After getting the news, Xu Huiyu returned to his base by car.

The exchange with Liu Yushan this time has simply opened up Xu Huiyu's worldview.

He could no longer understand why Lin Yan had so many abilities.

Could it be a skill upgraded with spar?
But it's only been a long time until the end of the day. Even if he keeps eating crystals, he still can't get so many skills.

He, Xu Huiyu, is a person with extremely strong personal strength.

Until now, his skills have been upgraded several times, but there are only a few who can fight in total.

In other words, even after his own skills are upgraded, the difference in the form of skills will not be too big.

But the difference in Lin Yan's skill form doesn't look like that of a god at all.

Flying in flames, faster speed, invisibility, mysterious stick, and a spiritual control skill?
What the hell is this Lin Yan?
Xu Huiyu sat in the car without saying a word. From this moment, Xu Huiyu really realized that he seemed to have a strong enemy.

This one might even be better than the others combined.

The current Xu Huiyu, after listening to Liu Yushan's words, seemed to know that he might not be Lin Yan's opponent.

But why does this guy have so many abilities?

He also claims to be a white ability user, which is the lowest level of ability user.

is it possible?

Finally, Xu Huiyu seemed to have thought of something.

Lowest level?Superlative?

Is it possible that Lin Yan is the most advanced god, the owner of a red god?
Thinking of this, Xu Huiyu's body was sweating slowly.

He, Xu Huiyu, is a very strong golden god. He has never met an opponent at the level of a red god since the end of the world.

But the person I meet now is very likely to be the red god, so my status may not be guaranteed.

Thinking of this, Xu Huiyu sighed. After returning to the base, Xu Huiyu locked himself in the room and did not come out. He planned to think carefully about how to deal with Lin Yan.

On the other side of Los Angeles, Reid returned Luo Chen, who had passed out due to excessive blood loss, back to the base.

He took the others with him to the North City warehouse.

He has to give up this warehouse. If he doesn't let it out, there may be more troubles in the future.

His thoughts were similar to Xu Huiyu's. Even if he was defeated, he still had the possibility of turning things around.

Although he lost a North City warehouse and greatly injured his vitality, at least he still has the ability to make a comeback.

Reid didn't have such power from the very beginning, or he made the best decision when he was at his weakest, which gradually developed to this point.

It is a pity that he died here in order to take a new step.

He who wanted to step into the Big Three in Haidu failed.

The current self may not be as good as other people.

It seems that his status may only be a little higher than Liu Yushan.

At this time, Red was directing everyone to evacuate from the warehouse.

"Boss, are we really going to evacuate? This warehouse is the biggest guarantee for our hymns."

Looking at the subordinate in front of him, this person was the one who followed him to the Yuesheng Hotel. He also saw Lin Yan's terror, or in other words, he also saw the terror of that woman under Lin Yan's subordinate.

Red couldn't figure out why he would ask such a sentence.

"Then you say, what should we do?"

"That Lin Yan, I won't talk about it, we came late, we didn't see it, and just relying on that woman, she cut off Luo Chen's hand with a single knife, let alone Luo Chen, maybe I will do it too Same."

"I'm not sure. I beat that woman head-on. Do you still want me to face Lin Yan? Isn't this courting death?"

Red was very angry, and he had been holding his breath in his chest since the way back. At this moment, his subordinates spoke and pulled his thoughts back.

Only then did he yell.

Seeing Red's appearance, this subordinate was really a little confused, because he rarely saw Red lose his temper.

Reid has never been an emotional person. On the contrary, he is very smart.

But now, Red has actually shown such a big temper. Few of his subordinates have seen this battle.

"What should we do now?"

After scolding, Red asked again by chance. This question was asked about his subordinates, and he was also asked about himself.

Seeing his subordinates come out of the North City warehouse one after another, not even daring to take out a bottle of mineral water, he felt that his mistake was too deep.

Why did he have to make that bet with Lin Yan?
What's the point of that bet?

It's his own fault for losing so ugly.


Another heavy sigh.

Suddenly, one of Red's men came over and said.

"Boss, it's okay to release the Beicheng warehouse. At worst, let's start all over again, and let's take the Beicheng warehouse back!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Reid became a little interested.

"Tell me, how do you want to get it back?"

At this time, the guy with a hat and two mustaches in front of him showed a wretched smile and continued.

"It's not difficult to get it back, it depends on whether you are willing to part with the child, Boss."

"You talk about it first."

Red was a little anxious. Everything that was ruined in front of him was an impulsive decision of his. Of course, he wanted to make up for his subordinates.

After all, with the Beicheng Warehouse, they can still eat delicious and spicy food. Now that the Beicheng Warehouse loses the food inside, they may not even be able to afford boiled cabbage.

