Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0578 River governance, is blocking, is dredging?

Li Jinglong saw that everyone didn't believe it, as if he had been greatly insulted, and his eyes widened: "You all know the character of the officials and officials. If I tell lies, the sky will be struck by lightning, and I will die!"

The laughter gradually diminished, and all the officials were stunned again.

No way, Li Jinglong swears, swears poisonously!
In order to establish the great and glorious image of Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi, Li Jinglong really spent all his money!

Li Jinglong is giving his life and destiny to King Wu!
Pan Jikang, the magistrate of Jingzhou, was puzzled: "Master Li, you said that the gods sent down the Shenzhou, and the lower officials walked by water, why didn't you see it?"

"Also, the hundred-foot-long hill was moved by the heavens? Why does the lower official think you are talking about heavenly scriptures?"

"If Mr. Li said so, we in Jianli County don't need assistance?"

"Your official bears the expectations of hundreds of thousands of people. If Mr. Li says so, will the court's relief be in vain?"

Li Jinglong said: "The breach has been blocked, King Wu brought me back to let the court prevent the refugees from returning."

Pan Jikang said in a sarcastic tone, "Lord Li, do you believe your Majesty when you say this?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "I believe it."

The ministers were all stunned again.

His Majesty actually believed what Li Jinglong said?
Li Jinglong is just talking nonsense and spouting shit!
Is this still the wise majesty?
In the past, His Majesty, no one dared to tell lies in front of him, and there was no sand in his eyes.

Now, His Majesty actually believed it!

Could it be that His Majesty is speaking ironically?
The hall was silent.

The generals didn't know why, they all looked at Lan Yu and Mu Ying.

Lan Yu and Mu Ying didn't say a word, and they had proud smiles on their faces.

The generals were horrified. Could it be that King Wu really blocked the Yangtze River breach?
At this time, a Jin Yiwei entered from the side door of the main hall and handed Mao Yi a wax pill.

Mao Yi crushed the wax pill, unfolded the crumpled note, and handed it to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly after watching it: "Mao Yi, let everyone see it!"

The note was passed in the hall, and there were bursts of exclamations immediately.

It turned out that the levee breach in Jianli County was really blocked!
The source of this news is beyond doubt!
Because this is the news from Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei's message delivery is extremely fast, either by express delivery within eight hundred miles, or by flying pigeons.

Mao Yi is the commander of Jinyiwei who has just been appointed, it is impossible for him to cooperate with Li Jinglong to cheat.

The Yangtze River breach, which is hundreds of feet wide, is actually blocked.

The news did not say who blocked it or how it was blocked, but the fact is: it was blocked.

No matter how exaggerated Li Jinglong is, it is definitely blocked!

It's blocked, no matter how Li Jinglong brags, he has the capital!

Or people just have luck, what can you do?

Zhu Yuanzhang seemed very happy: "This time to block the breach, Li Jinglong dared to set foot in dangerous places regardless of personal safety. His spirit is commendable. He gave ten bags of refined salt produced by Daming Salt Industry."

Li Jinglong took a step forward and said, "I dare not take what Your Majesty has given you."

Ah? ? ?
The ministers were all stunned. You dare not take what His Majesty rewarded you?
Isn't it ten bags of refined salt produced by Daming Salt Industry?How much can it be worth?

The refined salt produced by Daming Salt Industry is indeed of high quality, but it is not expensive to sell, and ordinary people can afford it, let alone princes and ministers.

Li Jinglong said that he didn't dare to ask for it, but he probably didn't want it in his heart.

Normally speaking, blocking the Yangtze River breach saved a county and prevented the entire Jianghan Plain from being flooded, so autumn grain would be guaranteed.

It is not an exaggeration to reward a few hundred gold.

Ten bags of refined salt is indeed a little less.

Although His Majesty has always been stingy, you have to accept no matter how little you have.

The Daming Institute of Science and Technology rewarded the civil servants who won the prize with a penny each, which is called insulting.

But this is completely different from the emperor's reward.

Even if it is a reward of a piece of shit, it is still a great grace of the emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang's face sank: "Li Jinglong, do you think it's too little?"

