People in Ultra: Gain Saiyan blood at the beginning

Chapter 443 The truth in contradiction, the final choice

"Combining the forces of creation and destruction."

The system said very seriously, when his speech speed started to increase crazily, and the spatial tremor became more and more intense:
"Bai Di, when you constructed the god's throne, you modeled it on the structure of the god of destruction, and each of the angel's gods has its own characteristics, which vary from person to person."

"Originally, creation and destruction are two extreme opposing forces, and it is impossible to fuse them together, but your god is constructed after the god of destruction, so let your power of good fortune and Beria's power of destruction be combined. A common place!"

"Anyway, I have no strength now, and there is only a wisp of remnant soul left in essence. Based on my years of experience, I will help you integrate. The probability of success is more than [-]%!"

"Even if it's not successful, it's at best that the power of good fortune and the power of destruction collide with each other, causing a super big explosion!"

"And if these two top-level opposing energies explode, even the God of Destruction can't stop them completely, and the worst is to die together!"

The system Beria quickly finished his plan, and then looked at Bai Di and Beria very seriously. The two did not hesitate much, after all, there is no other way now.

"What should I do?" Bai Di asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple, blend your gods together!"

As soon as the words fell, the space of consciousness shattered, and Bai Di and Beria also took control of their bodies. Without hesitation, they stood together in an instant, and the two gods came out through their bodies, and quickly merged!
System Beria waved his hand, and an extremely sharp blade of destruction slashed at the God of Destruction!
The God of Destruction didn't dare to be careless, he condensed the blade of destruction for the first time, and slashed at that attack!

And the system Beria took this opportunity, and in a flash, he came to the god of fusion in an instant. Without the slightest hesitation, he poured all his energy into the two extremely repulsive gods!

The bodies of Baidi and Beria shook violently, and the repulsion between the gods also affected them. The energy in their bodies was chaotic, and there was a possibility of explosion at any time!

After the God of Destruction blocked the last blow of the system Beria, his eyes suddenly widened and he screamed:

"You are crazy! You want to use this kind of suicide attack!"

The God of Destruction's scalp is numb, he knows better than anyone else, if the power of good fortune and the power of destruction do not cancel each other out, what horrible scene will happen!

But it was too late to escape at this moment, he could only use the power of destruction to surround himself heavily, reduce his area as much as possible, trying to survive this century explosion!

"Bai Di! Beria! Let him see the power of our Beria!"

The system Beria let out a roar, and the figure dissipated, and the two gods stabilized, completely fused into one, and turned into a half pure white half dark purple strange god!
And at the moment when the gods were completely merged, the figures of Bai Di and Beria also merged together, and an extremely strong light burst out instantly!
The God of Destruction quickly tightened his body, even he couldn't take this super big explosion lightly!

The ultimate explosion of the two newly promoted gods is probably able to destroy this universe.

It's just that the explosion he expected didn't happen, but a brand new warrior was born in the white-purple light!

This is an extremely contradictory warrior. His body is filled with the divine nature of creation and the demonic nature of destruction, as if the god and the devil are one, but these two extremely opposite energies are incomparably harmonious on his body!
He slowly raised his head, his eyes erupted with immeasurable divine light, the weird weather brought by the God of Destruction dissipated instantly, and the sky returned to its original color!
Seeing that the explosion didn't happen, God of Destruction looked curiously at the strange warrior through layers of protective cover, his eyes shrank suddenly, the aura of this guy was really strange!

He couldn't help asking, "Who are you?!"

The strange warrior said indifferently: "My name is Truth Beria."

"As for why it's called Truth Beria."

"Because my fist is big! The fist is the truth!"

Truth Belia roared and punched out, the powerful energy turned into a white-purple beam of light, instantly penetrated the layers of protective cover under the destroyed cloth, and punched him on the chest!
The God of Destruction's eyes widened, and he looked at his chest in disbelief, and there was a big hole there!
And Truth Beria just stood there and punched, and the wind of the fist instantly killed him!

The God of Destruction frantically wanted to use his own energy to repair his injury, but found that it could not be repaired at all. It seemed to be an irreversible damage forever, and it contained extremely contradictory creation and destruction. His divine power of destruction was destroyed as soon as he touched it. The contradictory energies are torn apart!


