Ping An, Chang Sheng, Chang Sen, Lan Shou and others also exclaimed!

The Ming army on the city also shouted loudly.

"Run, run!"

"King Wu, run!"

"King Wu, there is smoke, poisonous smoke, come back quickly!"

All the Ming soldiers shouted anxiously.

Couldn't the King of Wu see the thick smoke rising from below?
At that time, the scene in Guazhou City was vividly remembered by everyone.

However, King Wu's hot air balloon was still hovering there, not moving at all!

Thick smoke is rising, and it will soon envelop the hot air balloon!
God, King Wu, why don't you remember the lesson from last time?
Liu Haiwang said: "Don't worry, the King of Wu must be lowered with a rope just like last time."

Mao Yi scolded Liu Haiwang, what did he say, he was let down with a rope, and his life was saved, wouldn't he fall into the crowd of barbarians?
Originally, only Xu Huaijin was arrested, but this time King Wu simply sent him to his door!
King Wu, you are confused and careless!

You have no idea that the old Bi and Bi Qianhu you speak of are actually Your Majesty!
Of course, the barbarians in the distance also saw the scene of billowing smoke.

The Hu people immediately cheered loudly!

Everyone is looking forward to the thick smoke rising quickly and enveloping the hot air balloon!
Except for the Hu tribe who came to reinforce the scene, the rest of the Hu people who came here from Guazhou City all remembered a similar scene.

The difference is that it was night in Guazhou.

Today is daytime!

King Wu never expected that white smoke would suddenly rise from the ground in broad daylight.

King Wu escaped last time, this time, he will never escape!

Wait a while, King Wu is either a dead man or our prisoner!
This time, the war is over!
Hami City, no need to attack anymore!

The 10,000 Ming army without King Wu, under the pressure of [-]+ cavalry, what fighting power can they have?

They naturally chose to surrender!

The Hu people started to shout loudly, all cheering for the thick smoke, so that the smoke would quickly envelop the hot air balloon.

Zhu Yuanzhang had already seen the thick smoke and was startled.

Oh my god, I never expected Muzhaer to have such a trick!
There is obviously nothing below, so how can there be smoke suddenly?
It must have been prepared by Muzhaer in advance!
Muzha'er has already decided on his third grandson!

He thought that the third grandson would definitely ascend the hot air balloon and hover here.

Therefore, when the hot air balloon rises, the Hu people don't panic!

Muzha'er had already arranged everything.

I don't know how this thick smoke is produced!

Immediately, Zhu Yuanzhang thought of a key question, even if the third grandson has a rope, can he go down from here?
Didn't it happen to fall into the hands of the barbarians?

This is tantamount to home delivery!The Hu people readily accepted it!
Could it be that Sansun will conjure up something, such as an excavator just below?
Zhu Yuanzhang reminded: "King Wu, look, the barbarians are setting off cigarettes again!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "Old Bi, you are timid. Don't be afraid when I'm here. Although the smog from the barbarians is heavy, it won't last long."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, how did the third grandson know that the smoke from the Hu people would not last long?
Could it be that the third grandson is comforting us?

"No, even if it's death, you have to throw the stones, and you can earn one by killing one!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he was about to move the stone.

Zhu Yunxi hurriedly stopped Zhu Yuanzhang: "Old Bi, don't be reckless! The smoke is so big now, what if you throw it down and hit Xu Huaijin?"

Zhu Yuanzhang thought he was strong enough, but he didn't expect the third grandson to hold his arm at will, and he couldn't move.

"If you want to throw it, wait a while for the smoke to dissipate, and let you throw it all at once!"

"Where does Lao Bi know that this smoke is not made by barbarians at all!"

"This is a smoke bomb. Without continuous burning, how can there be continuous thick smoke?"

"The weather is so good today, which is just conducive to the movement of hot air balloons."

"Although the smoke is thick, it doesn't last long."

Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised and delighted. It turned out that the third grandson had made all this up!
He also made the smoke himself!

It's too scary!
We have heard the shouts of the Ming army at the top of the city for a long time, thinking that we have really been tricked by the barbarians!

