Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0489 Zhu Yunqi's Non-Resistance Policy

Qi Tai thought in his heart, His Majesty's anger towards Xie Jin has not been extinguished yet?

Fighting against the Yan army is the top priority of the imperial court, and it is related to whether His Majesty can sit on the throne!

As Minister of the Ministry of War, it would be dereliction of duty if Yan Jun was allowed to go deeper!

If King Yan attacked Yingtian and broke through the imperial city, Zhu Yunqi would lose his throne, and Qi Tai, who was the minister of the Ministry of War, would lose his head!
"Your Majesty, compiling the "Hongwu Canon" is certainly important, but it is more urgent to meet the Yan army. Your Majesty, think twice."

Qi Tai's tone softened a bit, but he still expressed his meaning.

Zhu Yunqi couldn't find a good reason to refute for a while, and felt very embarrassed.

Fan Min, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, said: "Your Majesty, the Yan army has rebelled and has been preparing for a long time. I am afraid that the Marquis of Changxing will not be able to support it alone. I suggest that 20 elite soldiers be transferred from Yingtianfu, led by Duke Cao, and go north to Kaifeng to form a second line of defense. Block the Yan army to the north of the Yellow River."

Zhu Yunqi suddenly smiled and turned around.

The reason why Zhu Yunqi was smiling was because he had found a reason.

"Fan Qing, what you said was not rigorous. King Yan did not rebel."

Zhu Yunqi's words stunned all the ministers, Zhu Yunqi must have a fever, the Yan army is almost ready to fight, and they haven't rebelled yet?

Could it be that the king of Yan led his troops to visit mountains and rivers, visit relatives and friends?
"The king of Yan said that the evil on the side of the Qing emperor, the king of Yan recognized me as the emperor, so this is not a rebellion." Zhu Yunwen said.

My God, the ministers almost fell apart.

Zhu Yunwen really read too much, and he became stupid after reading too much!
Now, is it time to pick words?

They came to seize the throne in the name of the evil side of the Qing emperor!

"King Yan is my fourth uncle. We are blood relatives. How can we meet each other with swords and guns? I believe my grandfather would not want such a thing to happen."

"In the past few days, I have been thinking about how many soldiers will die, how many families will be separated, and how many fields will be barren if I really meet my fourth uncle in battle!"

"Therefore, I have made up my mind."

Qi Tai is so simple, Zhu Yunwen is too young, too naive, too childish!

If the king of Yan thought of his blood relatives, how could he rebel?

If you, Zhu Yunwen, were thinking about blood relatives, why did you want to arrest King Zhou at that time, and why did you send people to Beiping to monitor and control the military and political power in Beiping?
Wasn't it you, Zhu Yunqi, who forced King Yan to rebel?

Now, you are thinking about blood relatives, what did you do earlier?

This new emperor is capricious!
It's exhausting to follow such a new emperor!
Everyone calmed down and listened to Zhu Yunqi's plan.

"Notify Geng Bingwen and the guards along the way that if you encounter the Yan army, don't resist and let them come south."

Zhu Yunwen said in his heart, King Yan, come quickly, you arrive at Yingtian early, and Grandpa Huang shows up early to end all this.

With such an arrangement, I believe Grandpa Huang will be satisfied.

As long as the "non-resistance" policy is implemented, when King Yan comes to Yingtian, the soldiers of Daming will not lose.

This is a happy result.

Of course, except King Yan.

Qi Tai was in a hurry: "Your Majesty, let King Yan come to the south without stopping him? When King Yan arrives in Yingtian, that's the day you and I step down!"

Of course, Fan Min also realized the seriousness of the problem. The King of Yan really came, and Zhu Yunqi should not be in danger of life by then, but the courtiers he reused will not end well, and they cannot escape death!
Who is King Yan?

He is decisive in killing and attacking, which is very similar to Zhu Yuanzhang's character.

King Yan said that he wanted the evil on the side of the Qing emperor, didn't he mean the high-ranking and powerful ministers who were highly valued by Zhu Yunqi?

