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Chapter 231 Civil and military officials have to eat locusts

"You don't know, but now the Star Picking Tower has a bigger background. To be honest, I've heard people say that the Duke of Tang Dynasty is sitting in it."

"Oh? Impossible! Why did the Duke go to the restaurant?"

"Shh, you don't understand, what's wrong with the Duke of the Tang Dynasty, the Duke also wants to serve His Majesty the Tang Dynasty, there seem to be many strange things in this star picking building, and the braised pork we eat comes from there. "

"I know braised pork, and I also know that there is hot pot."

"It's not a coincidence, let's go eat hot pot tonight."

Chang'an in May is still a bit cold, and the dew will still hang all over Chang'an at night.

Hot pot has become the favorite food of Chang'an people, but today, hot pot seems to be slowly appearing in places other than Zhaixing Building.

I thought Zhaixinglou would mind and reported to the officials, but I didn't expect that when they imitated the hot pot of Zhaixinglou, not only did Zhaixinglou have no opinion, but they sent a staff very patiently to this restaurant to explain the principle of hotpot, and How should hot pot be eaten?

This surprised the people of Chang'an.

Tonight, someone did not line up at the Zhaixing Building, but appeared in this remote restaurant.

"General, why is this hot pot sold here, even though it's only available in Zhaixing Building?"

The man was not tall, but extremely stout, like a little black fat man, and also like a half stake.

"You are a daimyo, you should understand the purpose of our visit this time."

The face of the person known as the general sank: "They can imitate, so can we!"

At this moment, the owner of the restaurant saw that something was wrong between the two of them at a glance, and smiled lightly: "The two guests are right, this thing is unique to Zhaixinglou."

"Actually, I also know that if I imitate them to make hot pot, if I accidentally pursue it, I may be taken away by the government. But later, I understood that there are no ordinary people behind Zhaixinglou, and the meaning of that person is not to sell hot pot to make money Money, he wants to give the people of Tang Dynasty another way to eat."

The black and fat general was shocked: "Hei Mu, look, what is the pattern, what is the mind, this is Datang."

The boss looked at the two: "You two don't look like locals, do you?"

The boss could tell at a glance that these two people were not from the Central Plains, but from a foreign country.

Although they look similar to Tang people, their behavior and dress are not the same.

Even if they imitate the Mandarin of the Central Plains very proficiently, they still have accents.

The local accent can always be distinguished, and the local accent has a local taste, which the restaurant owner did not see in these two people.

It is precisely because of this that he issued his own doubts.

The two were startled, then cupped their hands and said, "My name is Heimu, from Fusang."

"My name is Takagi, from Fusang."

Both of them are Fusang warriors, they traveled across the oceans and came here for fame, when they came to Chang'an, they only thought that the land of Fusang was like a mud ball, not worth mentioning.

The boss smiled deeply: "It turns out that he is from Fusang, a rare customer, a rare customer."

Kuroki was stunned, did the boss know about Fusang?

"Shopkeeper, do you know Fusang?"

"Hehe, that's natural. Although there are Turkic people, Tuyuhun people, Tubo people, and Goguryeo people who come to Chang'an, there are still very few guests in Fusang."

When Heimu heard this, his face was filled with a kind of melancholy, "The shopkeeper doesn't know something. Fusang needs to take a boat to get to Datang. The sea wind is raging all the way. If one is not careful, he will lose his life. The two of us have also experienced a lot. It's hard to get here."

Takagi sighed for a while: "There is nothing difficult, in fact, I have become numb along the way."

"I watched my relatives die in front of me, and my companions died in front of me."

The two looked at each other, and suddenly the circles of their eyes turned red.

The owner of the restaurant smiled and cupped his hands: "You two continue to eat, and the shop will give you a pot of wine for free, don't mind."

Turning his head to the inside, the boss's face became gloomy, "It's not that I haven't been a seafarer before, these two people have problems."

The clerk at the side had lingering fears: "Shopkeeper, what do you mean?"

The boss smiled coldly: "According to what they said, the boat capsized a few times along the way. How did they survive?"

The man was puzzled: "They must have brought their own food."

The boss shook his head: "The food will be finished. You don't know anything about the sea. If you look around, you will see sea water. If you can't see the shore, you will get lost."

"They must be eating people!"

The man covered his mouth and almost exclaimed.

"Be careful and tell the government quietly."

The reason why hot pot can appear in any ordinary restaurant depends on this information exchange.

As long as you keep a clear record of the people who come to you every day and register them, you can use hot pot as a gimmick to make money.

Under Li Ke's strategy, the Zhaixing Building is the core, and Chang'an is the radiation. In the whole Chang'an, how many people come in every day, and who they are, is very clear.

Under the Zhaixing Tower, one mechanism after another sent the dossier, and the bamboo tube was tied on the thin rope. It went to a dark room deep in the ground, and was taken away by someone and passed on from another mouth.

This is the most basic prototype of data processing, but it requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

The construction of the Zhaixing Tower has begun to take shape, and Li Ke has a panoramic view of everything in Chang'an.

The locusts were gone, and Li Shimin in the court hall was extremely happy, his voice was like weeping, and he performed with a crying voice.

This may be the most intense performance in his life. After all, whether the minister in front of him still admits it or not, he feels uneasy.

"Heaven pays off, this is the power of the Tang Dynasty, and this is the power of the people!"

"Everyone, you are all my ministers and the people of the Tang Dynasty rely on you. Your names will be recorded in the history books!"

After Li Shimin finished speaking, there was complete silence.

Cui Mingan has already prepared other arguments. It may be too early to impeach you now, but it is okay to remind you.

But he never expected that Li Shimin blocked everything when he opened his mouth.

Cui Minqian knew that the best time today was before going to court, without giving Li Shimin any chance to speak, to impeach Li Shimin directly, no matter what Li Shimin said before, just refuse to admit it.

But now Li Shimin spoke first, so things changed.

Cui Mingan squinted his eyes, looked at Baiguan with a smile, and sighed, these people, pig teammates!Just don't want to stand out?

Among the hundred officials, the forces of Five Surnames and Seven Wangs are also very puzzled at this time. Why don't you come forward? Now you all know that His Majesty has dealt with the locust disaster. Anyone who dares to touch the bad luck will die.

We don't want to die, we are all officials in the same dynasty, just mess around, why do you let us die?

It was rare for Cheng Yaojin and Wei Zheng to go to court today, and they were very excited at this moment.

"Your Majesty, locusts are really delicious. I suggest that all civil and military officials eat locusts."

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