Who knew, this was a game Sansun played for everyone!
smoke bomb!
When did Sansun come up with a smoke bomb?

Why didn't the third grandson throw it down?
Could it be that he was thrown down with that big rock just now?
The third grandson is really good at playing!
Such a smoke bomb really scares people a lot.

"Old Bi, have you ever seen the tricks played by barbarians in the Western Regions?" Zhu Yunxi asked.

"I've seen the barbarian juggle. It's amazing. It can make people appear, and even make them disappear!" Zhu Yuanzhang replied.

"Haha, Lao Bi, I have learned juggling from Wu Ru of Qin Tianjian. I will perform one for you to open your eyes."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, what does the third grandson want to play?
Isn't it important to save Xu Huaijin now?

At this time, the smoke has come up, completely enveloped the hot air balloon.

Zhu Yunxi opened the system space and recovered it!
Yesterday, Zhu Yunxi just gave Xu Huaijin a set of nurse uniforms!

Things exchanged from space can be recycled at any time!
And Xu Huaijin happened to be wearing this nurse's uniform, which was strangled by a rope outside.

Recycle nurse uniforms!
The nurse uniform appeared in the system space together with Xu Jinhuai.

The difference from last time was that Xu Huaijin opened his big eyes in horror.

After recycling, Zhu Yunxi immediately took out the nurse's uniform and put it behind him.

The nurse uniform brought Xu Huaijin to the system space and appeared in the basket of the hot air balloon.

Zhu Yuanzhang was looking down, but when he turned his head, he was stunned.

The third grandson actually helped someone, it was Xu Huaijin!
Xu Huaijin was wearing the white nurse uniform given to her by her third grandson, and she was still tied with a rope!

Is this the third grandson's trick?

Zhu Yuanzhang rubbed his eyes, no way, third grandson, how is this possible? ? ? ! ! !
"Where am I?" Xu Huaijin's eyes turned suspiciously.

"Haha, Xu Huaijin, you are on a hot air balloon." Zhu Yunxi said.

Zhu Yuanzhang was completely shocked. The third grandson's trick worked!

The Xu Huaijin in front of him is indeed Xu Huaijin!
Listening to the voice and looking at the figure, it can't be someone else!
God, we thought that Sansun had a way, but never thought that Sansun would use this method?
The third grandson used the tricks of the barbarians?is it possible?
Is this a trick, or a trick?
It's against the sky!

What did Qin Tianjian Zheng Wu Ru teach him?Responding to God, I must ask Wu Ru for clarification!
"Master Xu," Zhu Yuanzhang saw that Xu Huaijin was a little confused, and quickly said, "You are on a hot air balloon, and King Wu rescued you!"

Xu Huaijin looked at Zhu Yunxi fixedly.

"You, what Lao Bi said is right, we are on a hot air balloon."

As Zhu Yunxi said, he untied Xu Huaijin's rope.

Zhu Yunxi let out a loud cry.

A piercing pain!

The pain came from the base of the thigh.

"Xu Huaijin, you are crazy, why are you pinching?" Zhu Yunxi roared angrily.

"King Wu, it's really you!" Xu Huaijin was overjoyed, let go of Zhu Yunxie's hand, and suddenly hugged Zhu Yunxie tightly again.

At this time, Xu Huaijin discovered Zhu Yuanzhang.

"Ah, Bi Qianhu, you're here too." Xu Huaijin slowly let go of Zhu Yunxi.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought in his heart that Xu Huaijin might have to change his views on the third grandson after going through this difficult situation.

We are so tall, Xu Huaijin didn't see it, and she didn't hear what we said!

It can be seen that the girl of the Xu family has her third grandson in her heart and eyes!

Xu Huaijin asked: "King Wu, me, how did I get here?"

"Don't ask, this matter can't be clarified for a while, and the way is unclear. Now, it's important to beat the barbarians!"

After Zhu Yunxi finished speaking, he picked up the tweeter and shouted: "Safe, leave the city, line up, and kill the enemy!"

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