People in Ultra: Gain Saiyan blood at the beginning

Chapter 99 The Escaped King, The Mutant Hometown

Yinhe naturally felt Bai Di's hostility, and he felt unspeakable.

He just noticed the dark Lukiel just now, and wanted to use his nirvana to eliminate him, but who knew he was being used!
Now that I think about it, the reason why Dark Lugiel moved in his direction was not because he wanted to make a break with him, but because he caused a big trouble!
Yinhe had a bitter look on his face, that person was able to survive his Galaxy Supreme impact unscathed, it would be troublesome if he regarded himself as an enemy because of this.

Damn Dark Lukeel!
The water-blue light ball descended quickly, and the figure of the Milky Way walked out of it: "I'm sorry, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us"

"Misunderstanding?" Bai Di didn't want to listen to his sophistry, so he dodged directly to Yinhe's side, and slapped him with a stick!
Although he didn't understand why Yinhe and Dark Luke Aier were rivals, why Yinhe would help him stop him, but when he thought of the relationship between the two, Bai Di immediately understood!
The Milky Way and the Dark Lukiel are one in themselves!They just went to different paths because of their different ideas!

Just like myself and Beria!
Yinhe was caught off guard, and was hit hard in the crotch by the ultimate combat instrument. The pain was so painful that he bowed like a shrimp, and flew upside down in an instant!

Yinhe smashed several boulders one after another, and finally hit a high mountain. The mountain trembled, the gravel rolled down, and Yinhe's huge body fell powerlessly!
He knelt on the ground, supported his body with his hands, slowly turned over, and then leaned on the mountain, clutching his abdomen in pain.

Rumbling footsteps sounded, Yinhe endured the pain, looked up, and Bai Di had come in front of him!

"Senior, I was used just now." Yinhe said in pain, the pain that seemed to come from the soul made his life worse than death.

"Use? Hehe, didn't you cooperate well just now? The dark Lukiel attracted my attention, and you ended me with a certain kill. What a perfect tactic!" Bai Di sneered.

"Unfortunately, you guys misjudged my strength!"

"Senior! Look behind you! Dark Lukiel is going to run!" At the moment Bai Di was about to make a move, Yinhe suddenly exclaimed!
Not far away, the dark Lukiel shuddered. He tried his best to restrain his aura, and this guy Yinhe exposed him! ?
Bai Di looked at Yin Yin with an idiot look on his face: "Do you think this low-level deception will work?"

Hearing this, Dark Luke Aier heaved a sigh of relief, and quietly touched the Dark Spark again. Now, the conventional means of escape are useless, and there is only one way left!
"Senior! It's true! I will never lie to you!" Yinhe immediately became anxious. If Dark Lugiel ran away, he would be completely blamed!
Bai Di looked suspiciously at the anxious Yinhe, it didn't look like he was lying.

At this time, the dark Lukiel also took back the dark spark, and the power of darkness surged, all gathered towards the dark spark, and a black vortex suddenly appeared!
At the moment when the dark sparks fluctuated, Bai Di noticed it, and he turned around quickly, just in time to see the formation of the black vortex!

"Want to leave? Belial's Death Scythe!" Bai Di's eyes were full of chills, the ultimate combat instrument swept across, and a blue-white light blade instantly formed, heading straight for the black vortex!

Lu Ji Aier in the dark wanted to say a few harsh words to support the scene, but he didn't expect that the Baidi people didn't speak much harsh words, so they came up and started fighting!
He was so frightened that he quickly fled into the black vortex, which dimmed visibly to the naked eye, and the blue-white light blade also chased in at the last moment!
"Ah!!!" Accompanied by a horrific scream, the black vortex dissipated completely, and the monsters present lost control and turned back into spark dolls one after another.

Bai Di's eyes were cold, and the duck he got flew away!His eyes turned to Yinhe, it was a good thing this guy ruined himself!
The severe pain in Yinhe's lower body has also relieved a lot at this moment, and he barely stands up while supporting the mountain next to him, but his legs are still trembling uncontrollably. Seeing Bai Di's eyes, he felt a chill in his heart!
Sure enough, Bai Di appeared in front of him in the next second and punched him in the face!

Yinhe didn't have time to react, his head and body were almost bent at 90°, he felt as if he was hit by a high-speed starship, and flew backwards in an instant!

The first thought of Galaxy flying out turned out to be luckily it didn't hit the bottom.
Without waiting for Yinhe to land, Bai Di appeared above him again, and the ultimate combat instrument slammed down hard!
Yinhe was hit hard and fell to the ground. The severe pain in his chest made his drowsy head clear a lot. When he saw Baidi falling next to him again, he was so frightened that he said, "Senior! I know where the dark Lukiel is going. Already!"

"Oh?" Bai Di put down the ultimate combat instrument raised again, picked up Yinhe with one hand, and pressed him on a high mountain: "Tell me, where did he escape to?"

