After the court meeting, Yang Zhuo started to send Xue Rengui to North America.

At the end of this month, Yang Zhuo gave Xue Rengui a farewell party. Hundreds of large ocean-going ships set off from the coast of Datang Port and sailed towards North America.

Xue Rengui, a general exploring North America, led [-] troops as the first batch of troops to land on the American continent.

Along the way, Xue Rengui used the voice device to communicate with Yang Zhuo and report the situation along the way.

After sailing for a while, Xue Rengui finally arrived at the North America that Yang Zhuo mentioned!
As the ocean-going ships gradually selected the coastal shoals for landing, and then slowly docked, the [-] soldiers of the Great Tang Army were ready to land!
"Get ready, land on land!"

Xue Rengui put away the compass in his hand, very happy!
Along the way, I traveled across the ocean, and I have been floating on the sea for too long. When I got to land, I felt like I was floating!But now I have finally reached my destination, and I can walk on land!
"Boom!" The ship gradually touched the sand and rocks on the seabed, making a sound.

"Everyone listen to the order! The whole army landed!" Xue Rengui calmly ordered.

The soldiers on the ship began to disembark from the ship to the shallows!

Xue Rengui also got off the boat, holding the map and explanation of North America given by Yang Zhuo in his hand. These days, he was on the boat to read these books and learn about North America.

North America was dominated by native Indians.

Of course, the so-called control is only the indigenous Indians, and the others have not yet gone.

In fact, the Indians are not very powerful, or the Indians in the Stone Age tribes are too backward compared to other civilizations, and they can hardly pose a threat.

Under the leadership of Xue Rengui, [-] soldiers quickly landed on land.However, no indigenous people were found to make trouble.

"Soldiers! Find an open space and set up camp! Take a day off!"

Xue Rengui said.

After all, after floating on the sea for such a long time, everyone has been seasick and uncomfortable for a long time. They have just disembarked, so they must have a good rest!

Set up camp, just to have a good rest.

Xue Rengui set up the camp and checked the terrain.

After a day's rest, Xue Rengui began to order to move all the goods.

This is the earliest supplies, including ammunition and food tents, and the latest cloth!

It was sold to Native Indians!

Make money first, then occupy!
Although Xue Rengui's army has already landed on the American continent, the Indians are too backward and are still in the Stone Age. It is impossible to get supplies!

Therefore, it is necessary to build a rear stronghold on the mainland first, and then pass through this stronghold to gradually occupy the mainland.

"Everyone should be more vigilant, don't be careless, and must do well the tasks assigned by His Majesty!"

Xue Rengui reminded the officers that this time, they are here to explore the New World, and they must take good care of the treasures of the American continent!
Although Native American Indians are very backward, the more backward they are, the more barbaric they are, so we still need to pay more attention.

Moreover, when Yang Zhuo came, he also said that he should try not to hurt the innocent, and it would be better to resolve it peacefully.

After arranging the relevant matters, Xue Rengui began to check the nearby terrain.

At this time, suddenly there were native Indians, holding sharp stone weapons in their hands, watching them cautiously.

"General! Do you want to arrest them?"

The soldiers below, they were worried that these aborigines would pose a threat to them.

"No need. When we came out, His Majesty had already told us not to kill innocent people indiscriminately." Xue Rengui said.

He obeyed Yang Zhuo's words and followed what Yang Zhuo said!

"But general, I feel that they are not friendly to us. What if they attack us?"

"That's right! General, we are not familiar with the place here. We should be more careful!"

The soldiers below don't trust the Indians!
Xue Rengui naturally understands this truth, but if it can be resolved peacefully, that must be the best!

"Don't act rashly." Xue Rengui said.

"Yes! General!"

Although the soldiers below were very wary of the native Indians, they let go of their hostility when they heard what Xue Rengui said.

"Yo yo yo!!"

"Yo yo yo!"

However, at this moment, the native Indians suddenly let out a strange cry, and then they grinned emotionally and held up long stone sticks in their hands, shouting towards this side!

"Not good! They are going to attack!"

"Yeah! They are going to attack us!"

Seeing this, Xue Rengui frowned slightly.

"Quick! Take the cannonball!"

Hearing Xue Rengui's words, the soldiers below hurriedly took the shells and were about to bomb the Indians.

However, Xue Rengui stopped it!

"What are you doing!"

"We... bombed!"

"General, didn't you just tell us to bring the cannon?"

