"This is the entrance to the ground." Xiang also stepped into the blue vortex, disregarding the stunned Xiaoguang who was watching from the side, his figure quickly blurred, and then disappeared into it.

Xiaoguang was amazed, he had traveled to different places over the years, but he had never seen such a strange phenomenon.

Seeing that Xiang had already entered, he no longer hesitated, and walked into the whirlpool.

After he entered, he only felt a slight sense of dizziness, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already in a strange space.

Surrounded by rock walls, Xiaoguang carefully observed his feet, and found that they were all extremely hard core stones, and this kind of core stones were formed after being pressed by the heavy earth for countless years, and would only exist underground!

Xiaoguang knew that he must have come to the ground, but he was very surprised. He just stepped into the vortex, except for a little dizziness, he didn't feel the slightest sense of weightlessness. Did he even cross such a big gap?

The underground space is not vast, and it is naturally a little more cramped than the ground, and although it is surrounded by rock walls, it is not dark.

Xiaoguang looked up, and there were countless Victory crystals, large and small, inlaid on the dome wall, and the soft blue light came from these crystals!

Xiang had already explained the situation to the guards, and turned his head to see Xiaoguang who was looking around. Following Xiaoguang's gaze, he also saw the Victory crystal on the dome wall.

He walked slowly to Xiaoguang: "As you can see, Victory crystals are the core of the underground ecology. They mean to us what the sun means to you."

"But the difference is that the energy of your sun is almost endless, but the power of the Victory crystal is exhausting day by day."

"How did Victory crystals form? Don't you know the source of energy?" Xiaoguang couldn't help asking.

"The power of the Victory crystal comes from the core of the earth, but it will take a long time." Xiang nodded and shook his head.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, I'll take you to find Shepparton." Xiang also didn't want to explain the mystery of the underground to Xiaoguang, he just wanted to quickly repay the favor and drive Xiaoguang back to the ground.

"Wait a minute, Xiang, I want to have a good talk with this young man named Guang." A quiet and elegant voice came, and the guards immediately saluted respectfully, even Xiang was no exception!
A woman with a better face in a white dress and a crown is walking slowly. Beside her is a stooped old man.

"This is Queen Qisara, hurry up and salute!" Seeing Xiaoguang staring at the queen in a daze, Xiang immediately elbowed his waist.

"Oh oh oh, hello Queen Qisara, nice to meet you!" Xiao Guang hurriedly saluted belatedly, and his movements seemed extremely funny for a while.

"Guests from the ground, there is no need to be so restrained, I just want to talk to you." Queen Qisara said gently with a smile on her face.

Queen Qisara is born with a strong affinity, which is why she can sit firmly on the throne as a woman, because all the clansmen are very convinced of her!
Xiaoguang just wanted to agree, but Kexiang stepped in: "Queen Qisara, I'm sorry, Xiaoguang has other things to do!"

It was also a helpless move for him to choose to bring Xiaoguang underground, he didn't want Xiaoguang to communicate with Queen Qisara again!

Queen Qisara looked at Xiang Xiang with gentle eyes, but there was an unquestionable majesty in her tone:

"Xiang, I know exactly what you are going to do, but I still want to talk to him, this time should not delay the resurrection of the Galaxy."

"Yes, Xiang, why don't you go to Shepparton first, and I will guide him there after the Queen finishes talking with him." Ramsin also echoed.

Seeing that the Queen and Ramsin all spoke, Xiang was a little helpless, but he had no choice but to stare at Xiaoguang, and turned to look for Shepparton.

"Queen Qisara, this is probably the first time we've met. What do you want from me?" Xiaoguang looked puzzled.

"Xiaoguang, you are a human being, but you are not the same as a human being who uses the power of Victory crystal. I want to tell you a story, a true story." Queen Qisara looked at Xiaoguang seriously.

"True...story?" Xiaoguang repeated, then stared closely at Queen Qisara's face, pretending to be listening attentively.

Queen Qisara fell into memories: "A long time ago, the Vittorians were born. They were born underground and discovered the powerful Viktoria crystal."

"With the power of the Victory crystal, they quickly multiplied underground, and gradually the entire group became prosperous."

"However, as the ethnic group became more and more prosperous, the Vitarians also split into two factions. One faction believes that our life is now a gift from the Victory Crystal, and we should be content with the status quo and continue to inherit it."

"The other faction believes that the Victory Crystal is a fetish bestowed on them by the underground. It should have been controlled by the Vittorians, and the power of the crystal should be used to transform the underground."

"Neither of the two factions could convince the other. Fortunately, the king of the Vitarian family was on the side of the conservatives at that time. He vigorously suppressed the radicals and explicitly prohibited the use of Victory crystals to develop weapons."

"But even with the king's order, there is no way to completely curb their ambitions. There is still a small group of radicals secretly stealing Victory crystals for weapon experiments."

