Qinglong roared in mid-air, and rushed straight towards the Huns soldiers. Wherever they passed, there were all bones underneath, without any survivors.

"Come on..." Seeing the morale of the Xiongnu soldiers being suppressed, Hong Jingyan yelled and rushed forward frantically holding his spear.

The Rouran iron cavalry behind him didn't give in too much, roared loudly, and rushed into the camp, holding the spear high, and swiping in front of him, the Hun soldiers were pierced instantly, blood soared in the air, and the whole person leaned back.

"Kill them..." Touman Shanyu yelled, the morale of the Huns is getting weaker and weaker now, if they can't break the deadlock in front of them, this battle will definitely be lost, he doesn't want to be a dead bone.

One hundred thousand soldiers of the Huns have lost about [-] in waves of attacks, sea of ​​flames, and arrows. Although morale has plummeted, it has not affected anything now. The soldiers cheered up again and rushed to the side holding the scimitar.

This time they learned how to be smart. It is not so easy to kill Yingchen. It is better to attack the city gate first. As long as they enter the city, everything will be solved. These Huns rushed into the city gate from the side. , as long as the city is taken down, everything is easy to talk about.


The soldiers of the Huns roared loudly, as if to cheer themselves up, but also as if they were roaring with ambition. Holding scimitars, countless soldiers of the Huns rushed towards the gate of the city.

Rouran's iron cavalry was rushing towards the gate of the city, when they met these guys, all of them were aroused fiercely, with long spears held high in their hands, they kept stabbing at the soldiers of the Huns.

The horseshoes flew fast, and the faces of these Hun soldiers changed slightly. They picked up the scimitar and began to block, but they were no match for Rouran's iron cavalry.

You must know that these Rouran cavalry are all masters at the peak of the day after tomorrow, and all of them have good cultivation bases. At least compared with these soldiers, they are definitely masters.

Under the spear, armors were directly pierced one by one, and the Huns soldiers screamed, their chests were pierced directly, and the bloody spear tip pierced the bodies of these Huns soldiers, plasma burst into the air, looking at people seeping.

The horses that had lost their masters ran wildly on the battlefield. Under the hooves of the horses, there were all dead bodies, trampled by the hooves. These corpses overflowed with blood and slowly soaked into the yellow sand, turning blood red.

Rouran's iron cavalry was as powerful as a broken bamboo, brandishing a long spear, and rushed towards the back row of the Huns.

However, these Xiongnu soldiers were obviously not that stupid. Knowing that they were not their opponents, they approached the city gate one after another. Their current goal was to rush into the city gate. As long as they took down the city gate, half of the victory would be won.

"Ju Yi, stop them..." Hong Jingyan yelled behind him, it was inconvenient to turn the horse's head on the battlefield, not to mention that he had to deal with the Huns soldiers in front of him, so he had to let others deal with it.

The first ascended soldiers led by Ju Yi are naturally not weak, equipped with heavy crossbows, and it is basically impossible for those crossbow arrows with thick arms to survive if they are shot.

"Launch..." Ju Yi roared, and the heavy crossbow mercilessly shot at the camp of the Huns.


The mid-air seemed to be cut open, and countless crossbow arrows as thick as arms shot at the Huns soldiers. The faces of the Huns soldiers changed drastically, and they all raised their scimitars to block and dodge.

But this is a crossbow arrow as thick as an arm, and the scimitar can't stop it at all. Before the scimitars of these Xiongnu soldiers stretched forward, the crossbow arrow broke through the void and rushed straight into the camp.


There was a scream, and the chests of the Huns soldiers in the front row were pierced, and their entire bodies leaned backwards. The heavy crossbow was so powerful that it shot a Huns soldier, but did not stop there, but continued to attack backwards, straight After all the power has been volatilized, it will stop here.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the soldiers of the Huns at the side began to dodge one after another. Although the heavy crossbow arrows were powerful enough, they could not be tracked, so the soldiers of the Huns were still avoided.

"Ju Yi, Gao Shun, take your respective teams to guard the city gate." Yingchen turned his head and shouted, both the trapped camp and the dead soldiers who climbed first were equipped with heavy crossbow arrows, so it is best to guard the city gate, as long as If someone dared to step forward, under heavy crossbow arrows, no matter whether it was a horse or a soldier, there was only one dead end.

"Cao Chun, Hong Jingyan, you bring your own soldiers and horses, and follow me to charge..." Yingchen turned his head and glanced at Cao Chun and the two of them. Both of them are light cavalry, and they are also the most suitable for charging.

Now these Xiongnu beasts are like crazy. If they are not sanctioned, it is really easy for these guys to break through the city gate.

"Kill..." Cao Chun yelled, and led the tiger and leopard riders towards the camp of the Xiongnu soldiers. Running quickly, the tiger and leopard riders in the front row were holding long spears, and the tiger and leopard riders in the back were holding light crossbows while running , while shooting arrows non-stop, while waving the spear in mid-air, it was like a long sword, forcibly cutting a hole.

Being charged like this, the soldiers of the Huns naturally kept wielding the scimitar to snipe, but the scimitar had lost its advantage at this moment, and it was not as convenient as the spear. The shots came from behind, and before they had time to react, they were shot in the chest. These Hun soldiers were shot to the ground, and their life and death were unknown.

Under the hooves of the horses, the half-dead soldiers of the Huns screamed. Before they could call for help, a pair of horseshoes stepped on them again, and their bones broke directly. Some bone marrow seeps into the yellow sand, and the red and white things are mixed together, which looks extremely infiltrating.

"Kill these bastards..." Hong Jingyan also rushed forward, holding his spear high, and behind him were Rouran cavalry. These guys were like tiger and leopard cavalry. With their cultivation base, there are no soldiers who can resist them. Even if they can resist, it will be seriously injured.

The Rouran cavalry in the back row were holding bows and crossbows, all of which were fully drawn and aimed at the soldiers of the Huns. Under the rain of arrows, none of the soldiers of the Huns in the front row could be spared, and all of them were shot in the head, chest, Fell to the ground, trampled by horseshoes, these soldiers were completely changed, blood plasma soared in the air, and slowly seeped into the yellow sand.

The soldiers of the Xiongnu, who were originally in a relatively neat formation, were broken through by the tiger and leopard cavalry and the Rouran cavalry in an instant, causing countless deaths and injuries. Most of the underground were the bones of the Huns soldiers. .

"Kill these Qin dogs..." Man Shanyu, the leader in the back row, yelled frantically, and the golden knife was raised high in the air. He never expected that the camp would be broken, but no matter what, he would continue to rush into the city now. Only by rushing through the city gate can Quyan City be captured.

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