People in Ultra: Gain Saiyan blood at the beginning

Chapter 239 Negotiation!Statue and Camilla

"Huh? It seems that someone is one step ahead of us." Tartarus looked thoughtfully at the cave destroyed by Tregear.

"Maybe it's him. It is said that someone invaded the data room not long ago." Bai Tuo replied.

Tartarus nodded, agreed with this point of view, and then walked slowly into the cave.

Before Baituo went in, he heard Tartarus' slightly surprised voice: "It seems...we found it."

Bai Tuo's heart was shocked, and he quickened his pace. The moment he entered, he found three giant stone statues!
Moreover, there is residual consciousness!
This is fundamentally different from Jindi!

This also means that these three are super ancient real powerhouses!
But thinking of the person next to him, who is the ultimate life form, Bai Tuo has nothing to worry about.

Since the birth of the universe, the creatures known as the ultimate life forms have almost no weak hands.

It should be no problem to crush a few remnants of the old era.

Tartarus hesitated, if he awakened these giants, would he be able to handle it?
Now most of the ruby ​​has been repaired, but in order to restore it as soon as possible, most of his energy is still maintaining the ruby.

Now he can only use [-]% of his strength at most.

As the ultimate life form, he could have been proud of everything, but the mysterious power that Dijia erupted that day made him feel a little jealous.

If everyone in the ultra-ancient warriors had that power, the three in front of him would work together, and he might not be an opponent now.

He glanced at Baituo and Jindi indiscriminately. If it really exceeded his expectations, then these two pawns had to be discarded.

"Resuscitate, super ancient warrior, tell me where the thing I want is!"

Tartarus murmured, raised a hand, and cast golden light on a statue in the middle!
Cautiously, he decided to revive one of them first, and then depending on the situation, see whether to revive the other two as his subordinates.

The golden power of Absolut quickly drilled into the colored timer of the giantess in the middle, and with a burst of golden light, the stone statue began to tremble violently!

Tartarus withdrew his energy and looked at the trembling statue solemnly. Baituo and Jindi were also ready to fight!
"Strange, it seems that something is not quite right."

Tartarus frowned. He felt that the power of Absolut seemed to have encountered some obstacles?
This intensified the ominous premonition in his heart.

He is confident that no matter what creature, as long as it is entered by the power of Absolut, he is sure to control it.

But now Absolut's power seems to have only activated this giant, but it has not fully entered her body!

This is a situation Tartarus has never encountered before!
Suddenly, the golden light shone brightly on the giant stone statue, and Absolut's power was completely knocked back!

Instead, a dark aura like thick ink enveloped the entire stone statue, and quickly spread to the other two stone statues!
Tartarus and the other two took a few steps back subconsciously, watching this scene with wary eyes!

The black mist kept surging, and was finally absorbed by the three stone statues!

And the three giant shadows in the darkness also completely revealed their figures!

The most conspicuous one is a warrior with muscles bulging all over his body. His whole body is covered by hard armor, revealing a bit of red skin, as if possessing endless strange power!

Strong warrior!Durham!

Corresponding to him is a relatively slender warrior with only a little armor on his chest, his whole body is purple, and he is equipped with a strange weapon in his hand.

Junmin warrior!Hitler!

The middle one is a female giant with a crown-like headgear. The main body is gray with some golden patterns.

The dark yellow eyes seemed to reveal countless resentments, and the power of darkness in her body was also the strongest among the three!

Love and hate fighters!Camilla!

Tartarus looked at the three of them with a puzzled expression.

In his perception, the dark power of the three of them is not particularly strong, so how did they break free from the shackles of Absolut's power?

Unless their dark power is extremely high in nature!
It is so high that it can already compete with the power of Absolut!
Tartarus was not sure, he waved his hand, and signaled Jindi to go up and find out.

Jin Di nodded confidently. His body is also from an ultra-ancient warrior, and it has also been strengthened by the power of Absolut!

Facing the warriors who are also super ancient, there is no reason for him to fail!
He walked up to the dark trio swaggeringly, and asked with a sharp sword: "Who are you?"

Camilla just woke up from 3,000 million years of slumber, and she seemed a little uncomfortable. She moved her body and looked at Jindi lightly.

The moment her eyes touched Jindi, her eyes became surprised: "Tatum, why are you here?"

"Tatum? What are you talking about?" Jin Di also looked puzzled, could it be the original name of this body?
"No, you're not Tatum!"

Camilla shook her head, a stern look flashed in her eyes!
"I didn't expect that dirty humans would dare to invade the bodies of our former compatriots!" Durham said in a low voice, and the rumbling voice was deafening!

Just as Jin Di was about to strike up a conversation, there was a sudden pain in his chest, and countless sparks shot out!

Immediately, a ray of light exploded in front of his chest, directly knocking him flying backwards!

Tartarus moved away in disgust, and Jindi fell to the ground in embarrassment!
Hitler didn't know when he appeared in the air, with a look of disdain: "Just kill it directly, so there is so much nonsense."

"You are the remnants of the super ancient times. Let me ask you, do you know the power of destruction?" Tartarus asked lightly.

Although these three dark giants seemed to be capable, they were still under his control.

As long as there is no mysterious power similar to Tiga.

"What right do you have to question us?" Hitler smiled contemptuously. Although the golden giant's aura seemed to be much stronger than his, he was still fearless!

The current him is just too much energy consumption.

If he can really restore him to his heyday, he is confident that he will not be defeated in the battle against Tartarus!

"Hehe." Durham didn't say much, as the supreme combat power of the dark giants, he also has the capital to be arrogant!

Only Camilla didn't say a word, just looked at Tartarus quietly.

"You are their boss, you seem to be a smart man, let's talk."

Tartarus ignored the ridicule of the two, but just looked at Camilla quietly, and absolute destruction was brewing in his hands!

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