The God of Destruction murmured this sentence, and then his body began to collapse, turning into ashes and completely dissipating in this world.

Truth Beria also turned into Bai Di and Beria in a flash. However, their energy consumption was extremely intense at the moment, and they all turned into basic forms, with red light shining on their chests.

Not far away, Tiga no longer shines, and has turned into a red, purple, and silver giant, limping towards Bai Di and Belia, looking at the destroyed God of Destruction, he chuckled :
"It has to be you two."

Bai Di and Beria nodded slightly, they finally won this battle.

It's just that their respective god positions have been severely damaged by this forced fusion, and it will take a long time to repair them. At least recently, they don't want to use the power of destruction and the power of good fortune.

Di Jia looked at his appearance and smiled wryly: "I don't know if I can still be accepted by Camilla and the others."

He was also very helpless, in order to help Beria achieve the god position, he had to sacrifice his dark origin, which also turned him into a giant of light.

Dijia used his ultra power to find Camilla's location, but suddenly his expression froze, turned into a white light, and fled into the distance!

Bai Di and Beria felt a little strange, so they followed. In just a few seconds, they saw countless stone statues!
"This, this is."

Tiga was about to collapse. He touched Camilla's stone statue with trembling hands. He clearly felt that Camilla's soul seemed to be traumatized, and he had to rest for a long time. Otherwise, waking up now would only wake up the body. .

He understood why his energy had been continuously absorbed before. It turned out that they had been supplying energy to him!
Dijia's expression became extremely remorseful. He knew that he should cut off the connection of the magic circle directly. He forgot this!
It was he who killed Camilla, Durham and Hitler, and the entire family of dark giants!
"Dijia, I said that I came from the future, and they will be resurrected in the future." Baidi sighed, patted Dijia's shoulder, and comforted him.

"Really?" Dijia raised his head blankly and looked at Bai Di, as if trying to make sure he was comforting himself.

Bai Di nodded firmly: "I swear on my throne."

"They came back to life and brought you back to their planet."

Tiga nodded, and gently picked up the stone statues of Camilla, Durham, and Hitler. Baidi and others came to help, but unfortunately, the other dark giant stone statues were completely turned into fly ash when they touched it. Cannot be transported.

With a long sigh, Tiga could only take the three of them to Luluye, where he built a pyramid and hid it underground with his power.

Perhaps, as Bai Di said, after 3000 million years, they will be resurrected.

"What's your plan next?" Bai Di asked lightly.

Dijia sighed, here, he no longer has any partners, nor does he have any nostalgia.

"I want to go back to my hometown and have a look. I'm tired and I don't want to fight any more. As for these bodies, I'll leave them to the earthlings and let them resist monsters."

Di Jia looked down, and You Ling and the young man named Dagu were looking at them from below at the moment. There was a light of hope to protect them, and they were not the center of the battlefield, but they were lucky to have their lives saved.

Dijia smiled lightly and tapped his hand, and the young man named Dagu suddenly had a magic light stick in his hand.

"Young man, I can feel your kindness, so I entrust this body to you. I hope you can protect the earth well."

Dagu nodded ignorantly, Di Jia chuckled lightly, and then turned to Bai Di: "What about you? What are your plans?"

Before Bai Di could speak, the system whose phantom had faded countless times suddenly floated out, and he said lightly:

"Hey! I'm not dead yet. In fact, I really hope that you will take risks in the world I came from. There are more powerful people in that world, and there are not a few gods in that world."

"Of course I don't want to interfere with your opinion, choose for you, do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, the system waved its hand, and a space-time vortex suddenly appeared.Opposite the time-space vortex is the sea of ​​stars, the high-level world called Dragon Ball World, in which there are many powerful people in the realm of gods, and they also have more magical adventures.

Bai Di turned to look at Beria, and Beria snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter, I can do whatever."

Bai Di looked at the system again, the system also had a casual expression, then Bai Di looked at the space-time vortex and said lightly:
"My choice is."

(End of the book)

The next chapter is the postscript, which is some of my feelings after writing this book. In addition, there are also recommendations for my new works. If you like it, you can support it!

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