Now that you have the cannon, don't you just want to print the Indians! ?

"No! That's not what I meant just now!"

Xue Rengui shook his head.

"This... how to do that?"

"Fire this cannon toward the sky!" Xue Rengui said.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned!
This cannon was meant to bomb!Why open towards the sky? !
"Yes! General!"

Although the soldiers below were very puzzled and didn't know why Xue Rengui would do this, but he still did it despite the embarrassment!
"One two three! Fire!"

After finishing speaking, the cannonball flew towards the sky with a bang!It exploded!


A bang!The shells did not hit anyone, and the soldiers felt that Xue Rengui was a waste of bombs!

However, the next scene shocked everyone present!

I saw that the Indians were stunned for a long time, and then they knelt on the ground in unison!
They didn't know what they were talking about, because these Indians spoke a native language, which other people couldn't understand at all.

But from the expressions on their faces, it can be seen that they are very panicked at the moment!

"General! What kind of tricks are they playing!?"

"Just now they were shouting and shouting! Why did you kneel on the ground?!"

The soldiers couldn't figure it out!
Xue Rengui smiled and said.

"You don't know that!"

"They were really aggressive just now and wanted to get on us."

"But, from now on it won't happen!"

Xue Rengui smiled.

"General, what do you mean by that?"

The soldiers could not understand Xue Rengui's words.

"Didn't I just tell you that the indigenous people are very backward?"

"The more backward people, the more ignorant their thinking. When they saw the shell just now, they thought it was thunder from the sky. Now we are like gods in their eyes! So he will not attack us again, but will come to help us .”

Xue Rengui said.

The teachers were very surprised when they heard Xue Rengui's words. It turned out to be like this!
But Xue Rengui is right, the older people are, the more backward they are, the more ignorant they are!

The tools used by the native Indians are still made of stones. They are savages who have not yet evolved. These savages must be very superstitious, thinking that the world is ruled by gods!

If this is the case, it is not surprising that I was frightened by the cannon just now!

The sound of this cannon is very similar to the sound of thunder in the sky!

The Indians must think that these Tang soldiers are gods in the sky!

"Go! Let's go and have a look!" Xue Rengui said.

The soldiers followed Xue Rengui and walked towards the Indians.

The Indians, seeing Xue Rengui and the others coming in person, had flattered smiles on their faces!
But because I can't understand their language and can't communicate with them, it's more troublesome.

"General, what were they talking about?"

Xue Rengui shook his head and said, "I don't understand either, but, looking at their appearance, I can confirm that they will no longer be aggressive towards us!"

Xue Rengui said.

"Let's go get the cloth and other items!" Xue Rengui said.

Hearing this, the people below hurried to get things from the cabin!
Not long after, the soldier came over with a piece of clothing!
The clothes are cotton clothes, very soft!
At this moment, it is autumn, and the weather is still a bit cold!
But these Indians didn't wear any clothes at all, they just wore some animal fur around important parts.

"this is for you."

Xue Rengui handed the clothes to the Indian leader.

The leader could not understand Xue Rengui's words, but he could understand Xue Rengui's gestures!
So he hurriedly got up, took the clothes, and put them on himself!
Wow!There are such warm and soft clothes under the sun!

The leader was shocked!

Usually, because they never thought of making clothes, they used some leaves or fur to hide their embarrassment.

Wearing such warm clothes for the first time shocked the leader!
"thank you all!"

The leader took Xue Rengui's hand, and then put his forehead in the palm of his hand.

The soldiers on the side are a little nervous!They are afraid that something will happen to Xue Rengui!

"Don't be nervous, this is the most respectful etiquette for Indians! Don't worry, he won't hurt me." Xue Rengui smiled.

"The clothes are for you." Xue Rengui gestured to the leader in sign language.

The leader understood and nodded happily!
Because he was happy, he danced in place!

People in primitive tribes are like this, they dance when they are happy, and dance when they are sad!
"This is for you!"

At this time, the leader of the Indians took off an accessory around his neck and handed it to Xue Rengui.

Xue Rengui looked down in doubt, and it turned out to be a dog's head gold!

And this dog head gold has a very strange shape!

The color is also very good!

A strange light shone in the sun!
"Wow! General, the color of this dog-headed spirit is really good!"

"Yes, if we can find this gold mine, then our purpose of coming here will be achieved!"

The soldiers below were very excited when they saw the dog's head gold!
If you can find that mine, you will be able to get a steady stream of gold!

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