"After countless failures, they finally developed a new type of weapon that uses Victory crystals as the energy source, and the radicals also completely bared their fangs at this moment."

"Because they used new weapons, the king's guards were almost vulnerable. They broke into the underground temple and wanted to kill the king and replace him, so that Vitarian ushered in a new era."

"But who knows, the king at that time was actually secretly using Victory crystals to develop new weapons. When the radicals broke into the underground temple, they found elite guards with more advanced weapons!" Queen Qisara said. There was a look of sadness on his face.

Xiao Guang fell silent. Wang, who has always been on the side of the conservatives, is actually imitating the actions of the radicals. Isn't this a betrayal of the conservatives?
It seems that most people cannot escape the ambition to covet the powerful power possessed by Victory Crystal.

"From that moment on, the king stopped pretending. He distributed the advanced weapons he developed to the army one after another. He wanted to suppress the rebellion of the radicals."

"And those conservatives were also shocked by the king who originally supported them. They chose to hide from the world and no longer cared about the struggle between the radicals and the king."

"But in this great war, how can the conservatives really be alone?" Queen Qisara showed a wry smile again, paused and continued.

"As the war progressed, the number of troops on both sides began to drop sharply. At this time, they turned their attention to the conservatives."

"At first, every conservative was unwilling to take up arms to attack his people, but as long as he didn't obey their orders, he would be killed, and the conservatives who were killed also had relatives!"

"As a group of conservatives were killed, their relatives were filled with righteous indignation and resolutely threw themselves into this war. They wanted to avenge their dead relatives!"

"The war is getting more and more intense, and the weapons of both sides are also constantly upgrading in the process. At that time, they even created a super weapon that surpassed your ultimate weapon on the ground—the Victory cannon."

"At that time, the number of Victory crystals dropped sharply, and the number of Vittorians also dropped sharply, but the war didn't mean to stop at all!"

"Until one day, it was the final decisive battle. The super weapons of both sides were all pressed together, and at that moment they released each other's most powerful attacks!"

"The collision between the super weapons is destructive, and this collision also awakened a demon god sleeping underground - the petrified monster Gogargon!"

"When the light brought by the collision of the super weapons dissipated, the demon god also sprang out from the ground. As soon as he appeared, he opened his terrifying one-eyed, and the petrified light instantly petrified all the super weapons on both sides!"

"The Vitarians of the two factions didn't bother to fight, and immediately united the battle lines, and wanted to destroy this demon god first, but as soon as Gogargon sensed a weapon that threatened him, he would immediately emit a petrified light to petrify it."

"In this case, there is no weapon that can cause substantial damage to it, and we can only let this monster roam freely on the battlefield!"

"Gaugargon seems to have come here to kill Vittorian. All his attacks were aimed at Vittorian. The leaders and kings of the Radical Faction all died under his attacks."

"Because of the terrifying strength of this monster, many Vittorians put down their weapons and started fleeing in a hurry, but he didn't intend to let Vittoria go, and kept killing!"

"Many Viklian people begged for mercy on their knees, begging the Viktoria crystal to forgive their mistakes. At this time, they no longer relied on so-called technological weapons, but began to seek ancient beliefs." Queen Qisara said , I couldn't help laughing at myself.

Xiaoguang is still silent. When people use the technology in their hands to think that they can defeat the fate, but who knows, they have always been under the control of the fate. When the technology begins to fail, the only thing they can do is to pray to the fate.

Isn't the current Mount Shen just like the group of Vittorians who mastered new weapons in ancient times?

They are all equally arrogant, thinking that they have mastered the power of the Victory crystal, so they have mastered their own destiny, but in fact?
"But the Victory crystal is merciful, and he answered Vittorian's call." Queen Qisara sighed and continued.

PS. Some people say that I am too long-winded in the galaxy world, but I think my plot is relatively compact. It mainly reflects the psychological changes of the protagonist through Xiang’s behavior and psychological changes. Psychological changes cannot be achieved overnight. For the existence of the protagonist , and there is no psychological mutation, and it can only be changed slowly. I think this is a reasonable process.

Those who think I'm dumb, please delete any chapters except the daily and combat descriptions, and see if the psychological changes are reasonable and smooth, and whether the plot can be perfectly connected.

In addition, the galaxy world is basically finalized, because I like to save manuscripts, I probably can’t change it, but I will speed up Tiga, the length is estimated to be one-third of the galaxy.

However, because of this situation, I no longer know what to do with Geed. According to my original idea, I want to write in detail, but now I find that even if I make the existence of each chapter have its own meaning, some people still think it is water.

Probably this is the fast-paced era. This hands-on work also made me understand some things. This book is finished first. I will start writing a new book in August. This time it is a subject with a wider audience.

Fast-paced, relaxed and humorous, without system, these are some ideas, I hope everyone will support it!

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