Tomb Raider: Get Eternal Evil Body at the beginning

Chapter 15 Male Black-eyed Worm King

At this moment, Uncle San and Pan Zi supported Dakui and walked out from the passage.

Wu Xie and the other three hurried over.

It was found that Da Kui had the same poison as they had before.

Wu Xie couldn't help asking: "Could it be that you also encountered that monster on the road?"

The third uncle said in surprise: "Yes, if it wasn't for the little brother... well, yes, the little brother is still in the passage..."

Is he still fighting that monster to cover us? "

Pan Zi said: "Yes, that monster is too scary, I'm afraid my little brother will be more dangerous than good."

Ye Yang asked Wu Xie to detoxify Dakui, and quickly entered the passage by himself.

After a few minutes of running, we arrived at the duel place between the little brother and the male black-eyed worm king.

At this moment, the little brother was naked to the waist, holding an ancient black gold knife, and was dodging the attack of the male black-eyed worm king.

Ye Yang shouted: "Brother, let me help you!"

In fact, Ye Yang spoke on purpose to attract the attention of the black-eyed worm king.

Alleviate my brother's current crisis.

Sure enough, the black-eyed worm king heard Ye Yang's words and threw his tail at Ye Yang directly.

Ye Yang turned over and avoided the blow.

Only then can I see clearly, this bear black-eyed worm king.

Regardless of length or thickness, it is almost twice as big as the female.

Just relying on my little brother's skill, he can't fight for a long time, which can only show that this male black-eyed worm king is very powerful.

The little brother reminded: "This monster is very powerful, especially the green liquid spit out of its mouth, which is very poisonous."

Ye Yang nodded. In fact, he knew the black-eyed worm king better than his younger brother!
But I am very grateful that I can remind myself.

Ye Yang analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the Black-eyed Worm King.

Decided to attack its head by myself, and the little brother was responsible for attacking its tail.

Make it face to face!

This trick really worked, and it took less than a moment.

The black-eyed worm king was at a disadvantage.

But he can still deal with his younger brother and Ye Yang.

And because the little brother has Qilin blood, he is not afraid of the toxicity of the black-eyed worm king at all.

Ye Yang has an Eternal Evil Physique, so he is not afraid of its toxicity.

This black-eyed worm king has never seen such a powerful person in his life.

Not only is his martial arts strong, but he is not afraid of his own toxicity.

This made it a little timid, and sure enough, we will fight for a while.

Suddenly it got into the hole above the tomb and quickly disappeared.

The two of them forced the black-eyed worm king back, and they accepted it as soon as they were good!
He hurried out of the passage to join the third uncle and the others.

But when they arrived at the meeting place, there was no third uncle and others.

Ye Yang only left for ten minutes, and everyone disappeared out of thin air.

This is incredible.

The two inspected the scene again and found that there was no trace of a fight.

Only then did they feel relieved, which meant that they were not in danger.

At this time, Ye Yang found that there were marks left by the third uncle and others on the corner of the wall or on the ground.

As long as you follow the signs, it's not hard to find them.

The two followed the mark all the way forward.

It was found that there were more and more passages in the tomb.

At the end of the channel with a mark, there is no mark.

The two continued to move forward, and there was a rectangular area in front of them.

As soon as I set foot on this area, I felt my feet shaking.

The ground turned over and suddenly fell down.

Unexpectedly, the ground was an overturned mechanism, and it fell directly to a depth of two meters.

Of course, with such a high height, it will naturally not bring any harm to the little brother and Ye Yang.

When the two of them landed on the ground, they heard loud voices in the passageway.

The two rushed over following the sound.

Seeing the place with the fire ahead, everyone was gathering and leaving.

The third uncle was using a fire bag to drive away Shi Lai, and Dakui didn't know where the courage came from at this moment.

Also holding the fire folder in his hand, he frantically drove towards the corpse on the ground.

Fatty turned his back to them, waving the fire folder in his hand.

And Wu Xie supported Pan Zi among the crowd, apparently seriously injured.

At this moment, everyone has been surrounded by corpses.

The little brother was the first to rush to everyone.

Uncle San said eagerly:

"Brother came back just in time, otherwise we will all die here if our fire folders burn out!"

The little brother didn't speak, he pulled out the ancient black gold knife, and swiped at his own hand.

And at this moment, he saw those thousands of corpses.

Everyone was surprised by the sudden and rapid fleeing in all directions.

Ye Yang also came to the crowd at this moment.

Those corpses were four meters away from Ye Yang, circling in place, not daring to take a step further.

How is this going?

The little brother still stopped in mid-air when he was cutting his hands. Obviously, everyone is not afraid of the little brother.

Then he must be afraid of Ye Yang.

The fat man suddenly laughed and said:

"I said Young Master Ye, you have shocked me again by scaring Shi Lai away.

It looks like Fatty has a lot to learn from you. "

The third uncle was curious, so he asked: "Brother Ye, what's the matter that you can scare Shi Lai away?"

Ye Yang smiled and said, "I don't know either, maybe it's something you're born with."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, what kind of physique does Ye Yang have.

Unexpectedly, he didn't need to release Qilin blood like the little brother, and he could scare away the corpse.


As long as everyone is within four meters of Ye Yang, nothing will happen.

Ye Yang also couldn't figure out what was going on.

In the past, I could only scare the corpse away to a distance of two meters.

But what's going on now?

Could this be the effect brought about by the evolution of his Eternal Evil Physique?

The little brother has already walked to Pan Zi's side and checked Pan Zi's injuries.

Ask Wu Xie to hold down Pan Zi, saying that there is a corpse in Pan Zi's stomach, and it should be taken out as soon as possible.

Just now Pan Zi was at the head of the team, the first to be surrounded by corpses.

His whole body was bruised and bruised from the corpse bite, and he was running a high fever at the moment.

The little brother inserted his hands into Pan Zi's abdomen at an extremely fast speed, and then withdrew them at an extremely fast speed.

In a short moment, the little brother's two fingers held a dead body.

It was already dead at this moment.

The little brother made a quick move again, and took out a corpse from Pan Zi's thigh.

Pan Zi was already sweating coldly from the pain.

But he didn't say a word, which shows how brave Pan Zide is.

This reflects the difference between Pan Zi's soldiers and ordinary people.

But after the corpse was taken out, blood flowed from Pan Zi's wound, and he looked in danger.

Ye Yang hurriedly opened the store to see if there were any healing pills, talismans or anything like that.

Exchange for one, at least it can solve the urgent need!
Searching found that there really is such a skill.

Restoration requires 1500 exchange points.

Nima, this is a bit too much!
And this restoration is only elementary.

This is too unbelievable.

But now that the situation is critical, I can't care so much.

Redeem it now and see the effect of this prosthetic.

After the exchange was successful, I immediately felt something different in my body.

The speed is really fast, the fusion restoration is done so quickly!
Ye Yang stretched out his palm, and slowly pressed down on the most serious wound on Pan Zi's abdomen.

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