A centurion of the Qin army raised his sword and shouted loudly, constantly urging the soldiers to change their formations to resist the rush of the Xiongnu soldiers.

Ying Chen led a team of tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand, and rushed towards the camp of the Xiongnu soldiers frantically.

With a slash of the knife, there was a scream, and hundreds of Xiongnu soldiers jumped into the air, blood and flesh flew across, and fell to the ground with a bang, and the ground was covered with broken flesh.

The pinnacle of the great master.

This is the horror of the great master peak.

Ordinary people in his hands are like killing chickens and dogs.

But were Huns dogs?
These beasts are worse than dogs.

Yingchen's subordinates showed no mercy, with red eyes, holding the scimitar high, and swiping it downwards. Wherever the blade went, there were screams and headless corpses scattered all over the place.

"Qin Dog..." Tou Manchan looked at Yingchen and couldn't help gritting his teeth. He had heard of the name of the man in front of him, but he had never really fought against him. He never thought that this guy would be so powerful.

"Shao Chi, you go and kill him..." Tou Man Shanyu swept away the generals around him.

At present, Shao Chi, the king of Zuoguli, has this strength by his side. If there are not many Qin dogs, the soldiers of the Huns will suffer heavy losses.

Shao Chi, the king of Zuo Guli, paused for a moment. He could see that Ying Chen's strength must be higher than his, but Shan Yu's order could not be disobeyed.

He could only rein in his horse and go forward: "Everyone get out of the way..."

With a loud shout, the horseshoe flew out, and the big man on the prairie rushed straight at Yingchen wielding a scimitar. No matter whether he could kill the opponent or not, the morale of the Xiongnu soldiers could not drop.

The battlefield has always been changing rapidly, and the shouts rang out. Yingchen was beheading the soldiers of the Huns, and when he heard the roar, he suddenly turned around.

But seeing a machete slashing towards the door facing him, he subconsciously picked up the Qinglong Yanyue knife to go back.

With a sound of "铛", Shao Chi, the king of Zuoguli, was shocked back a step, even the horses under him were restless and retreated again and again.

What a powerful force.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But no matter what, anyone who dares to stop the soldiers of the Huns must die.


With a loud shout, King Zuoguli raised his scimitar again.

"Good job." Yingchen couldn't help sneering, just now he was unprepared and was almost attacked by this guy. He thought that he would retreat if he suffered a loss, but he didn't expect to dare to come again?
The scimitar was raised high, and it slashed straight at the horse's head.

King Zuoguli was terrified, he hastily tightened the reins, and wanted to turn the horse's head around, but it was obviously too late at this time, the Azure Dragon Saber slashed down hard.

The tendon horse let out a long howl, let out a mournful cry, and fell to the ground with a loud crash. The man on the horse lost his support and fell headfirst.

Fortunately, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He turned over and stood up, and took several steps back before he stabilized his footsteps.

"Go up..." With a wave of his hand left and right, the soldiers of the Xiongnu charged up with their scimitars, and rushed towards Yingchen, like a hungry wolf rushing to eat, with all their fangs showing.


Teams of Huns soldiers followed one after another, but Yingchen immediately did not panic at all, and even showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

In just a moment, these Huns soldiers piled up into a mountain, and there was no trace of Yingchen at all.

"My lord..."


Qin Jun roared, looking at the piled up mountain of people, he rushed over frantically, trying to rescue Yingchen from the sea of ​​suffering.

But before they rushed to the front, the Huns led their troops forward and blocked the Qin army.

Cao Chun, who was fighting, also lost interest. He shot the scimitar away, and rode his horse into the crowd. The lord is his belief, and it is also the belief of this team. If the lord has an accident, he will have no way to survive.

"Hahaha..." Behind the Huns' army, Touman Chanyu raised his head and laughed wildly. He glanced at the almost crazy Qin army and felt satisfied.

I thought Yingchen was so powerful, but he was killed in the end.

I really didn't expect it.

Just as he was laughing wildly, the sea of ​​people suddenly moved, and the soldiers of the Huns lying on top slowly fell down.


A loud shout sounded.

The faces of those Xiongnu soldiers changed drastically, as if they were weightless, they flew into the air and fell heavily on the ground. In the chasm, their skulls were broken into cracks, and the yellow and white liquid flowed all over the ground, with an unpleasant stench.

In the same place, Yingchen was still holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, but this time the difference was that he stared at the Xiongnu soldiers with red eyes.

A ray of cold light shot straight at Tianling Gai, Zuo Guli King Shao Chi was shocked: "Why isn't he dead?"

Just now he clearly saw the man in front of him surrounded by the Huns army and pressed under the mountain of corpses. If he was an ordinary person, he should have died long ago.

Could it be that this person has peerless martial arts?

There are many people like this on the prairie. Could it be that this guy is just like the martial arts masters on the prairie?
Tou Manchanyu also had a horrified expression on his face. He held the rein tightly and gritted his teeth. Regardless of whether the guy in front of him was dead or not, he was going to kill him today anyway.

"Kill Yingchen, the Qin dog, the reward is one million, and the women are countless..." There must be a brave man under a great reward. Touman Shanyu deeply understands this truth. Although he is unwilling to issue such an order, Yingchen Already on his must-kill list.



The Xiongnu people have a fierce nature in their bones, not to mention that Shanyu gave such a big reward, which directly made those desperate soldiers red-eyed, and rushed towards Yingchen regardless of other things.

As long as you kill Yingchen, you can get millions of gold, countless women...

This kind of reward is really generous, and no Hun soldier is willing to give it up. They roared loudly, the muscles on their faces trembled, and the totem looked at people.

Ying Chen laughed, he didn't expect his head to be so valuable, millions of gold... This Man Danyu really paid for it.

No longer hesitating, he pulled the reins and rode his horse forward, Qinglong Yanyue Saber swung forward frantically.

"Protect the lord..." Cao Chun got rid of the entanglement of Huantu, the captain of the right, shouted at the tiger and leopard cavalry soldiers, and followed Yingchen stubbornly, rushing towards the Huns camp.

"Ju Yilai also..." The man on the back of the horse, with a long knife in his hand, followed Cao Chun's pace and rushed forward.

Anyway, the lord can't have an accident.


The soldiers in front of the Xiongnu camp shouted loudly, urging the soldiers in armor to stand in front and deal with the attack of the Qin army.

However, the soldiers of the Huns had not received systematic training at all. Although they all blocked the front in a hurry, it seemed that it had no effect and was quite scattered.


With a loud shout, Yingchen swung the Qinglong Yanyue Saber and drew an arc in midair.

bang bang bang...

Those Xiongnu soldiers in armor screamed, and all the armor in front of them was broken from it, creating a gap.

Along the gap, the flesh and blood were torn apart by the Azure Dragon Knife.


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