People in Ultra: Gain Saiyan blood at the beginning

Chapter 170 Let's break through the limit!Victory

Yinhe was silent, and Victory smiled coldly. In fact, he already knew this was the result.

"Galaxy, we are destined not to be friends! Viktrim Slash!"

Several V-shaped slashes were kicked out from the crystals on his legs. This time, Viktorley directly attacked the vital point of the galaxy without any hesitation!
He has no intention of bypassing Galaxy and attacking the base. He knows that as long as Galaxy is still there, he will not allow himself to attack the base. He must first defeat Galaxy!
Yinhe has made a decision in his heart, and the crystals all over his body suddenly turn crimson red, and the magma lying on the ground is suspended again, condensing into several flame balls!

Accompanied by Yinhe's punch, several flame balls blast towards the target with lightning speed!

In the end, it was the Galaxy Flame Ball that was slightly better, blatantly smashing Viktorium's slash, and the remaining few flame balls, with undiminished momentum, went straight to Viktoria!
Victory snorted coldly, and the golden shield appeared instantly, blocking the attack of the flame ball immediately!
The bursting flames hadn't dissipated yet, and the golden shield was retracted again. At the same time, Victory's whole body emitted golden lights!

"Victory Supreme Impact!" With a loud shout, countless golden dragon-like energy drilled out of Victory's crystal, attacking the galaxy from different angles!

Yinhe didn't show any weakness, with a touch of one hand, a spear-like energy appeared instantly, with a fist clenched, a physical Galaxy spark gun appeared in Yinhe's hand!

Facing the golden dragons coming all over the sky, Yinhe was very calm, waving the impenetrable spear flower, and perfectly pierced the heads of every golden dragon!

Countless golden dragons were killed by Galaxy almost instantly, and the scattered golden energy formed a gorgeous waterfall of light in front of Galaxy!

Victory didn't just sit still, he summoned the EX Red King Smite, crashed through the waterfall of light, concentrated the power of the lava fire pillar into his fist, and smashed it fiercely at Galaxy's chest!

Because the sight was blocked by the waterfall of light, Yinhe didn't notice Victory at the first time. He didn't react until the huge crimson fist smashed through the waterfall of light, and immediately put the spear across his chest, trying to block it. Under this punch!
But the Galaxy Spark Gun is a long weapon after all, and it is not good at melee combat at all, let alone block the most powerful EX Red King's sure kill!

The gun shaft of the spear hit his chest, and Yinhe was also thrown backwards by this powerful force. He forcibly twisted the Yinhe Spark Gun in the air, and stabbed the head of the spear hard into the ground!

A deep gully appeared on the ground, and he quickly stabilized his figure with the Galaxy spark gun!

As soon as Yinhe raised his head, he found several lightning bolts attacking him. At this distance, it was too late to swing the Galaxy spark gun!

Victory's face was cold, which was naturally what he had planned. After practicing with Bai Di for so long, his fighting skills have not improved a bit or two!

Yinhe simply abandoned the gun, but with a flick of his arm, the Yinhe sword popped out. Within a very small range, the sword light criss-crossed, splitting every lightning and thunder blade in half!

The broken lightning and thunder blades slashed towards Galaxy's side, and a huge explosion occurred. The scattered lightning and flying dust could not shake Galaxy's God of War figure at all!

Yinhe held the Galaxy spark gun in his hand again, looked at Victory calmly, and found that his hand had turned into a Jinguqiao bazooka, pointing at the sky and sneering at him!
A sense of something bad suddenly surged in his heart, and almost in the next instant, countless howitzers fell from the sky, catching him off guard!
In the smoke and dust of the explosion, Jack's phantom was very eye-catching, and he quickly blended into it. In the smoke, a cube of light barrier broke through the blockade of the smoke!
Without hesitation, Victory immediately changed to EX King Aire's sweeping tail again, and the long tail stretched instantly, entangled the Otto barrier, and the high-voltage current was released instantly!

This is the inspiration from Bello Kern. Last time Bello Kern used his own shield to trap him with a halo of fire. This time he used EX King Aire to sweep the tail and also trapped the galaxy!
The high-voltage current attached to the Ultra Barrier, once the Milky Way removes the barrier, it will inevitably be attacked by the current!
"Galaxy, just watch it here." Victory said coldly, and the other hand gathered powerful energy, trying to destroy the base with one blow!
"Stop!" Yinhe roared, instantly dispelling the Ultra Barrier, but in the next instant, Jack's phantom merged again, and an Ultra Barrier covering only the whole body reappeared!

Without the slightest hesitation, he jumped up in an instant, and immediately broke through the current cage!
But at this time, EX King Airi shrank suddenly belatedly, tying up an empty space all of a sudden!
After all, King Aire's sweeping tail is not like the energy halo, its reaction always takes time, and Galaxy took advantage of this reaction time to successfully escape!

