Pokemon: Team Rocket

Chapter 109 Sirona's fast dragon?Crossing the anger

"Xiao Luo, it's time for you to use the fifth elf."

Ye Tong looked at Ronaldinho who took out two elf balls, and said something in response.

The current situation has almost established a victory for him, but Ye Tong did not take it lightly.

With the official odds of 46, Ronaldinho's remaining two spirits are definitely very difficult to deal with.

"Ye Tong, do you really want me to use the fifth elf?"

Suddenly, Ronaldinho raised his head, revealing a pair of bright eyes under the huge black clothes.

Immediately, under Ye Tong's gaze, Xiao Luo raised his right hand high, revealing this flowery green elf ball.

Wildball in the Wild Wilderness Zone!
When Ye Tong saw this field ball, his eyes widened. He was too familiar with this field ball. It was the elf he used to be his trump card, and there was a unique mark on it.

"Sirona, it's you!"

In one word, he directly said the name of the man in black in front of him, and Ye Tong's face was full of disbelief.

This Sirona, hiding her identity with her field ball, participated in the Quartz Conference!
On the other hand, the man in black had a guilty expression on his face, and he took off his black clothes, revealing his original graceful appearance.


Looking at Ye Tong, Sirona's face was full of apology.

Before Ye Tong could answer, the host's voice sounded in the arena.

"Oh my god, Ronaldinho's player is actually Sirona, the regional champion from Sinnoh for three consecutive years!"

The audience was in an uproar, and all of a sudden, the entire audience was boiling. On the sidelines, the faces of the four heavenly kings were all different, and even Du showed a horrified expression.

"It turned out to be her, no wonder the conference predicted it like this." Du looked at Kona and said, "You should have known it a long time ago."

Ke Na smiled without saying a word, but turned his eyes to Ye Tong in the field, with a faint worried expression.

On the other side, Kona and Lambda, who thought they were sure of everything, changed their faces drastically.

"That baby, didn't she travel with Ye Tong? Why did she participate in the Quartz Conference!" Lambda seemed a little surprised.

"She was collecting medals together, but I didn't expect her to participate in this way."

Ke Lun said something aside, moved his eyes to the field, and said:

"I don't know if this baby has brought her champion spirit from Sinnoh. If she does, Ye Tong will be in danger..."


In the field, Ye Tong, who kept the attitudes of all parties in his ears, didn't care so much. He stared at Sirona and said, "Why?"

He has a lot of doubts in his mind now, why Sirona wants to take away her finale elf, and why she hides her identity to participate in the Quartz Conference, why she didn't say goodbye and why she lied to herself, there are too many, and I can't figure it out.

Sirona froze for a moment, then said with a gloomy expression: "My elf in Kanto can't beat you at all. If that elf is given to you, I can only lose."

"I don't want to lie to you, but I have to lie to you. I want to win this championship, and I use the elves from Kanto to win this championship."

"...This answer is somewhat impeccable."

Ye Tong was helpless, but finally heaved a sigh.

Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations, and everyone has their own dreams, but on the way forward for their dreams, each has its own means.

Whether he cheats or not, it's just a reason and an excuse for doing this.

"You mean you want to use my elf to defeat me, right, okay, come on."

Nodding his head, Ye Tong didn't say too much, he took the old poke ball back, and took out another ordinary poke ball with red and white classic color scheme.

Sirona looked at Ye Tong who didn't seem to care much, and was stunned for a while, before finally gritting her teeth.

"it is good."

"Go, fast dragon!!!"

The elf ball was thrown, and a streamlined brown fast dragon jumped out of the elf ball.

"Kuailong's combat power is 3231, and its level is 55."

Kuailong, an elf that Ye Tong has worked so hard to collect from the wild wilderness area, has been carefully cultivated along the way, just to keep a hole card in the Quartz Conference.

But now, Sirona took this hole card and used it against herself.


Kuailong flew out of the elf ball, and after seeing that his opponent was Ye Tong, he froze for a moment, and made a doubtful sound in his throat.

"Kuailong, help me win this game, and I will let you return to your master!" Sirona gritted her teeth and shouted, raising the elf ball in her hand.

When Kuailong heard this sentence, his expression changed again, and he looked at Ye Tong.

Obviously, in just a few days, Sirona could not replace Ye Tong's position in Kuailong's heart.

"Come on, come on, listen to her, just right, I also want to see if you have made progress during this time."

Ye Tong waved his hand, as if he threw the elf ball out of boredom.

"Go, Flash Gyarados!"


With a huge roar, a super monster appeared in the arena, and the flashing Gyarados appeared, and the atmosphere in the arena changed again.

"My God, what is that!"

"How can there be such a big elf in the world!"

"Is that still a Gyarados?"


Two false king elves appeared!

In the arena, compared to other spectators who were amazed by the huge body of the Glitter Gyarados, the Four Heavenly Kings and they were about to be even more amazed.

Especially the heavenly kings who were originally surprised by the power of Yetong's fire-breathing dragon were even more horrified.

They all heard Sirona's words, this fast dragon also belongs to Ye Tong, so doesn't that mean——

Three false kings, Ye Tong alone has three false king spirits!

"Where did this kid get so many elves with extraordinary potential?" Du said, staring at Ye Tong in the field.

In the next second, when Du's eyes moved to the fast dragon, he bit his teeth even more after finding an obvious scar on its left leg.

"That's... my Kuailong!"

As the sub-divine beast in the Kanto region, the Kuailong is very rare in number. The miniature dragon in the wild field area was captured with great effort. For this reason, it accidentally left a scar on the miniature dragon.

Originally, when Caesar handed in the miniature dragon that he got from Ye Dongan, Shidu was a little puzzled as to why the miniature dragon's scars disappeared, and in the end he thought it was healed up. Now, after discovering this fast dragon here, Du Everything is understood.

"Caesar! You actually helped this kid to lie to me!"

Du, who already knew the relationship between Caesar and Ye Dongan, was completely angry, and stood up as soon as he slapped the armrest.

On the one hand, Kona and Juzi, who saw this scene, hurriedly stopped Du, and Juzi hurriedly said: "Du, this is a competition, you can't interrupt it, otherwise you will be punished by the association!"


Du's face was gloomy, he glanced at the people around him and the commissioner of the association not far away, snorted coldly, and finally sat down.

The Quartz Conference does not allow any external interference, even if he is the strongest king of heaven, he must weigh the anger from the entire Elven Union Conference Association.

"so far so good."

Seeing that Du sat down and didn't get angry on the spot, Kona and Juzi were relieved, but they didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Just looking at Du's appearance, they all knew how much anger was brewing in Du's heart now.

And this anger will be borne by Ye Tong and Caesar in the end!

In the arena, Ye Tong, who didn't know that a storm was gathering, was enjoying the cheers of the audience.

At level 51, the flashing Gyarados with a combat power of 3156 points is now close to the size of a hill, appearing in the arena, almost filling the arena.

"System prompt: The intimidating feature of the flashing Gyarados is in effect, and the Kuailong's combat power is 3231 >> 3131. Due to the limitation of the Kuailong's racial value, the intimidating effect is reduced."

Dropped 100 combat power?It's okay too.

Ye Tong nodded, looking at Sirona opposite, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Once upon a time, I was able to fight the champion in an upright manner, but I still forced the opponent to use my elves to fight against me.

And this fast dragon, Ye Tong, who knows its characteristics well, can definitely defeat it with the flashing Gyarados!

Turning his head to glance at the championship trophy placed under the flame, Ye Tong felt that everything was at his fingertips.

"Sirona, make a move!"

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