Zhu Yunwen's mind is full of muddleheadedness.

"Your Majesty, if you don't resist, let Yan's army go south, it's wrong, it's wrong, please take it back!"

Even Zhou Jishi, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, couldn't help raising objections.

Shangshu Wang Qiao also stepped forward: "Your Majesty, please take it back!"

The ministers took the lead, and other officials also shouted: "Your Majesty, please take it back!"

Zhu Yunwen said: "Why, do you still want to resist the order?"

"Your Majesty, please take it back!" The ministers still spoke in unison.

Zhu Yunwen said: "How do you understand the meaning of the Son of Heaven?"

"Please take back your life, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Yunwen said: "As a subject, if you don't understand the meaning of the emperor, you are negligent in your duties! Occupying a high position is just a waste of the court's money and food!"

"I've made up my mind, so there's no need to say it again. Also, I'm determined to restore the Hongwu officer system."

Ah, the civil servants were stunned.

Zhu Yunqi changed the official system, promoted the six ministers from the second rank to the first rank, and the left and right servants of the six ministries were promoted from the third rank to the second rank.

Now, the official positions of the six ministers and the left and right ministers are back?

Just got it, but lost it again, this feeling is very uncomfortable.

Obviously, the minister felt that he could not persuade him any more.

Let's keep the black hat first.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhu Yunwen directly announced the disbandment of the dynasty.

The ministers were all stunned in the hall.

Qi Tai thought to himself, what did Zhu Yunwen mean when he said that everyone didn't understand what the Son of Heaven meant?

Could it be that Zhu Yunqi wanted to concentrate all his troops in Yingtian, and lay a big bag in Yingtian, so that King Yan could sneak in?
It's better to observe for a while and see what he does in Yingtian.


Sailimu Lake is sunny and sunny, very suitable for vacation.

Zhu Yunxi basks in the sun every day and looks at the lake.

A barbecue grill is set up on the grass, and ready-made barbecue materials are exchanged from the system space.

Of course, white wine and red wine are indispensable to accompany meals.

"Hahaha, Xu Huaijin, I guessed what Lao Zhu was up to." Zhu Yunxie took out Mu Yao's letter and smiled.

"King Wu, how can you call me Lao Zhu? I'm afraid it's inappropriate." Xu Huaijin reminded.

"I'm used to it, I'm used to it, it's okay, I'm old anyway, my grandpa isn't here anyway." Zhu Yunxi said after taking a sip of his wine.

"What did Princess Anning say?"

"Old Zhu must be pretending again! He hid in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and commanded Emperor Jianwen, and Emperor Jianwen became purely a marionette."

"My grandfather's purpose is obvious. To implement a policy of non-resistance, let the guards along the way give up the passage, and let the Yan army go straight to Yingtian!"

"As soon as King Yan arrives in Yingtian, my grandfather will show up immediately and let King Yan disarm peacefully! Let Jianwen abdicate automatically!"

"This is also a good solution!"

"Bloody conflict and internal attrition were avoided, and a lot of food and salaries were also saved."

"King Yan led his troops from Beiping to Yingtian, which is equivalent to a long-distance training."

Xu Huaijin finally feels more at ease now, as long as the two sides don't fight, there will be leeway at that time.

King Yan may still be alive, but his father's support for King Yan may have been exposed.

When the time comes for His Majesty to pursue the responsibility, the father probably cannot escape the responsibility.

If you want to reduce your father's guilt, you can only rely on Zhu Yunxi.

His Majesty is only willing to listen to Zhu Yunxi's words.

In His Majesty's eyes, Zhu Yunxi is probably like a god.


After the dynasty was over, Zhu Yunwen went to Anxi Palace.

Halfway through, Zhu Yunqi stopped.

How to do?
Do you want to lock up your mother?

If you don't lock up your mother, what if she talks nonsense and the emperor hears it?
Maybe there will be a bloody disaster on the spot!

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