Li Jinglong said: "How dare I? I feel ashamed to accept it. This great achievement is all created by the King of Wu! I dare not be greedy."

"I feel that His Majesty should reward King Wu and commend him."

"I haven't made an inch of merit, how dare I accept His Majesty's reward?"

"My lord, please take it back, Your Majesty."


Not to mention civil servants such as Wang Qingxuan, even military generals such as Lan Yu and Mu Ying couldn't see it.

Li Jinglong, I know your bottom line is very low, how could you know it will be so low!
Li Jinglong shot flattery to such a high level!
Even Zhu Yuanzhang felt a little nauseous, no wonder the third grandson didn't come to the hall with him.

Maybe the third grandson had expected that Li Jinglong would come to present a bunch of rainbow farts.

In order to avoid Li Jinglong's public praise, he went home directly.

"Li Jinglong, you can accompany King Wu to Jianli, your spirit is commendable!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he immediately changed the subject: "The flood season of the Yellow River is coming soon, what should be done is discussed."

"Mentors, last year, the Yellow River broke its embankment in Cuizhen, the Yellow River flowed northward, the mouth of the Qinghe River was silted up, the entire Huaihe River channel migrated southward, and the embankment of Gaoyan Lake was seriously damaged. flood."

Fang Xiaoru, the chief assistant of the cabinet, said: "After a severe drought, there will be a severe flood. According to reports from various counties along the Yellow River, the flood control of the Yellow River is not optimistic."

Everyone started talking and arguing.

After a while, it was divided into two factions: the blocking faction and the sparse faction.

The advocates believe that the embankment must be raised to prevent flooding.

Zhushu Pai believes that the problem can be solved by guiding the river water.

"The blocking method has long been proven to be infeasible. Gun just used the method of blocking to build a city to block the flood. However, the water situation is still fierce after many years of control. Gun was executed for failing to control the water. Yu used the method of dredging to control the water, and finally Success."

"Is the dredging method all right? Jialu governed the river and led the river into the Huaihe River. What happened? The Yellow River was not healed, but the Huaihe River became a dangerous river again. Even His Majesty's ancestral mausoleum in Fengyang will suffer from floods! "

"Gun's failure was due to lack of manpower, and the dam was not enough to hold back the flood, which does not prove that blocking the flood was a failure!"

"Let's look at the levee breach in Jianli County. It has breached. This is natural dredging! But why do you all propose to block it?"

"If it is not blocked, the people in Jianli will die! The Jianghan Plain will be flooded!"

The two sides insisted on their own opinions and could not stop arguing.

Zhu Yuanzhang's head got dizzy when he heard it, and every time there was any problem, he would be divided into two factions and quarrel with each other.

Huh, third grandson?

In the past, whenever this situation happened, Sansun could always give a good solution.

Then let the third grandson come over!
Zhu Yuanzhang winked, and Mao Yi immediately followed him.

Mao Yi walked out of the hall, and everyone was puzzled.

Mao Yi goes out, who is he going to investigate and deal with?

At this time, a person stood up and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, I believe that there is no single method to control the river. You must choose the right time to respond to the situation. Block it when it should be blocked, and dredge it when it should be dredged. Combining blocking and dredging." , it will be effective."

When everyone heard it, yes, there came a thick and muddy one!

Zhu Yuanzhang saw that his face was unfamiliar and he didn't know him very well: "Who are you?"

"Weichen is Song Li, the head of the household department."

Everyone laughed, Song Li, gift?

Was this guy's sixth-rank officer a gift?

You must know that Zhu Yuanzhang pays the most attention to the administration of officials. As long as he is corrupt, he will be killed.

This person is called Song Li, isn't it a taboo?

Zhu Yuanzhang's face sank: "Gifts? Don't you want to change your name? Using the name of Song Li to sway around, are you deliberately making an enemy of Ming Dynasty's laws?"

Song Lidao: "The name of the lower official was chosen by his parents, and he dare not change it."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Shut up! Head of the household department? Stop doing it!"

As expected, Song Li really violated a taboo, offended His Majesty, and lost his official position.

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