Doomsday: Start with Strengthening Weapons

Chapter 291 Cooperation and Preparation

"Director, why did you call us here?"

In the office building of the Military Judiciary Department in Chang'an City, a group of people sat around in the meeting room, looked at the middle-aged man who was the leader and asked.

As the head of the Military Judicial Department and the person with the most authority in Chang'an, Lin Shaoying glanced at everyone present with a serious expression.

He had just sent Feng Shaokai and Li Yun away, and immediately called a meeting of the actual power holders, the Military Justice Department.

Soon he told everyone about the news brought by Li Yun. For a while, everyone present had different expressions, some were surprised, some were lost in thought, and some were a little excited.

"Everyone, do you think it's okay to participate in this event? Yang Zhao, as the commander of the super army and the captain of this group of chosen ones, you are stronger than us. What do you think?"

The person who was called was the first young man walking on his left. He was sitting upright and upright, with a military look all over his body. After hearing that he was in deep thought, he opened his mouth to express his thoughts.

"For this task, such a large-scale one is very rare. My personal opinion is that this opportunity should not be missed, but the system mastered by the other party is obviously better than ours in constructing such a huge task, and those who disappeared before the inspection department and The downfall of the Qinglong team is all related to him, and we have to guard against it.

What's more, the other party has given a lot of places, and almost all of us may not be able to fill up the places. Will this expose our real number, can we join forces with the other five divisions, or we can take it alone? these places.

After all, it is the first time for us to participate in such a large-scale mission, and the rewards must be very generous. The opportunity should not be missed. Is there any chance to draw the other party into our camp? "

After Yang Zhao finished speaking, he didn't make a sound. Others also expressed their opinions one after another. Lin Shaoying listened quietly. After everyone finished expressing their opinions, he already knew it in his heart.

"Since you all want to participate, then strive to win all the places, but at this stage we can only count the total number of people in the fourth and third batches. It must be brought in, and it is best to keep some others, so as not to cause problems when all of them are poured in at once.

Appropriately give the quota to the other five divisions. In this way, it is no problem to win all the quotas. I think there is no problem with the request made by the other party; ordinary thermal weapons and ammunition are not a problem.

As for [-]% of the resources, if each person has harvested more than [-] million yuan, a mere [-]% is nothing. If this is the case, then go down and select personnel, and set aside ten places for other divisions! "

Soon Shen Lian received a reply from the Army and Martial Arts Division. The official side wanted all 34 places, and Li Yun brought back a list.

There are 24 places in the Army Martial Division, ten of which are super-technical systems, and the remaining fourteen are mostly immortal martial arts, with only four attributes and two superpowers, and only two bloodlines.

In the other five departments, most of them are superpowers, and none of them are super-technical. Among the ten, six are superpowers, three are attributes and one is immortal.

Originally, Shen Lian thought that the government might not be able to take so many places, but he still underestimated the number of system owners in the government.

Now there are 34 places here, all of which are official, and the Military Justice Division occupies 24 places.

And this is not necessarily the total number, because the people here have selected fifteen of the fourth level of strength, ten of the third level, and the rest are of the second level.

This is on the bright side, at least there should be people staying behind in the dark, and at least not less than ten, there will definitely be some people left to maintain the order in Chang'an.

In this calculation, plus the remaining six squads, there are at least 34 places left, plus there may be more than a dozen officials, and [-] participating in the mission, the entire Chang'an City plus them will have at least [-] to [-] people. system owner.

Based on this calculation, it is estimated that there will be no shortage of other major bases.

As for the requests he made, Shen Lian directly signed a contract and threw it to Li Yun for him to take back and sign it to the Army Military Division. The brothers still settled the accounts clearly, and these things should be written clearly, so as not to quarrel in the end.

As for the weapons, they were delivered in the afternoon. Why do you want those hot weapons? It’s not because the Mu family in his team doesn’t have a super-tech system. It’s obviously impossible to exchange weapons from him and bind ammunition consumption. Yes, he might be able to support this by consuming one or two people, but basically he can't do it if it's too much.

However, he can also exchange some rifles and bind them to his head. This trumpet is relatively small, and it is easy to deal with ordinary zombies.

What's more, there are officials from the government. I believe that the officials will bring an arsenal to participate this time. After all, there are so many super-technical systems participating. Do you want any weapons?
Apart from himself, only Jiang Yan and Xu Xiaoqian have been bound to relatively low-level ultra-technical systems. Their ammunition does not need to be consumed, so others can only use heavy weapons provided by the military, while he Just provide some lightweight ones.

Now that the quota has been set, it's time to prepare.

"This time there is no resurrection coin, but we have to prepare some other things to replace it. I saw that there are several items in the system with the same attributes as the resurrection coin.

One is the undead talisman, a pure product of immortal martial arts. After binding, even if someone kills it on the spot, it can be resurrected instantly and maintain the peak combat power to transmit 100 meters. Unfortunately, it is a bit expensive, [-] million energy points per piece.

The second type is the death talisman, its function is similar to the first type, but it is that before you are killed, the talisman will create a substitute like you, and send you ten miles away to save your life, this kind of talisman 50 pieces.

There is also a substitute puppet whose effect cannot be found but whose function is not so strong. In a crisis, you can switch positions instantly and block the fatal blow for you.

Take a look at each of you, there should be all kinds of immortal martial arts, see how much the price is, and then we will decide which one to buy, anyway, the first one is unaffordable! "

Shen Lian said to the crowd, Li Kailong and the others have also gathered together, and everyone is preparing to discuss how to solve this life-and-death crisis. After all, completing the task is the most important thing, but life and death are more important.

No one wants to die, since that's the case, they can only think of other ways to escape death!

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