Chat Group of Myriad Worlds of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 448 The Disappearing Species

On the flat land, the dust is flying.

The sound of the earth shaking is not as strong as the sound of horseshoes, but it is more compact!
The most feared beast on the North American continent!

ruled the Americas for millions of years.

The two sharp fangs protrude, showing their status.

But the most serious thing at this time is that the cougars, which usually act alone, are actually in groups this time.

And you can't see the side at a glance!
"The monster is coming!"

The shocked Indian reacted and shouted!
Immediately afterwards, thousands of Indians mounted their horses and fled.

Not even the thought of resisting.

And some timid horses have already fled in fright and are out of control.

Before the two came into contact, the Indians had collapsed.

"Everyone, hold on tight and don't panic!"

Wei Zheng hurriedly dissuaded him.

As long as a formation is formed and bows and arrows are used as means of attack, victory is not hopeless.

But due to the natural fear of the puma, the Indians could not hear Wei Zheng's shout.

"These uneducated people!"

Seeing the collapsed scene, Wei Zheng couldn't help cursing.

"Your Highness, this is no longer a war between people, can I make a move?"

There is no way, Wei Zheng shouted to the sky.


A sentence came from the sky.

After holding back for so long, he was finally able to make a move, Wei Zheng shook his neck excitedly.

At the moment when the first group of cougars rushed up, Fengshen's legs swept out!

Huge gusts of wind raged, and the later cougars paused, looking intimidated.

Suddenly, a terrifying horn sounded in the distance.

It was the chief of the Himba tribe who was blowing.

Hearing the sound of the horn, those cougars who hesitated to move forward charged again as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

The roar of the mountain lion surpassed the howl of the tornado, and its powerful limbs clung to the ground to avoid being rolled up.

When he rushed to Wei Zheng's approach, he made a sudden pounce!
Claws that were bigger than a human face came roaring.

Of course Wei Zheng would not be hit.

But in order to avoid groups of cougars, Wei Zheng could only dodge.

In this way, the rhythm of Fengshen's legs slowed down.

Unstoppable, the cougar charged even more recklessly.

Seeing that Wei Zheng couldn't do anything about it, some cougars turned their attention to the Indians.

The screams began to sound from behind Wei Zheng.


Wei Zheng yelled that it was not good, these Indians were not enough to be slaughtered by pumas.

After getting along and understanding just now, Wei Zheng has already regarded the Indians as orphans of the Tang Dynasty.

As a minister of the Tang Dynasty, of course he has an obligation to ensure their safety!
"Old Cheng, General Xue, Master Xuanzang!"

While going to rescue the Indians, Wei Zheng called Cheng Yaojin and others.

"Monk, why don't you go and see how the battle is going?"

Cheng Yaojin wiped off all the feathers and graffiti on his body, and said to Xuanzang.

"I'm only in charge of counting, not in order."

Xuanzang sat upright and did not take part in the fight.

"Don't worry, Mr. said just now, we can take action at critical times."

Xue Rengui took a big bite of the turkey without any haste.

"Even if you lose, with Master Wei's ability, you can easily catch him!"

"That's right, we eat meat!"

In front of the three of them was a big turkey specially served by the Indians.

Xuanzang put two chicken thighs into his mouth.

The three of them withdrew from a valley with the young and old, and could not see the tragic situation over there.

Under Wei Zheng's Fengshen's legs, the bodies of pumas lay in a row.

But for the whole situation, it's just a drop in the bucket!

Indians are good at running, but they can only suffer from the gnawing in front of wild animals.

The screams became more and more intense.


Wei Zheng put his hands on the ground, and behind the Indians, an endless gust of wind blew up.

The most powerful move, the most powerful qi, temporarily blocked the cougar.

He quickly ran in front of the Indians, and another gust of wind rolled up.

"You guys, blow the horn and boost morale!"

Finally, he snapped at several chiefs.

If you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself.

The most important thing now is to revive the morale of the Indians!
The total number of the four tribes is more than [-].

Such a huge army has endless combat power!

Several chiefs also calmed down and hurriedly blew their horns.

With the sound of horns resounding through heaven and earth, the scattered Indians gradually regained their senses.

"Those who want to survive, prepare to fight!"

Wei Zheng raised his arms and shouted, only eight words.

But it was these eight characters that regained the fighting spirit of the Indians.

At this time, the Indians were partly connected to each other, and the four major tribes became one.

With the bow and arrow in hand and the horse under the ground, according to Wei Zheng's guidance, they formed a tight formation.


The flying arrows flew out wildly, and the pumas that jumped on them fell down two rows!

Seeing the results of victory, the Indians uttered beast-like cries.

The horn of terror sounded again, but with a different rhythm.

The Indians loaded their arrows for the next attack.

"Great nature, Indians are invincible!"

Several chiefs shouted loudly to boost morale.

As more and more Indians stabilized their positions, the intensity of the arrow rain steadily increased.

The situation on the battlefield is under human control again!

However, on the boulder, Wei Zheng frowned.

The shock on the ground was unprecedentedly strong, as if it wanted to penetrate the heart.

At the corner of the mountain, a group of brown and black figures flashed!
The Indians felt the shock too, and everyone's hands were shaking.

"This is... an elephant!"

Wei Zheng feels bad!

The cougars are here, how can the mammoth be absent?

Mammoths have thick skin and a huge body.

It takes a dozen Indians to chase and fight fiercely before it is possible to kill one.

Once formed into a formation, the mammoth is almost invincible.


Wei Zheng shouted, and Fengshen's legs began to block.

"Hahaha... Indian is ours!"

"Outlander, you go to die first!"

The chief of the Himba tribe rode a puma and stood not far from Wei Zheng.

"Hmph! You are the one waiting!"

These two beasts became so violent when they heard the trumpets.

Wei Zheng suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the chief of the Simba tribe.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, capture thieves first capture kings!
"It's not that easy to catch me!"

A group of cougars seemed to be crazy, jumping up and down, rushing towards Wei Zheng.

After Wei Zheng made his way out, Chief Simba had long since disappeared.

And behind, the mammoth has already burst into the crowd.

The rain of arrows doesn't work at all.

Wei Zheng saw it, but there was nothing he could do, because a large herd of mammoths and pumas surrounded him.

Facing the numerical advantage, Wei Zheng was at a disadvantage!
"Old Wei, I'm here!"

Fortunately, the three of Cheng Yaojin noticed the situation here.

The Qinlong army also came to kill them!
There is no suspense in the next battle...

The three of them worked together to keep the mammoth herd aside.

The Qinlong Army even acted as the God of Killing!
The food is rich again.

The four major tribes also broke the conspiracy of the Simba tribe and shook hands to make peace.

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