People in Ultra: Gain Saiyan blood at the beginning

Chapter 296 Contradictions, Struggles

Finally, after settling down in Laiye, Xiaolu and Peijia embarked on a journey home.

Along the way, Xiao Lu walked very slowly, kicking the stones on the side of the road from time to time, and occasionally stopped in a daze, as if he was lost in the sky.

Peijia didn't say a word, just silently followed Xiaolu's rhythm, and silently accompanied him.

After all, this is a limited road, and there will always be a time when it ends. When Xiao Lu stopped in front of a familiar house, he hesitated, not knowing whether he should go in or not.

Indeed, for the old man who didn't know anything, he should go home at this time.

However, he already knew who his biological father was, and stepping into the house at this moment meant a different meaning to him.

"Little Lu." Peijia stood aside, hesitating to speak, he really didn't know how to comfort Xiao Lu, he had already said everything he needed to say.

It's just that Xiao Lu can't pass his own test.

Looking at the familiar door, Xiao Lu finally sighed and shook his head. When he turned to leave, the door behind him suddenly opened.

A flashlight shone over, and then a familiar voice came: "Since you are back, why are you standing at the door and not entering the house?"

Bai Di stood at the door as if he was about to go out, with a flashlight in his hand, which was shining on Xiao Lu's back at the moment.

Xiao Lu was a little surprised. Dad is a ten thousand year old homeboy. Unless necessary, he usually doesn't go out. Is it a coincidence that he is going out now?
He didn't speak, and didn't run away, just stood there quietly, with complicated thoughts churning in his heart.

At this time, Xiang's voice came: "Master, didn't you say you were going out to find Xiao Lu? Why are you standing at the door?"

Xiang squeezed out from the door while putting on his jacket, seeing Xiao Lu standing there, he couldn't help smiling:
"Ah, so I found it, Master, now you can rest assured, you were still pretending to be calm before, you really are."

Bai Di put his elbow on Xiang's waist expressionlessly, interrupting his words in an instant, his eyes regained his usual calmness: "Since you're back, let's go inside, it's cold outside."

After finishing speaking, Bai Di didn't move, neither did Xiao Lu, he looked at Xiao Lu quietly, his eyes seemed to have more weight, making Xiao Lu more and more out of breath.

Or it could be said that the boredom in his heart made Xiao Lu even more out of breath. He is not even willing to face Bai Di now, because he doesn't know how to face him.

"Okay, Xiao Lu, come in quickly, what's the point of standing outside and blowing the cold wind." Xiang smoothed things over and dragged Xiao Lu home.

When Bai Di saw this, he didn't say much, he just went back to the house silently, let Xiang drag Xiao Lu in, and closed the door.

"I know that you are still angry with us because we don't believe your words, but what you said is really unbelievable."

"What monsters, giants, have never appeared in this world before."

"Only after reading the news today did I realize that it was all true, and a new giant appeared in today's latest evening paper. That giant is really handsome."

Looking at Xiao Lu who was still silent, Bai Di tried to speak to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Dad, do you think that giant is handsome? I remember you never cared about your appearance." Xiao Lu was a little surprised, he didn't expect Bai Di to give such an evaluation.

"Hehe, whoever said that he is handsome on the surface, I mean that although he is sloppy in fighting, he is like an underage child."

Xiao Lu's face suddenly collapsed, is this a compliment?

"But he fought monsters without hesitation just to protect certain things. Isn't such a handsome quality?" Bai Di couldn't help laughing, a child is a child, and you can't hide things in your heart
Seeing Bai Di's heartfelt smile, Xiao Lu couldn't help being a little dazed. Is Jiede so good in his father's eyes?
"Then have you ever thought that maybe that giant fought for atonement?" Xiao Lu couldn't help asking.

"Atonement? Even if it's for atonement, what he did is just. I think his behavior is worthy of praise."

"He's risking his life and working hard to protect human beings, that's enough, isn't it?" Bai Di smiled slightly.

"Speaking of Xiao Lu, why are you asking this? You are not that giant." Xiang walked over with a smile, interrupted Xiao Lu's questioning, patted Xiao Lu's shoulder, and said with emotion:

"You guys are really headstrong. We told you a word, and you just ran away from home. Do you know how worried Master is?"

Bai Di gave Xiang a hard look, and then Xiang fell silent, but anyone with a discerning eye could see his suppressed smile.

After Xiang came back with Bai Di, Bai Di was very calm on the surface, but he could obviously feel more and more anxious. He looked at the time from time to time, and even got up suddenly several times, but sat down slowly.

Xiang knew that with Master's ability, he must know where Xiao Lu is now.

So, he wanted to wait for Xiao Lu to come back by himself, but in fact he couldn't bear it anymore, until Xiao Lu was already standing at the door just now, Bai Di reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief, but still put on airs and refused to take the initiative open the door.

Until Xiao Lu turned his head to leave, he couldn't help but forcefully opened the door.

Overall, the master has not changed much, he is still the master who likes to be arrogant, even if he expresses his father's love, he must be so arrogant.

Bai Di coughed in embarrassment, and then waved his hand: "It's getting late, you should go to bed early, remember, you have to go to work tomorrow, you decided this yourself from the beginning."

"Don't worry, I will definitely do what I said, Dad." Xiao Lu nodded.

Bai Di pretended to be impatient, waved his hand again, and picked up the newspaper on the table: "Okay, okay, go and rest, I still need to read the newspaper."

Xiao Lu looked at his father who was pretending to be indifferent and smiled slightly. He was already familiar with the way of getting along with him, so he walked to Bai Di silently and poked him on the shoulder:

"Dad, your newspaper is upside down."

Bai Di's face darkened: "I just like to read words backwards, can't I?"


Xiang really couldn't help laughing out loud, but after seeing Bai Di's vicious gaze, he quickly covered his mouth, but the twitch of his shoulders was very obvious.

Xiao Lu couldn't help laughing, and didn't continue to disrupt the stage, and then walked to his room.

"Father, I will definitely do what I said, and I will definitely protect your safety, even if I sacrifice my life."

The door is closed, and the resolution is made.

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