such an experience. She has been living on the ice field, and has never seen flowers, and rarely even plants with roots.

In the witch's life, she seems to have lost her sense of smell and taste long ago.

The gods don't need food, they don't need anything. She hasn't tasted a taste, or has tasted a taste, for I don't know how many years.

At this moment, the witch had an expression.

She smiled, because the smell of flowers is really good.

And the moment the witch laughed, everything around her began to fall down like shattered glass fragments.

When Fang Qing came back to her senses, Fang Qing had already stood at the door of the frozen door before entering the inheritance.

"I am back?"


The witch's voice came from behind, Fang Qing turned her head, and she could see the witch standing behind her.

Changing from his previous indifference, he cherished the pot of flowers in his hands, and then gently smelled the fragrance of the flowers.

"You passed the inheritance, and I thank you very much."

"Actually, I don't even know the way to break this inheritance. I never thought that as long as I laugh, the inheritance will end. No wonder no one has passed the inheritance before."

In fact, Lin Yan passed the witch's inheritance in his last life, but Fang Qing passed it in this life.

Fang Qing didn't feel lucky that she passed the inheritance, she anxiously searched for Cheng Chen's whereabouts.

"Where's the little boy who came with me? Is he out yet?"

The moment Fang Qing saw the witch nodding, Fang Qing's mood fell to the bottom, but she didn't expect the witch to comfort Fang Qing.

"Don't worry, his test is different from yours, but according to his current trend, he should not get the inheritance, but he can survive completely."

"That's good."

Hearing what the witch said, Fang Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when Fang Qing was sighing, she saw a bracelet made of ice on her wrist, and the bracelet gave off a faint chill.

Fang Qing stared at the bracelet in a daze.

The witch introduced herself.

"It's called the Ring of Frost. You can explore its specific function slowly."

But after the witch finished speaking, Fang Qing didn't answer, she just kept looking at the bracelet in her hand, frowning tightly.

Looking at the mist on the bracelet, Fang Qing seemed to see another world.

Her eyes drifted away with the mist, and her consciousness seemed to come to the ice world.

She only remembered when Fang Qing realized it.

Is this what Lin Yan said?


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