If I had known earlier, I would not have put the main ingredients in the warehouse.

At this moment, Mustache continued to speak.

"I just got the news that after Boss Xu Huiyu left Yuesheng Hotel, he went straight to the unfinished building."

Hearing this, Red frowned.

He is very smart, of course he knows what Xu Huiyu did.

"He went to Liu Yushan and asked about Lin Yan's information?"


Mustache nodded and continued.

"Xu Huiyu asked Liu Yushan to get the news, and he must have given him a lot of expenses. Xu Huiyu is very cautious, but he is not a stingy person. With his rich personality in Haidu City, he must have given Liu Yushan a lot of expenses. .”

"But as far as I know, Liu Yushan is also a cautious person. The cautiousness of the two people will definitely not allow them to be at the scene, so the subordinates of both of them must have heard the news."

"So, boss, you should find an opportunity to bribe Xu Huiyu's subordinates, or Liu Yushan's subordinates, to buy this news, and after we have settled on Lin Yan's specific abilities, we can talk about how to regain the Beicheng warehouse."

After listening to Mustache's words, Reid was finally relieved, as if he had found a new direction.

According to Mustache's analysis, he could indeed obtain news about Lin Yan's ability at a lower cost.

As long as you know what specific abilities the opponent has, then there will definitely be flaws to find.

At that time, Lin Yan will be a frog in a well.

He, Reid, makes another catch!
It doesn't matter how strong Lin Yan is.

Even including Lin Yan himself, that's four people, plus a broadcaster.

The broadcaster cannot participate in the battle, which means that Reid only needs to fight against four people.

Those who sing their chants have those who come forward.

Is it difficult for thousands of people to kill four people?

I believe the answer is very simple, it should not be difficult.

Even if Red lost a few brothers, he still wanted to kill Lin Yan and take back the warehouse.

Of course, the best result is to leave the warehouse.

Then he left Lin Yan behind as well, and became his fighting force.

We must find this opportunity well. Reid decided to set off immediately without delay.

He planned to start with Liu Yushan's subordinates, because Liu Yushan's subordinates might know a little more comprehensively.

After all, it is possible to fight Lin Yan in person.

As for the retreat of the North City warehouse, Reid handed it over to Mustache.

It's already ten o'clock at night at the Moonrise Hotel.

It has been ten hours since Lin Yan and his party set off from Los Angeles at twelve noon.

At this time, Lin Yan and his party started a happy dinner session again.

There are a lot of cooked food in Yuesheng Restaurant, and the group made a simple meal, and it was a sumptuous dinner.

At the dinner table, Lin Yan praised Fang Qing for being decisive and her strength improved a lot.

Fang Qing also blushed.

And just as Rossi was feasting, suddenly, a piece of news floated in front of her eyes.

Phantom of the Abyss (purple): Can you contact Lin Yan for me?I want to make a deal with him.

Rosie almost choked on his windpipe as soon as the words passed by.

He quickly took a sip of water, and after a while, everyone else paid attention to Rossi.

Fang Qing handed the tissue to Rossi and wiped the corners of her mouth.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine cough cough."

After Rossi recovered, she hurriedly said to Lin Yan.

"Phantom of the abyss, a purple-level god, wants to make a deal with you."

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yan frowned quickly.

"Shadow God?"

After saying this, the corners of Lin Yan's mouth raised unconsciously.

I didn't expect such a proud shadow god to agree to his agreement.

"Shadow God, tell me, do you want to sign an agreement with me?"

After saying this, it took a long time for Rossi to reply to Lin Yan with an affirmative answer.

At this moment, a message popped up on Lin Yan's message bar.

Agreement appears.

Phantom of the Abyss (Purple)
The above gods hope to sign an agreement with you, the contents of which are as follows:
Party A: Lin Yan
Party B: Phantom of the Abyss

Phantom of the Abyss wants to give you abilities, and pay you 400 New Zealand dollars a day for the ability advertisement fee, and you need to use his ability to make a good promotion fee for it.

Party A has the right to cancel the contract at any time, and Party B can apply to Party A to sign again when the contract expires, and the price will be weighed by Party A.

The duration of the contract is one week, counting from the time of signing.

Phantom of the Abyss (Shadow: Your shadow will be controlled by the user, you can control the shadow to perform various actions such as attack, detection, etc., and the shadow will be attacked.)
Lin Yan who saw the news was a little overjoyed. This was an ability he was so familiar with. He never expected that before, the Shadow God could have a crush on Li Yuanying, but after killing Li Yuanying now, he never thought that there would be such an opportunity. .

Lin Yan clicked to sign the contract without hesitation. Since then, Lin Yan has gained new abilities.

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