Victory saw that Yinhe was out of trouble, he couldn't help frowning, and the energy in his hand immediately turned into a horse, swaying towards Yinhe!
Ace's phantom blended in, and Metalim's light burst out, instantly breaking the energy barrier and sweeping towards Victor!

Victory was startled, knowing that he couldn't force it, he jumped into the air immediately, and the swept Metalim's light triggered a series of explosions, leaving a deep mark on the ground again!

"Galaxy, have you finally shown your true skills?" Victory muttered to himself.

"Then let me try to surpass my limit, Yinhe, I've been thinking about this move for a long time, and I'll let you take it!"

"Ah!" Victory screamed up to the sky, and his two arms suddenly lit up with red and golden light!
In the astonished eyes of the galaxy, his left fist turned into EX King Reid's heavy blow, and his right arm turned into EX King Alley's mop!
He actually used two Ultra Armors at once!

Even Bai Di couldn't help being surprised by this change, and he didn't know how Xiang managed to use two Ultra weapons like never before!
It seems that under his special training, Xiang has broken through his own limit.

Maybe he used Victory's body, and he could only bear the power of one piece of Ultra Armor before, but now he can bear two pieces!

"Ah!" Victory's left fist glowed with an unprecedented dazzling red light, while his right arm also emitted a dazzling golden light!
The energy of two different attributes, red and gold, erupted immediately, entangled in the air, forming a huge golden and red energy ball!
Yinhe has a solemn face, the fusion of two energies is definitely not as simple as 1+1, he has already felt the geometrical surge of energy!

Facing such power, even with the power of the Ultra brothers, there is no way to stop it!
Do not!There is another way!
Yinhe remembered what Taro had said to him when he left: "Little Light, there is even more powerful power hidden in it."

"That is the power of the Ultra Brothers integrated into one, the powerful energy that explodes, and now you can control him."

"Seniors, please lend me your strength, let me wake up Xiang!" Yin Yin silently said, and the phantoms of the six Ultra brothers appeared around him at the same time!

"The miracle light of the universe, well, it's an evenly matched match." Bai Di had already seen Yinhe's plan.

"Thunder flame explodes the ball!" Victory roared, the golden and red energy ball had condensed to the extreme, and just the process of condensing caused the ground under Victory's feet to sink several centimeters again!

"Cosmic Miracle Light!" All the phantoms of the six Ultra Brothers merged, making Galaxy feel an unprecedented power. Following the inner guidance, the skills that once created miracles were used again!
The cosmic miracle light and the thunderbolt ball met in the air, but they didn't explode immediately. Both sides continued to output, trying to overwhelm the opponent!
"After all, Victory is single and weak, and Thunder Flame Explosion is just a skill he uses himself, which is still inferior to the cosmic miracle light that borrows power." Bai Di took a look and came to a conclusion.

However, Viktley's first use of two Ultra weapons was able to reach this level, which is considered pretty good.

Sure enough, as Bai Di expected, the miracle light of the universe gradually suppressed the Thunder Flame Explosion Ball, pushing it towards Victory bit by bit!

Victory roared wildly, and immediately increased the energy output. With the injection of powerful energy, the Thunder Flame Explosion Ball also began to become unstable!

"Oh, did you think so? It's a good way to deal with it." Bai Di smiled slightly, and he had already guessed Victory's thoughts.

Although the Thunder Flame Burst Ball is indeed no match for the Miracle Ray of the Universe, once this level of energy explodes, the shock wave it will produce will be absolutely destructive!

Yinhe also noticed the unstable energy, but he had no choice but to increase the output accordingly, otherwise, the Thunder Flame Explosion Ball would directly bombard him!

As the energy output of both sides increased, the barely maintained balance was broken, and a bright spot of light suddenly appeared at the impact point of the two Xeon energies!

The spot of light suddenly enlarged, devouring two streams of energy, and a force field full of destructive energy burst out suddenly!

Bai Di frowned, and his figure floated backwards. Although he was not afraid of this energy force field, it was quite troublesome to block it in human form.

After Viktley used Thunder Flame Explosion Ball, the two Ultra Armors disintegrated almost instantly. Seeing the energy shock wave rushing towards his face, he gathered the last energy to form a golden shield!
Even with the protection of the golden shield, Victory was struck by this energy several thousand meters away, crashing through several mountain peaks in succession, before barely stopping his figure!

The color timer on his chest instantly turned red. Viktorley managed to stand up with the help of the uncollapsed mountain, his chest heaved violently, and he looked in the direction of the base panting.

The strong light produced by the light spot slowly dissipated, and a barrier of light appeared in front of Victory's eyes!
PS. Here is a very powerful book for readers. He is an old author who has personally tested it. It is a high-quality work. The title of the book is: "Prequel: The Original Legend of the Daoyuan Lord". This is what he planned. The first part of the trilogy, friends, rush!

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