Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0317 The Fundamental Means of Conquering the Western Regions

Muzha'er knew that if he wanted to capture Jiayuguan now, he would not be able to take it for a day or two.

However, at present, King Wu's [-] Ming troops are marching towards Hami City.

Hami City, that is the stronghold of the Great Khan Unasili!
In Hami City, there is no room for loss!

If the city of Hami is lost, then the alliance of various ethnic groups that has been established with great difficulty will fall apart!

For so many years of running around, hooking left and right, slashing and turning, all the hard work has been in vain!

Now it seems that the capture of Jiayuguan is of little significance.

As long as King Wu captured Hami City and captured Wuna Shili, they would have achieved their ultimate goal.

At this time, King Wu will leave some troops to guard Hami, and then lead the rest of the troops back east.

At that time, I will be attacked by the enemy!

No matter how tough the warrior is, no matter how cunning he is, it is still difficult to get rid of the fate of failure.

Coupled with the sudden arrival of a Ming army from the northwest of Jiayuguan, Muzha'er knew that if he didn't leave at this time, he might not be able to leave!
Go back and go, but don't panic!
If they withdraw in a panic, the Jiayuguan defenders will realize that they will face a difficult situation.

Mu Zha'er stayed behind with his personal guards, and sure enough, the Ming army didn't come after him!
I can't see the Ming army anymore!

Accelerate back to help Wuna Shili!
Suddenly, Muzha'er stopped.

With a smile on his face, he took out a piece of thin sheepskin.

After a while, the golden eagle flapped its wings and flew westward from Muzha'er's shoulder.

"Let's go back to Hami!"

Five thousand barbarians rode wildly and beat horses, shouting and shouting, and dust and smoke billowed up.

Zhu Yunxi led [-] Ming troops and slowly drove into the Hami Basin.

Every time they encountered a river or oasis, they ordered the troops to rest.

The shepherds along the way saw it, and they were all amazed.

Chen Cheng sent people to contact them and gave them some tea.

These herdsmen were very excited when they saw the tea leaves.

These tea leaves are hard currency on the grasslands, probably more valuable than gold.

Tea can be exchanged for cattle, sheep, slaves, and even women.

These tea leaves are all tea bricks, Zhu Yunxi piled these tea leaves into it whenever he saw a broken wall.

This did not arouse everyone's suspicion.

Because along the way, through too many desolate lands.

In the past, here was the prosperous Silk Road.

On the Silk Road, among the items transported from the Ming Dynasty to countries in the Western Regions, there were porcelain, silk, and even more tea.

There are many horses, camels and human bones along the way, and their goods are of course lost in the desert and Gobi.

It is not surprising to find tea on the ruins of broken walls.

Many tribes of barbarians actually came here on their own initiative to send sheep and horses to everyone!

In the evening, the Hu people took the initiative to light a bonfire, played various musical instruments, and many beautiful girls came to dance and revel with everyone!
Zhu Yunxi asked the Hu people to drink the white wine again.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang felt a little unreal.

Is this still the territory of the barbarians?
How do you feel that we are the hosts and the Hu people are the guests?

It seems that the occupation and control of the Western Regions mentioned by San Sun is not a dream.

In the past, the reason why we were not interested in the Western Regions was because obtaining the Western Regions was not wealth, but a burden.

"Owning the land is not enough to supply, and getting the people is not enough to command."

I got the land, but the land is too barren. Every year, the imperial court can't get food, can't collect taxes, and has to pay subsidies to these places!

We got personnel, but they are all barbarians, who can't understand the words, let alone let them be obedient!

You talk about east and west, you talk about chicken feathers and he talks about garlic, and from time to time, he rebelled against you a few times, which is a headache.

So, as long as the Western Regions don't take the initiative to invade Daming, we won't provoke them.

Only through contact with Sansunyi did I know that there are so many good things in the Western Regions!
Especially in the Western Regions, there are firecrackers and bullets that are more advanced than those of Ming Dynasty. This is a major threat to Ming Dynasty.

They must be defeated and subdued before they become successful!
Besides firecrackers and bullets, there are many things that Daming does not have.

The third grandson revealed in his heart that it is really possible to completely incorporate the Western Regions into the territory of Ming Dynasty.
The third grandson made the people of these tribes in the Western Regions rejoice just through a small tea!

It seems that Wuna Shili was too cruel to all ethnic groups in the Western Regions.

As long as we show a little favor, they will take the initiative to move closer to Daming.

Zhu Yuanzhang came over excitedly, and had a glass of wine with Zhu Yunxi: "I never thought that all ethnic groups in the Western Regions would be so friendly to Ming Dynasty! This should be the result of the strengthening of ties in the Western Regions during the Han and Tang Dynasties."

"Old Bi, don't just look at the appearance!"

"For ordinary people, they pay more attention to benefits!"

"How did Lao Bi know that this is called carrots and sticks!"

"No, it's called tea with swords and guns!"

"Be obedient, give them tea, and there will be food in the future!"

"There are also food seeds, so give them the genetically modified ones, the yield is extremely high."

"Let them plant and want to plant!"

"They still want to plant, but there are no seeds."

"If you want to get a good harvest, you must come to me, Daming!"

"Because only our Daming has high-yielding grain seeds!"

"By giving free food seeds, improve and balance their food structure, so that they cannot live without food."

"To change their nomadic habits, they must improve their diet."

"They can't do without these food crops, and they can't do without me, Daming!"

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang felt a little strange.

You gave them the grain seeds, and after they harvested, they left some of them, isn’t it the seeds?
Why did they come to Daming again for food seeds?

"Huaxia is an agricultural nation. It is based on agriculture, so it is not aggressive in nature."

"Plant the seeds and work hard. As long as there are no major disasters, there will be harvest. Self-sufficiency, naturally I will not think of plundering."

"The characteristic of agricultural civilization is to hold its foothold, not to plunder."

"Geographically, the aggression of nomadic peoples against agricultural peoples has conditions to support."

"The Eurasian steppes are prone to invade settled areas from the Mongolian steppes to the Near East."

"Especially in the geography from the northwest to the Central Plains, it is difficult to get out, but easy to get in."

"There are almost no natural barriers between nomadic areas and the Central Plains, and they are very close."

"Agriculture, especially planting, has stability, while animal husbandry has mobility."

"Why did the aggression of the northern nomads disappear later? That's because mobility became weaker."

"Why is mobility weaker? That's because agriculture has joined."

"With the addition of agriculture, the life of nomads is guaranteed, and their progress from barbarism to civilization is accelerated."

"Therefore, helping nomads improve their production levels, change their industrial structure, and control their industrial development is the fundamental means of occupying and conquering the Western Regions."

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was finally convinced.

Zhu Yuanzhang had never heard of this analysis.

Even if the most learned Confucians of the Ming Dynasty were recruited, they might not be able to make such a profound and simple analysis!
"Changing the industrial structure is a long-term process."

"To conquer the Western Regions, you have to grasp it with both hands. Huairou Xuanfu plus iron and blood methods!"

"Give food seeds to those who are obedient. Follow Zuo Zongtang's method to those who are disobedient!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard it, what was Zuo Zongtang's method?

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