The galaxy spoke with difficulty: "Dark Lugiel can transfer time and space through dark sparks, and he escaped just now in this way!"

"He can use this trick to escape to a universe with a different time flow rate, and use the time difference to recover his injuries!"

"Nonsense! What I need to know is how to find him!" Bai Di was a little irritable.

"Senior, you must have remembered his aura, right? As long as you remember his aura, you can find the universe he traveled through! That's how I chased him!" Yin Yin felt that Bai Di's strength was gradually increasing, and said quickly.

"With my strength, I can only travel to that universe by myself, senior." Yin Yin looked at Bai Di aggrievedly.

"Then why are you talking so much nonsense!" Bai Di impatiently waved the ultimate combat device, which happened to hit the place where Yinhe was injured before!

"Woo..." Yin Yin snorted, rolled his eyes, and passed out from the pain!
Looking at the unconscious Yinhe, Bai Di picked him up and shook him, but seeing that there was really no reaction, he casually threw him on the ground.

Bai Di was a little puzzled. He didn't seem to have played hard. The Galaxy's ability to resist blows was far worse than that of the Dark Lugiel. How did the Galaxy manage to be [-]-[-] with the Dark Lugiel?
Under Bai Di's puzzled gaze, Yinhe, who had obviously lost consciousness, curled up silently, covered a certain part with his hands, and then completely remained still.

Bai Di seemed to understand something, suddenly felt a little guilty, and smiled awkwardly: "Well, this time, I won't care about what you did to me, and we'll be even!"

"If you don't speak, it will be regarded as your acquiescence." How could Yinhe, who was unconscious, answer?
As soon as Bai Di raised his hand, a hurricane of energy swept across the audience, and all the scattered spark puppets fell into his hands: "These things can just be studied by Herodia to see if they can be strengthened."

Afterwards, Bai Di turned into a blue light and disappeared.

After a long time.

The unconscious Yinhe wakes up slowly, he tremblingly takes out the Galaxy sparks, a burst of silver light shines, and a water-blue vortex appears, Yinhe drags his seriously injured body, slowly steps into the vortex: "This universe is so dangerous"

He'd better hurry up and hunt down Dark Lukiel, and if he was killed earlier, he would be able to go back sooner.

"Hey, you guys follow closely, if you accidentally get lost in the space tunnel, I don't care!" A colorful vortex suddenly appeared, and Sai Luo's voice came from it.

There was unconcealable excitement in his voice, he always felt uncomfortable in a universe where the energy of light could not be replenished.

"Got it, got it!" The Flame Warrior turned into a red light and rushed out of the vortex first, followed by Sai Luo, Mirror Knight, and Jambert.

"Is this the universe of Zero?" Mirror Knight looked around curiously.

"Sai Luo, what's the matter with you?" Jambert noticed Sai Luo's strangeness. He was obviously excited before, but why did he seem to be in a low mood after he really came back?

"I, I don't know. After I came back, I felt empty in my heart, as if I had lost something important." Sai Luo clutched his chest, and the strong palpitations made him panic.

A silver light in the distance seemed to sense something, turned around instantly, and came straight to Sai Luo!

"Sai Luo! Be careful!" The mirror knight suddenly stood in front of Sai Luo!
"No! That's it!" Sai Luo stepped forward in horror, and the silver light fell steadily into his hand. It was his father's ice axe!

"Not good! Kingdom of Light!" Sai Luo suddenly turned into a ray of light and disappeared in place. The other three looked at each other and quickly chased Sai Luo away!

"How could this happen! Everyone!" Sai Luo looked at the spark dolls floating in the universe, and was at a loss for a while.

Afterwards, the three of them also arrived. Looking at the puppets everywhere, the Pyro Warrior couldn't help complaining, "Why are there so many toys, Sai Luo, so your family runs a toy store?"

The Mirror Knight elbowed the Pyro Warrior abruptly, signaling him to shut up, while Jambert picked up a spark puppet and began to scan and analyze it.

"Master Leo!" Sai Luo saw a familiar spark puppet, it was Leo!
He rushed up and held Leo in his hands: "Master Leo! Master Leo! Say something!"

No one responded, Sai Luo clenched his fists, is everyone dead? !
"Who is it!?" Sai Luo raised his head and roared angrily, the bracelet on his hand glowed faintly, and the ultimate armor was almost about to appear!

"Sai Luo, calm down. After my analysis, they should be fine, but they were forcibly sealed by an energy. If there is enough energy, they should be able to reactivate them!" Jambert said quickly.

"Powerful energy? That's right! Plasma Spark Tower!" Sai Luo looked into the distance, the Plasma Spark Tower was still shining, and the energy core was still there!
"Help me collect all these dolls! I'll go to the Plasma Spark Tower first!" Sero picked up the dolls of Hikari and Leo and ordered hurriedly, then turned into a streamer and went straight to the Plasma Spark tower!

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