Villain: My Dark Tiga Live Violence Composite Type

Chapter 256 Good brother, you are finally here! (Ask for reminders~Ask for free gifts~)

But now?

As the country of light, she is the mother of Ultra who has the same status as Ultra's father.

He actually chose to surrender directly?
Moreover, he unilaterally expelled Father of Ultra from the Kingdom of Light.

Ah this
how inappropriate
Hong Kai, who had recovered to an adult body, opened his mouth even more, trying to say something, but couldn't make any sound.

He was stupid, he was completely dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on here?

Mother of Ultra betrayed?
No, it's Ultra's mother who expelled Ultra's father from the Kingdom of Light
This is so meow
You make me look dumb like this!

Ultra's father stretched out his hand, pointing tremblingly at Ultra's mother.

Couldn't speak for a long time.

But everyone present could feel his anger.

Being watched by the three-headed dog, Ye Huaiheng lying on the ground had a strange expression on his face.

In the beginning, he regarded the Kingdom of Light as the savior!

The hope of being able to rescue him out.

But the people from the Kingdom of Light just made their debut not long ago.

He was beaten to the ground by Su Ningshi and others.

After Lin Xiu came over, there was even less hope.

Originally thought that if they fought head-on, the Kingdom of Light would not be able to defeat Lin Xiu and the others.

But with a desperate fight, maybe you can create a good opportunity for yourself to escape.

But who knew that the mother of Ultra directly raised the white flag and surrendered.


Why is it so natural for you to surrender?
Lying in a trough!
"Tsk, it seems that you are really unpopular."

Lin Xiu smiled, and a dark purple air was swirling around his body.

Slowly walked towards the father of Ultra.

At the same time, the low voice sounded like the death of hell:
"Otto's father must die, others, surrender and not kill!"

Obviously, this was said to Mother of Ultra and others.

Lin Xiu's voice just fell.

Several light giants who just wanted to stand in front of Ultra's father froze.

Otto family, you look at me, and I look at you.

They all hesitated.

I don't know whether to surrender or live and die with the father of Ultra.

But not like them.

Mother of Ultra didn't hesitate at all.

After all, she was the one who surrendered first.

Seeing that the Ottos were hesitant, the Mother of Otto said coldly:
"What? Are you going to betray the Kingdom of Light?"

Hearing this, a word resounded in the hearts of all the Ottos.

Wasn't it you who betrayed first?

But it turns out that her words still have an effect.

Many Otts gave up fighting and stood aside.

Soon, there was no one else beside Otto's father.

This made the God of Light couldn't help but think: Fuck @#$^&%!$#...

But at this time, he couldn't allow him to go to the mother of Ultra to settle the score.

Suddenly, an extremely fierce sword light flashed.

Before the God of Light could react, there was a sharp pain in his body.


The God of Light lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the pierced bear's mouth.

Instead of blood, there was a big hole.

In the hole, strands of light continuously flew out of it.

Dissipate in the world.

"So fast."

The God of Light was extremely shocked. Just now, he didn't react at all, and was injured by Lin Xiu's sword light.

If you do it twice, you will definitely die.

Not only the body dies, even the soul will disappear together.

Lin Xiu's attack is not only effective on the body.

The damage to the soul is even greater.

This is also the reason why the dark god has high damage and the strongest destructive power.

"It seems that I came just right!"

Just when the God of Light was in despair, a figure suddenly appeared behind the God of Light.

Everyone turned their eyes together.

Others do not know.

But Su Ningshi's eyes froze.

"God of Order"

Although his appearance was different from his previous life, his aura remained unchanged.

if so.

That is, the breath is weaker.

"Good brother! You are finally here!"

The God of Light saw strange tattoos all over his body, and the God of Sky Pattern/Order, who hadn't even put on clothes, was overjoyed.

In this critical moment!
The god of order can appear in front of him, seriously.

The God of Light almost burst into tears.

So moved.

Tianwen pointed his butt at the God of Light, and said solemnly:
"How are you doing?"

"You should know that I am also reincarnated, why are you so reckless? If it wasn't for me, you would be dying again now, right?"

"If you die this time, there will be no next chance."

Hearing this, the God of Light fell silent all of a sudden.


You can't speak.

Can you stop talking?
Xiaoqiong suppressed a smile, is it so funny?

This new guy is a bit out of touch.

God of order?
Look at his appearance, no clothes, exhibitionist, with tattoos all over his body, isn't he a member of the Tianwen clan?

Xiaoqiong felt as if there was something in his hand.

He stretched out his hand and looked.

Discovery is a card.

[Prop Card - Ultraman Cangyue Ability!
Effect: After using it, you can get all the abilities of Ultraman Cangyue, and you can use it flexibly in various postures! 】


Xiao Qiong saw this card.

Some doubts.

Item cards, Ultraman Cangyue's ability and so on.

It's better to understand a little bit.

But the pose in effect?
Flexible use?

Why does it feel so strange?
Isn't Ultraman the same as the group of people in front of him?

Could it be that there is something special about this Cang Yue?
The Otto family, Hong Kai, Ye Huaiheng and others saw the appearance of Tian Wen.

Secretly in my heart.

Could it be that there is going to be another change?
The situation will change again?Tianwen came on the stage to help the father of Otto defeat Lin Xiu and others?
Or escape successfully, and after a period of time, after a great increase in strength, come to seek revenge on Lin Xiu and others?
Many people in the Ott family regretted it in their hearts.

If so.

Then the betrayal by myself and others just now was a wrong decision.

The mother of Ultra is also worried, but the object of worry is not herself and the Ultra family.

It was Lin Xiu.

Pursing his lips, he looked at the God of Light and the God of Order.

Secretly praying for Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu must not have any accidents.

The mood of Ye Huaiheng and others is easy to understand.

In this situation, the more Lin Xiu's enemies come, the better for them!
Another flash of coldness flashed.

Everyone was surprised.

He hurriedly looked towards the place where the cold light flashed.

Tianwen turned around and swallowed uncontrollably.

Between the eyebrows of Ultra's father.

A big hole appeared.


A lot of light began to dissipate from his body.

The body fell down slowly.


Otto's father is dead!

The breath of the soul of the God of Light is also constantly dissipating.

There is no reaction at all!
Tianwen's eyes widened, the sword just now.

If it is coming towards him.

Can he guard against it?

It is also impossible with a high probability, right?

Quickly supporting the body of the God of Light, he looked at the calm man with a shocked expression.

Lin Xiu had a calm face and a smile in his eyes.

Slowly put down the Chaser of Darkness.

In this situation, although he is not afraid of these two guys who are obviously big bosses joining forces.

But why give them time if they can do it in a second?

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